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We are told to love the sinner but hate the sin...
this goes a bit awry when applied to alleged "sins" that are integral to the identity of the person like gays for instance.

Gays cannot give up their alleged "sin" without giving up their gayness, gayness is integral to them...if you could remove the gayness from the gay person what would you have?..

Some people find elements of Christianity hateful, should they love the Christian but hate the Christianity? and if the Christianity was removed from a Christian what would be left?... it's a very similar thing,

Still it would be easier to remove the Christianity from a person than to remove the Gayness from a person because Christianity is a religious choice but human sexuality cannot be chosen.

2006-07-15 00:32:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What do you think?

2006-07-15 00:37:47 · update #1

quote "Gayness represents the rejection of Christ in a person's life" ....Wrong! try again.

2006-07-15 00:50:18 · update #2

shining1,you are wrong people don't "do" homosexuality they are homosexual by nature...now you are being very silly indeed, neither homosxexuality or heterosexuality should or can be reduced to acts, How's this? if you are heterosexual and keep doing it you will get a smack...now how childish is that... honestly!

2006-07-15 01:13:12 · update #3

9 answers

You aren't "born that way". There could not be a "gay gene", such a thing would be totally self-defeating, and would not line up with evolution, which is all about preservation of the species. Survival of the fitttest depends on the ability to mate and produce offspring.

"Gay animals" are generally not too concerned with the sex of the other animal. They're just horny, and looking for the closest outlet. Since when are human beings supposed to pattern their sexuality by what they see in the animal world, anyhow? "Daddy, get the hose! Brother is screwing Momma in the front yard again!"

Gayness is being promoted by the media right now, for some reason. Curious kids will try just about anything...especially if their elders are condemning it. That isn't always a bad thing, since kids have to grow up and express their own individuality...but we surely don't want to "push" them into drug abuse, gangs, or promiscuity by making it a "cause".

Gayness is not an integral part of any normal person, or, for that matter, any normal animal. As a public "cause" it carries the potential for much more harm than good.

So, what is left if remove the "gayness" from a gay person? Someone who is not fighting his own nature, screwing like an animal, or luring young impressionable kids into unhealthy choices. The person may need therapy in order to re-orient themselves to their own innate sexuality, but in the long run, you will have a much happier, functioning adult.

LOL, I could now make my case for Christianity, but I think this answer is already too long.

2006-07-15 01:40:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If you removed the christianity from the christian you would have an unsaved person, someone without christ in their hearts. They would return to the sinnful way they were. Christianity is not a sin. It represents the rejection of sin by trusting in Jesus for forgiveness.

If you removed the gayness from a person, you would be one step closer to salvation for the person, if he will be humble enough to accept christ in his heart , and stay away from the sin. Gayness represents the rejection of Christ in a person's life, and self deception that gayness is not sinful, but it is. If gayness is an integral part of a person, then the person is in sin, and needs to repent. They are addicted and do not understand this. It is a form of bondage just like other forms of sin. You cannot come to Jesus without first repenting, and asking for forgiveness.

2006-07-15 07:42:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Homosexual ACTS are the sin - it is not a sin to be homosexually oriented.

That's an important distinction. Just as there are people out there who are genetically predisposed to alcoholism or who can get easily hooked on gambling and yet can avoid committing these sins, I also believe that homosexuals can avoid sin with the help of God. Indeed, I believe that all of us are saddled with a proclivity to sin of one sort or another that we must struggle with our entire lives - Paul called his a "thorn in the flesh" - that helps keeps us humble and always cognizant that we are in need of God's constant grace, not the strength of our own will, to remain pure.

I don't know if I'm right about all this; but if I am, and if more people were honest with each other and spoke freely about their temptations, we would not be so hard on one another because we would recognize that we are all in the same boat. I do not know why Christians give homosexuals such a hard time - their ful acts are just as deadly, just as fatal, as any other.

2006-07-15 17:30:18 · answer #3 · answered by jimbob 6 · 0 0

Now I understood you are a christian. Christians are those who walks just opposite to the path christ walked. Good... keep walking and get distanced from Christ.

Christ taught, gays(all fellow beings) are your brothers and even prostitutes are your sisters. Protect and love them. Christianity is practicing everything oppsite to Christ. Christ was with poor, suffering fellow beings. The so called Christs's followers like Pope and the people below his rankings sits in mansions. Do not even go to the troubled areas of the world. Enjoys the best food and wine. I strongly believe, The christians now is the jews of christs' time who killed him......read bible which teaches to love neighbour and put 2 bombs at Iraq. Now, I am sure, christ will come again not to take the sins of christians but to punish the guilty. Refer law of Karma.

To bring down the Governement of Najibullah of Afghanistan, USA gave all supports to Taliban and Al-quida. Now they are swallowing the poison created by themself. I request and plead the rich christians who got power to make a change. Law of karma acts when the time ripens. Do not accumulate more bad Karmas. Be with poor suffering people. Whether they are in Afghanistan, Kenya or in Vietnam. Even the Islamic terrorism in India is "Made in USA". When India was more friendly with USSR, USA wanted to create an equal power against India and trouble as well. USA supplied arms and even nuclear weapons to Pakistan indirectly. They always supported a non-democratic country against the world's largest democratic country.

Kindly, look at the past mistakes...this is not an abuse. and then correct the path for a betterco-existence of all so dear christians, go back to bible.....love all.

2006-07-15 08:25:09 · answer #4 · answered by r_govardhanam 3 · 0 0

gayness is a choice just as Christianity is a choice...I choose to be a christian and one chooses to be a homosexual.....it is possible to love the sinner and not the sin.....I can have a friendship with one who chooses to be gay but I will not participate in any part of their lifestyle that promotes their gayness.....just as they can be friends with a christian and not do things that promote Christianity.....such as don't go to church with me...don't worship with me...don't talk of religion with me if uncomfortable about it.....just as I wouldn't talk of their lifestyle with them if i was uncomfortable.....
it seems that there is always going to be some that are upset because they are not accepted by everyone and I believe that is why there is so much contention between gays and Christians...because one wants the other to accept their lifestyle and it wont happen.....but as for your question one is very much able to Love the sinner and not the sin......I have family and friends that I love dearly and they do not embrass my life as a christian....and I don't embrass their lifestyle as well...but we get along and I respect them in other choices in their life......it is a case of being mature enough to be able to walk in ones beliefs and not be swayed or threatened by anothers beliefs....I believe actions speak louder than words.....don't just preach it live it....

2006-07-15 07:53:38 · answer #5 · answered by shiningon 6 · 0 0

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas Gandhi

So what are we left with, a person who is no longer a christian.

2006-07-15 07:37:59 · answer #6 · answered by laetusatheos 6 · 0 0

What are we left with if we remove ignorance from a bigot. A better world.

2006-07-15 07:45:38 · answer #7 · answered by Gallivanting Galactic Gadfly 6 · 0 0

I suppose, since this is an "if" question and therefore no answer can be correct, someone like you?

2006-07-15 07:38:33 · answer #8 · answered by Mr.Wise 6 · 0 0

hahahahaha. dream on sucker.

Everyone that believes this...stand on there head.

2006-07-15 08:40:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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