Depends on how old they are...
Warm milk...
Later, after they've started eating solid food (like tuna), give them kitten food (commercial)... or keep giving them healthy stuff - like tuna mixed with a little pasta...
Are you sure the mother is not coming around?
2006-07-14 17:58:36
answer #1
answered by cosmosclara 6
now this is a question i can answer. If you found some baby kittens, no matter what age as long as they are stil kittens, then it's best to feed them milk in a small container. If you get the feeling that theyre still hungry after drinking then it'll be time for soft rice and maybe some mushed up fish! try this until they can eat on their own. Hope that helped!
2006-07-15 00:59:11
answer #2
answered by unknown 2
Kitten milk replacement formula, you can get it from Petco, and special bottles too. If they're big enough, let them drink it out of a bowl. BUT if the mother cat comes back, put the kittens right back where you found them, she'll get stressed if she comes back and they're not there. Oh and especially tiny kittens, under 4 weeks old, need help going to the bathroom. Yeah, I've had to do it before...
2006-07-15 00:56:47
answer #3
answered by MuñecaBarbie 3
don't give them cows milk. Half of the cat population is lactose intolerant which means they can get diarrhea and die. If it's too late to go to the pet store tonight, you can give them a little water with caro syrup for overnight then frst thing in the morning, go get kitten milk replacemant (KMR) there are other brands but iv'e raised 2 litters succesfully using this. Also are their're eyes open?
oh, if their eyes are open, they are at least ten days old, if they are less than about 3 weeks they need to be keep on a heating pad. yes stimulate to go potty until about 3 weeks old. They can use a litter bot by about 4 weeks. iv'e always mixed canned kitten food mixed with the KMR after about 4 weeks to get them to solid food. Fish is not good for a cat long term.
2006-07-15 00:59:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First do not touch them until you are sure their mom is not around leave some cat food near them she may come back.
if you see the mom has not come back take until tomorrow take them to the vet to have them checked out he can tell you how old their are.
once you will know it will be easier for you to know what to feed them.
If they are between one day to three and half week what they need is babycat formula. Several companies has that the two best are royal canin and KMR. I recommend royal canin it comes with a bottle three bags of formula and a small bag of dry baby cat food for later on.
If his older go straight to the second paragraph in the food section.
Now to how to take care of him
Mix two-tea spoon of powder and four-tea spoon of warm water. Feed every four hours.
There will probably be extra milk in the bottle, when he will finish to eat just put it in the fridge and use it next time warm it for 20 seconds in the microwave and let it cool for about a minute.
Make sure to massage his belly after each meal it will help him digest his food batter.
In another week and half start mixing with his milk some canned A/D of science diet do that for a week and each feeding increase the amount of A/D and decrease the amount of milk here you can start feeding him every six hours.
Get from you vet a 10CC syringe you will need, as the food will get thicker with each feeding.
After one week stop with the milk and mix the A/D with some royal canin baby cat dry food, you can stop with the syringe and give it to him on a flat plate or a flat box top each day decrease the amount of wet food and increase the dry food within a week or two he should eat dry food alone. Make sure that he will have dry food in a small bowl all the time now, as he will get used to eating only that. Buy him royal canin babycat 34 it’s the best kitten food for kittens at his age.
Warming him:
Take a big towel and fold it a few times in the top fold put a water warm bottle. Change the water with each feeding, in about month you can stop with the water bottle.
Wet some cotton in lukewarm water and squze it to get most of the water leave it moist. Gently before each meal rub the kitten rear. Make sure to do that above some toilet paper or he’ll do his things on you.
In about two weeks prepare him small low box with some cat sand to do his things in it. They just learn alone. Instincts.
If he hasn’t done his needs in over two days take him to the vet.
2006-07-15 11:30:50
answer #5
answered by hot_for_georgeclooney 3
Approx how old do you think they are? If they are little get an eyedropper and feed them reqular milk. It will take them a while to adjust to the eyedroper. If they are around 7-8 weeks old give them soft kitten food. Hope this helped:)
2006-07-15 00:56:57
answer #6
answered by MICKIE J 1
You can feed them kitten milk replacement. Or probably the best thing to do is to call your local vet or animal shelter and ask them whats the best thing for you to do. They are the experts and can give you the best advise. Hope this all works out for you. Also watch for mama. She will get very stressed if her babies are missing. Your vet or local animal shelter can help you out. Call a few for the best answer.
2006-07-15 04:37:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would go and get some kitten formula and bottles and feed them that way... You can find all that stuff like at a walmart in the pet section or you could go to a vet or you could go to a near by pet store.. Either way one of them should have them.. I dont think its that expensive either..
2006-07-15 12:12:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
get a flashlight and crawl out into an open field at night time. Catch some field mice, one for each kitten, and put them into a shoebox with straw in it. Do this every night until the kittens are old enough to hunt for themselves or until you get arrested.
The kittens will love you for it and refer to you as their crazy mother. Do you have any batteries????
2006-07-15 01:33:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i found a kitten that was about 4 days old and i feed it milk replacement for kittens don't give it regular milk it will make it sick
2006-07-15 01:10:27
answer #10
answered by JADE M 2