Gen.1:1,2; All existed as created, time evident as billions.
Gen.1:3-31[Earth a focus, 41,870 to Eden + 7,130 years to 49,000];
Water and light there[Day one to Day four, more stars light,
ground and water, perfect for grass, herbs, trees and fruit,
day five water flesh creations, day six domestic animals and in Eden
man from dust as flesh souls, life of soul is Spirit of creator Num.15:22].
John 17:3,5,24[Jesus was with God before the world was Exo.6:3];
God Said," Let us make man." Col.1:13-18; Eph.3:21[world without end];
Job 38:4-7[Angels saw earth become focus for habitation, Heb.1:6.9.10];
Luke 20:34-36[ angels do not die sinned, Jude 6; wait judgement 2Pet.2:4];
EVIL EXISTED: Gen.3:21; 6:5,11[ flood ends world of evil and violence ];
EVIL A RULING FACTOR[Gen.8:21; John 8:44[Satan Eze.28:13-15];
Satan is the god of this world 2Cor.4:3,4; He has a limited time to Jesus.
Man waits for judgement Heb.9:27; 2Cor.5:10; Rom.14:9-12;
Born souls die; Psm.7:2; 49:14,15; 104:29,30; 115:15-17; 146:3,4;
Isa.26:19; Eze.18:4; 37:12-14; Dan.12:2; John 5:26-29; James 2:26;
Age a son had a son [or event], sums the time then, at hand.
Adam to flood.[130-[no Eden]-105-90-70-65-
162-65-187-182-600= ]
1656 flood + 350 Noah Gen.9:28,29; + 2 = 2008 Abraham born.
0000 Gen.12:4[Abraham age 75],10,13;15:13,16[to 4th gen & Moses];
0427 years to Abraham age 75, he gets the covenant in year 2083.
0430 years to Moses age Exo.7:7[80]; 12:40,41[430]; 1553 before Christ in #6.
0040 years to the Promised Land. Deut.1:3; 29:5; 34:7; 1513 before Christ ist in #6.
0480 years to Solomon year 4 king. 1Ki.6:1[480 years]; 1033 before Christ in #6.
0036 years [of 40], Solomon dies. 1Ki.11:42; 997 before Christ in #6.
0391 Judah Kings=Babylon #3. Matt.1:1-17[42 gen Abraham to Jesus];
3460 + 606 before Christ prophecy and to his second coming by Daniel[& John].
0000 4066 at Dan.9:24-29[The math to Christ in Rome # 6]; to age 30, Luke 3:23;
Matt.4:1-11[Jesus faces Satan in Rome #6]; year 33 Christ Jesus ascended, Acts 1:9-11;
John 3:13-17[written about year 38 to 64]; Year 98 John on Patmos in Rome #6.
[Daniel's Prophecy: Dan.4:16.23.25,32[ 7 x 360 math = 2520];
Daniel's Prophecy: Dan.12:1-7[2500]; Dan.12.9-10[2520];
2520 years [Rev.17:1-6,10-14; #1 - #5 fallen, Rome #6 is, #7 = KJV 1611 Bible.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Middle East Conflict
0000 Rev.9:12-15; 16:12-16[ KJV bible 1611 + 391 = Euphrates conflict];
0150 = in 8th Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22.36-38[ Only God knows day and hour ];
6130 EDEN to Rev.20:1-6[1000 year Jesus reign]; 7,130 years after Eden.
1000 Jesus reign. Eph.3:21[ Never ending world with Jesus];
7,130 years LORD, it means, 130 Eden and all your rest day from creating???
Gen.2:2,4;Heb.4:1-13[ 7, 130 years after Eden is 7,000 years in day seven];
World with Satan in it ends,begans kingdom of Jesus unto God's kingdom .
Dan.7:25[Time, times and the dividing of time, ALSO: Time, times,
and half time. Dan.12:1-7[2500]; 8-10[2520 = Rev.12:7-12],
Dan.12:11[2x 1290 = 2580],Dan.12:12[2x 1335 = 2670];
41,870 + 3,460 + 2,520 + 150 + 1,000 + 49,000 to all is perfect.
Bible time is new moon to new moon, sabbath to sabbath, 360 days
with make-up to 365 in year[math 360, 1Thes.5:1-9,21; know time].
