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I haven't spoken to my mother in about 3 glorious years , she has an issue with me cause I got married , had 2 kids , and well i'm a award winning hairdresser, and she can't tell me what to do she hates my kids, me and my husband I think that my mom is just jealous, I'm happy and still married, but she even hates her own sisters whom I stay in contact with she hates me more for that I was wondering if I'm the only one who feels that way toward there mother , trust me I live my like to the fullest without her..

2006-07-13 10:33:01 · 2 answers · asked by E.M. 4 in Family & Relationships Family

2 answers

Please...........Believe me settle this before its tooooo late, I never got to say goodbye to my mother after 2 years of not speaking. It haunts me because she was not so bad after all, she gave birth to me , made me a good person, I do make agood living thanks to her encouragement & love growing up. Please do not wait to long.

2006-07-13 10:40:26 · answer #1 · answered by Z-Cat 5 · 0 0

Boy would I like to talk to you more!
I understand and feel the same way about my mother. I strive to be completely different than her. In fact my mother-in-law is more of a mother to me than my own ever was.
I have a mother that is a jealous, lying witch! I haven't been able to completely break ties but am trying. She has lied to everyone about me, my husband and our relationship. She has lied to me about her real mother and that entire side of her family. I was taken away from them around age 10 and told they were horrible people but have now finally found a couple of my cousins and aunts and know that she lied about them. I actually realized all of her lies when I found out about the lies she was telling about me... She is a sick, sad woman. You can e-mail me if you want to talk more...

2006-07-13 10:44:42 · answer #2 · answered by TiffNJxnMS 1 · 0 0

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