i know a poem in french it is easy
Jaime mon pere
Jaime mon ferere
mes jaime plus
cest ma mere
i love my father
i love my brother
but the one i love the most
is my mother
2006-07-14 01:48:20
answer #1
answered by mimi 3
I am French, so maybe I can help you!
I have never read and/or heard some of the answers you had to this question! but OK, why not creating new ones?!
Here are some of our expressions in everyday life. But these are not really quotes from famous writers...
"Etre habillé comme l'as de pique": to be dressed like the ace of spades... (means that today, you have really not paid attention to the way U look)!
"Parler anglais comme une vache espagnole": Speaking english like a spanish cow. (Well U probably guess that the person that is told this, is not really clever in english!)
"Tu as mangé du clown?": Have you eaten a clown?... When someone makes jokes and jokes...not funny jokes!
"Avoir la tête dans le cul" ---> if you say: "tu as la tête dans le cul aujourd'hui"---> your head is in your *** ("bottom") today. Meaning that the person is not really awakened. Still foggy in his/her brain.
2006-07-16 06:41:14
answer #2
answered by MayaB 5
Hi, I am French as well. I quite like:
A vaincre sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire (from Le Cid, de Corneille).
When you win without risk, you win without glory.
2006-07-18 23:54:59
answer #3
answered by m b 1
Qui va à la chasse perd sa place= He who goes hunting loses his place.
L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur= Money does not necessarily lead to happiness.
Elle a les yeux revolver; elle a tiré la premiére; elle m'a tué= She has got trigger happy eyes and she was the first to shoot and she killed me
2006-07-13 12:59:57
answer #4
answered by Chevalier 5
lettuce = la salade milk = le lait ice cream = la glace bread = le pain banana = la banane orange = l'orange apple = le pomme carrot = le carrot cake = le gateau egg = l'oeuf cheese = le fromage ear = ? eye = ? purple = violet pink = rose orange = orange yellow = jaune black = noir pen = le stylo pencil = le crayon desk = le bureau frog = ? horse = le cheveau dress = ? shirt = ? pants = pantalon scarf = ? train = gare woman = ? girl = ? baby = ? man = ? Boy = le garcon plate = plat cup = le verre soz if wrong spelling
2016-03-27 04:19:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1° "Les vertus se perdent dans l'intérêt, comme les fleuves dans la mer."
La Rochefoucault
= Virtues are lost in interest , like rivers are in the sea .
2° "Le vrai moyen d'être trompé, c'est de se croire plus fin que les autres."
La Rochefoucauld
= The best way to be mistaken , it is to believe yourself to be more fine than others .
3°"La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure."
La Fontaine.
= The reason of the strongest is always the best.(LIKE MIGHT IS RIGHT)
2014-02-07 14:10:31
answer #6
answered by ? 5
"Bonjour, comment ca va?" Hello, how are you?
"Ca va bien/mal." I am well, bad.
"Ou est le bibliotheque?" Where is the library?
"J'aime bien ca." I like that a lot.
"Parlez-vous anglais?" Do you speak English?
"Est-ce que vous aimez ca?" Do you like this?
"Au revoir." Good bye.
2006-07-13 14:15:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
- Bonsoir, nous allons nous coucher
- Bonsoir, nous allons les niquer"
From a funny French cult movie: Les Bronzés.
- Good night. We are going to sleep
- Good night. We are going to sleep with them
(except that "niquer" is rude!)
2006-07-13 13:57:03
answer #8
answered by Offkey 7
Et si ti n'existes pas, dit-moi pour quoi j'existirai"
(If you didn't exist what should I live for?)
2006-07-13 13:17:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"nager avec les douphins" roughly means swim with the dolphins...
2006-07-13 13:09:18
answer #10
answered by anak sendu 4
Je t'adore: I adore you. I love how it sounds on the tongue
2006-07-13 13:13:55
answer #11
answered by The truth is all around you... 2