the wooden needles in the old days hurt too much, after shooting up heroin, most people were unable to talk, much less write.
In my opinion though, it is the word of man, who surely created God as an excuse for their shortcomings.....
2006-07-14 08:25:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
God has spoken through many people over time to write the Bible. Each section is written by a seperate person or group of people or priests. Hence David, Mark, etc.
What man could attempt to write a book through the use of many men over hundreds and thousands of years and have it all tie together and flow together even in the tiniest degree.
How can any answer you seek be found in the Bible if a simple man wrote it.
How can a complex code be hidden within the text that spells out each major point in humans existance in detail yet not until the power of several super computers was this realized. What man way back then could be that smart?
Only one thing can pull all these off....God.
Follow the Bible and its words and God will take care of you and your life.
Toss the Bible aside and try to wing it on your own....enjoy a very rough, bumpy, often pit filled road in your journey of life.
Some say the Bible is real...some say it is not. Its a 50 / 50 chance. But think of it this way.....isn't it better to be safe then sorry? If its true and you follow it...after death you are awarded a place in heaven. If you follow the Bible and you die and nothing happens and there is no God, well you are dead and you no longer care. Either way you don't lose. But to ignore the Bible and its word and then die and have it all true. Well we don't know what its like but the Bible states that you are cast into a lake of fire to be forever away from God.
2006-07-14 08:33:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To put the words Bible, God, and s*** in the same question leads me to believe you're incredulous to begin with.
The Bible was written by a number of people who were INSPIRED by God. This inspiration was based on their deep spiritual relationships with their Creator.
How can I be so sure that some crazy person didn't do it for money? Because, belief it or not, meticulous record-keeping has been going on since the beginning of time. Go to any local Theology Department from any university, private or otherwise. Theology Departments carry all Canonizations, those included in The Holy Bible and also those precluded from The Holy Bible.
Answer your question about s***?
2006-07-14 08:31:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They don't know any better. People go to church and some preacher who's job is to play on peoples emotions starts telling you how much of a sinner you are makes you feel all guilty and bad about yourself. Then tells you what a great sacrifice Jesus went through and focuses on the whole torture thing. Then he explains how you can just accept Jesus and all you pain will go away (all the pain that you didn't have previous to going in there). The preacher is a good orator and makes you have chills go up and down your spine. People then misinterpret these feelings for the holy spirit (I've had similar experiences at rock concerts when the music is good) and a life changing experience then the brainwashing is complete. They believe every thing the bible says
2006-07-14 08:23:17
answer #4
answered by captpcb216 2
No other holy book has had so universal a distribution, nor does any have origins even half as old. The Koran of Mohammedanism is less than 1,400 years old. Buddha and Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago, and their writings date from that time. The Scriptures of Shinto were composed in their present form no more than 1,200 years ago. The Book of Mormon is only 140 years old. None of these holy books can accurately trace human history back through 6,000 years, as does the Bible. To understand original religion, we must therefore go to the Bible. It is the only book with a universal message for all mankind.
Also remarkable is the way the Bible has come down to this day. For thousands of years, and until the invention of printing about five hundred years ago, copies of the Bible had to be made by hand. It was copied over and over again, but always with great care. No other literary work of ancient times was so diligently copied and recopied. By comparing many handwritten copies, it has been proved that the errors made in recopying were very few, and, further, it has been possible to establish the original text of the Bible. Today, there are still in existence about 16,000 handwritten copies of the Bible, or parts of the Bible, some even surviving from the second century before Christ.
The wisdom and beauty of the Bible message have been acclaimed by thinking men from all nations and from all walks of life. The famous scientist and discoverer of the law of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton, said: “No sciences are better attested to than the Bible.” Patrick Henry, the American revolutionary leader famous for the words “Give me liberty, or give me death,” also declared: “The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.” Even the great Hindu sage Mahatma Gandhi once told the British viceroy of India: “When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon of the Mount, we shall have solved the problems, not only of our countries but those of the whole world.” Gandhi was speaking of Matthew, chapters 5 to 7, in the Bible.
