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Isn't that deeply cruel?
Some people don't seem to have a mature understanding of sexuality or how it is integral to all humans gay or str'8 and cannot be changed, it cannot logically be a sin to be gay in a loving physical relationship, but any manifestation of gayness is sinful according to some people...I say celibacy is for nuns & priests.

Look at this quote from a previous answer from marianne:
"If you removed the gayness from a person, you would be one step closer to salvation for the person, if he will be humble enough to accept christ in his heart , and stay away from the sin. Gayness represents the rejection of Christ in a person's life, and self deception that gayness is not sinful, but it is. If gayness is an integral part of a person, then the person is in sin, and needs to repent. They are addicted and do not understand this. It is a form of bondage just like other forms of sin. You cannot come to Jesus without first repenting, and asking for forgiveness."

2006-07-15 01:06:16 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sashmead2001, are those Christian funded studies you mention because I am not aware of any such thing . No-one familiar with the medical research accepts that sexuality either str'8 or gay can be chosen or successfully changed, male homosexuality is a normal human variation like height or IQ.

2006-07-15 01:21:06 · update #1

25 answers

homosexuality is not a sin

2006-07-15 01:10:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

As you know I am an atheist and a prophet of reality. I think theists suffer from a delusion. Specifically the Christians have this psychosis of two gods, or three or whatever, one who is this father figure who has a beard and a staff and a robe and he flooded the earth and threw sulphur at Sodom. One of the reasons in the mythology in Genesis is because Sodom had some homosexual activity.
In the mythology in Leviticus the use of the word abomination is used in reference to male homosexual activity.
Further in the New Testement, this is their mythology of the zombie creature Jesus, whom they claim was a God,
there is a man named Saul or Paul depending, identity crisis here, the man was a murderer who "found God" and stopped being a murderer. Then he wrote letters to some of the churches. In one of his letters to the Romans he talked about how the homosexual behavior is a "sin".

Even in the book of Revelation in the last few sentances we read the sexually immorral won't be allowed to have anything from the tree of life, which is neccessary in the mythology to stand in the prescense of the father god figure. Some say that the Jesus zombie myth is the actual tree of life.

So what is it you are trying to do really, you can't change Genesis Leviticus Romans or Revelation. You won't change their book.

All you can do is unplug them from this theocratic prison of their mind that has brainwashed them into believing their mythology book is a word for word account of their mythological God.

Instead of accepting that their is a God and changing what he said convince them there is no God.

I see you here every day trying to get Christians to accept you for being homosexual, or bisexual, or maybe you are just for gay rights and you think they should be included in heaven.

They won't accept you, and in their mythology the heaven won't have gay rights.

I'm sorry.

2006-07-15 08:14:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have just read the preceeding answers. Interesting mix.

No doubt there are good people that have done good things that happen to be gay. Being good will not gain you salvation. There will be a lot of "Good" people in Hell... Gay or Straight.

Sinning is not measured on whether you hurt other people or not. "Can't be a sin...I'm not hurting anyone else." Sin is simply when you sin against God by disobeying what he commands of us. He has given us freewill so we can choose what we want. However, there are consequences to our choices and actions. Sin is basically when we go our own path and WE separate ourselves from God and the salvation he offers us.

When God created Earth and Men, there was a natural order to things. When Sin entered time and space through the disobedience of Eve, and then Adam; their pride in wanting to do what they wanted... disordered desires entered.

Homosexuality is disordered and against God's will. It is a sin against God and it is a choice some make. Just as a straight male desires sex with many different women. He likes it... wants to do it...but it is a choice to do it and that too is in fact disordered in God's will. Abusing our bodies with alcohol and drugs to excess is contrary to God's plan for us... a disordered desire for physical enjoyment that is destructive.

In the end we simply have to decide if we will surrender to God and live for him or do we deny Him with our excuses and live for ourselves. Paul said, I have been crucified with Christ... it is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives within me.

Homosexuality is a Sin. There are many, many other Sins as well. Each and every one of us has one that we like and must turn away from. Lay down the sin, pick up your cross and follow Christ. That is the only way to eternal salvation.....sorry.