Jesus is SAVIOR OF THE WORLD, Matt.6:9-13[The Lord's prayer];
Pray to his Father, his God, in Jesus name John 14:13-15; 16:23;
Matt.22:37-40[ This is the first and great commandment];
Jesus is Heb.9:14-16; mediator between Almighty LORD God
and POWER who has given him all power in heaven and on
earth to SAVE THE WORLD, all must be known before baptism,
Matt.28:18-20[ Psm.83:18]; John 3:16[God the Father has done this];
Heb.1:1-13[Acts 2:31-35; Isa.9:6,7; The LORD God of host has done
this as the Lord was there when the foundation of the earth was laid
Heb.1:10[John 17:1-3,4,5,6-24,25,26[Jesus did all he was to do perfect from
the time he came to be the first creature created by his God and Father];
Heb.2:9,14,16[1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; Rev.20:1-6[Priest of God and Christ;
Rev.21:1-5,9,10[ Jesus to destroy Satan, death, and make all perfect again
redeemed of Jesus in new heaven thousands over new earth billions, new,
as it was before Eden for his LORD God and Father and Family, all one];
Rev.17:1-6,10-14[#1 - #5, #6 to #7 is full in 1914 CE, to 8th];
#01. Egypt #1 and Moses. #02. Assyria #2 and Isaiah. #03. Babylon #3 and Daniel.
#04. Cyrus #4 and Ezra. #05. Greece #5 Matt.1:1-17[14 generations to Christ];
#06. Rome #6 and Christ crucified and ascended, John on Patmos.
#07. Europe #7 and world gets the KJV 1611 bible 303 = 1914 excepted translation.
8th. Europe Americas 8th of the seven 1776 + 230 = 2006 after Christ.
Bible time is new moon to new moon, sabbath to sabbath,
360 days with make-up to 365 in year[math 360].
Egypt--#1 Eden to 2083 + 430 = 2513 + 717 = 3230 Isaiah/Hezekiah. 2Ki.
Assyria #2 Eden to 3230 + 170 = 3400[Manasseh and Josiah];2Ki.
Babylon #3 Eden to 3400 + 60 = Daniel 3460 + [606 BCE], 70 = 3530 + 3.
Cyrus-- #4 Eden to 3530 + 200 = 3730. Ezra and Nehemiah
Greece #5 Eden to 3730 + 274 = 4004 Matt.1:1-17;
Babylon 3460 + 544 = 4004 Rome/Judah + 62 Messiah born.
Rome #6. 4004 + 62 years to Messiah + 30 to Luke 3:23;
Matt.4:1-11; of Rev.17:1-6,10-14[#6, this is world with Satan];
Rev,17:1-6,10-14[#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, fallen, Rome #6 is, to #7, 8th.
Europe #7. World get KJV Bible 1611 + 303 = 1914 + 92 = 2006 CE.
Europe Americas the 8th and second coming of Jesus 150 from start
of the 1260, 42 months or 3 1/2 years of WW1.
Dan.7:25[time, times and dividing of time.
Dan 12:1-7[time, times and half time];
KJV Bible 1611 CE.
When did Vietnam began to be Vietnam?
Zero to greatness: #3 = 606 before Christ.
Rome #6 pLUS THE next and THE next NATION.
Dan.7:25[Time, times and dividing of time];
Dan.8:12-14[2300 = 1150 [or 606 + 544];
Dan.12:1-7[Time, times & half time = 2500 = 1250 [or 606 + 644 =];
606 BCE + [544 + 606 + 544 =] 1694 CE bible 1611.
606 BCE + [644 + 606 + 644 =] 1894 CE Michael Dan.12:1-7; + 20 Rev.12:7-12;
606 BCE + [654 + 606 + 654 =] 1914 CE. WW1 to 1918[1260 - Rev.12:7-12];
606 BCE + [666 + 606 + 666 =] 1938 CE. + 7 years 1939, 1940,
1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945-WW2[1272]. German Nation Hitler.
606 BCE + [684 + 606 + 684 =] 1974 CE. Vietnam. Dan.12:11[1290];
606 BCE + [729 + 606 + 729 =] 2064 CE. Rev.20:1-6[1000 year reign;
Dan.12:12[1335]; LAST NATION TO RISE: From 729 after Christ.
Present time after Eden 6,072 AND 2612 after #3 AND 2006 AFTER CHRIST In #6.
2006-07-14 23:02:27
answer #1
answered by jeni 7