Although the Bible was written by about forty men during a period spanning some sixteen centuries, the Bible is one book, with one powerful theme. It is the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty and the ultimate fulfillment of his purpose for the earth by means of his Kingdom under Christ, the Promised Seed.
2006-07-15 07:17:10
answer #5
answered by Maia-Kine' 3
I don't think it's a proper to say that about what christian brothers and sister believe it's a word of God.
As Muslims, we believe that the "ORIGINAL" bible is the word of God, but over time, the hand of human change did some work either for more explanation or other intentions.
So, speaking of the church's story, the bible words were delivered as inspiration or instruction felt by the writers minds and hearts & that's way we have different bibles.
My advice is to search the subject a bit, you might want to look for the name Ahmed Deedat or Didat
Please, could you change the way you asked the question? don't you think it's "not a little" offensive..?!
2006-07-14 08:31:40
answer #6
answered by Fahad 2
Please do not use foul language when referring to God. The Bible is God's revealed word to man. Trust me, no person on earth is smart enough to have made up any of the text in the Bible. The Bible was written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit; therefore, it was the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible. The books of Genesis and Exodus were revealed to Moses by the Holy Spirit in what is called reverse prophesy, meaning that the information was given to Moses after the fact. Read the Bible with an open mind and you might just trade it for your atheistic beliefs. Your life can only become joyous in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2006-07-14 08:28:37
answer #7
answered by Preacher 6
Over 1400 years, 40 authors wrote a collection of about 60 books, over different times, in different places, and from different aspects of life. The geographical information is astonishingly accurate, and manuscriptual evidence also shows content integrity.
Christians are sure because the Bible makes a lot of sense, morally, historically, and philosophically. It still remains a mysterious volume of books, but that being said, why not take it seriously? The writers of the bible certainly weren't joking when they wrote it. Many of the moral absolutes that come from it are practical in living a good long life. Honoring your parents leads you to a long life. Well, how? Your parents are full of wisdom that only comes from life, and if you obey them, they will tend to steer you clear of danger. This principle was written down thousands of years ago, yet still remained relevant today. It is no wonder why over 1 billion people profess to be believe in Christianity.
2006-07-14 08:33:05
answer #8
answered by trancevanbuuren 3
Honestly, in my opinion, the Bible is a book that was written that may be based loosely on facts. But, as we all know, when stories are reiterated in print (or verbally) they tend to be embellished for the sake of being creative and interesting. I don't think the Bible is something that people need to take literally. You can take those things that benefit humanity across the board and use them to increase the quality of your life and society: such as doing unto others as you would have done to yourself, not stealing, killing or harming others, etc. But realistically, if you put all your faith in the Bible do you really think you could walk on water, or produce millions of fish from one bucket? The present is the only moment we live in and can change for the positive. Basing your life on the Bible is living in the past, in an era that is not completely relevant in the 21st century.
2006-07-14 08:28:31
answer #9
answered by In God's Image 5
Because of the many references in it, the prophesies that were fulfilled, and the style of the writing, we can ascertain who wrote what of alot of it, there are so many perfect connections between the old testament and the new testament, when we start to study we are amazed by all that we see.
The Bible was written by many of the Apostles in the new testament through the Holy Spirit, when Jesus was sacrificed on the cross, the tabernacle was split in two from top to bottom signifying we no longer needed it and were no longer seperated from God, that is why Jesus told them if they destroyed the tabernacle, he could rebuild it in 3 days, we are the tabernacle now and house the Holy Spirit.
So, the apostles, and profits, wrote the bible from the Holy Spirit, and what God told them to write, and I do not think God would use that terminology, He loves all his children.
2006-07-14 08:29:46
answer #10
answered by bryton1001 4
The bible was written by different people. They say they wrote what God told them to write. The original text is in Hebrew. It was translated into English for King James and that's how we got the King James version. And your right. How do we know those guys weren't just some crazy loons. How do we know it was translated correctly. We don't. And that makes me believe the bible is fake. Although it does have some good points.
2006-07-14 08:27:45
answer #11
answered by Anonymous