2006-07-15 08:33:29 · answer #3 · answered by Augustine 6 · 0 0

It is true I cannot make a person something their not! God changes the heart. God calls one the repentance! To live a gay lifestyle is a sin & only God can bring someone to repent of this sin just like all sins. Its a integral part of them because Satan has put it their.
Someday when the time is right God will open their eyes to see that this is a sin. No one or no church can save them! But God will!

2006-07-15 08:19:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For every sickness there is always a cure but (please read about 'Sodom Town') in The Bible and The Al-Quran. When Adam and Eve was sent down to earth they were given the most powerful 'weapon' (The Brain) to protect themselves on Earth. Pls think why God create Man and Woman? Gayness can be cured if we are frightened of God. In our daily life we are always in search of something.Something that we don't have, be it God, money, sex or blah blah. So you see we look for something that we don't have not what we have if you know what i mean. Not that ay people are beyond saving but like the saying goes if there's a will there's a will

2006-07-15 08:38:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's the act that's a sin; mentally, physically, emotionally. One can say they are attracted to the same sex, it's hard when you feel this way, but it's what you do that becomes the sin. A man can be attracted to a woman, and as long as his heart stays clean through his mind, then he'll be on the right path. No one is beyond salvation.

2006-07-15 08:19:15 · answer #6 · answered by thisisme 3 · 0 0

With God gayness is not the issue. The question is "Who does the person say that Jesus is?" and "Do they have a relationship with God?" There aren't any sins that God has not forgiven with the exception of blasphmey against the HolyGhost.

Who set men up to be Gods and make judgements anyway?

2006-07-15 08:11:00 · answer #7 · answered by Lady Di-USA 4 · 0 0

No, for we all have inbuilt sin. It doesn't really matter what the sin is. All Christians who have been saved sin until the day they die. That does not mean they haven't been saved, but they have asked for God's forgiveness. And when we ask for forgiveness, we don't just ask for sins we have already commited, but for those we are still yet to sin, as God is not bound by time. That does not, however mean we shouldn't regularly ask for forgiveness as we are bound by time.

However, studies have indicated on several occaisions that sexuality is more flexible than generally thought. (Just in response to your statement "[sexuality] cannot be changed".).

2006-07-15 08:13:17 · answer #8 · answered by sashmead2001 5 · 0 0

Being the supreme blabbermouth, I'd make many comments about this for the sake of friendly discussion with you, my firend. But I will try to keep it short:
-Salvation comes from trusting in Christ to save you.
-It is God's will/desire for all of us to shed our sinful decisions after salvation.
-We all have a very difficult time doing that, whether it be lying, slander, sex outside of marriage, lustful eyes, or gay enticement.
-All of those sinful things we do after we are saved (going to heaven) hinder a clear connection/relationship with God.
-Those who completely snub Christ's commands to pursue holiness might be suggesting that they never genuinely trusted Christ as savior.since part of trusting Him involves a rejection of sin.

Many many many radical Christians insist that homosexuality must stop altogether before one can become a Christian. That is nonsense. Try running that by Peter, who continuously screwed up right in front of Jesus.
The Christian life is learning to submit to Him after meeting him in a personal relationship and recognizing his authority over all things...even your own life.
If you'd like to discuss the concept that gay sexuality is sinful, Id be happy to address that one too.

2006-07-15 08:19:13 · answer #9 · answered by mesatratah 2 · 0 0

From the perspective of the Tanakh, the sin is in the action, not the thought.

From the perspective of the New Testament, the sin is in the thought.

In both instances, the sin is that one is committing adultery.

The individual can be saved.The question is whether they are willing to sin no more.

2006-07-15 08:29:07 · answer #10 · answered by jblake80856 3 · 0 0

Jesus loves all sinners and wishes them saved. If you love the Lord pray for your salvation and eternal soul turn away from that which makes you a sinner... Cast off all sin and repent and you shall know the lord. Live YOUR life, in all due time we will all be judged.

2006-07-15 08:12:06 · answer #11 · answered by daddieslilgirl 3 · 0 0

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