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Que vous fait aime des produits de compagnies. Quel sera différent de la vente de leurs produits que vendant les produits que vous avez vendu avant. Par ex. Vendrez-vous aux sociétés commerciales au lieu du grand public ? Vendra-t-il un service au lieu d'un produit tangible ? Plus de service clients sera-t-il eu besoin de ? Comment leur site web leur aide il les vendent leurs produits ? Quel est la perspective à long terme pour l'industrie ? Quels changements ont-ils lieu dans l'industrie qui effectue la façon que les produits sont vendus ? Quel a été dans les nouvelles dernièrement de l'industrie ce que change ont lieu dans la compagnie quel a été dans les nouvelles dernièrement de la compagnie. Quels journaux, quels papiers de revues et commerce sont des gens à la compagnie probable lire Qui est leurs concurrents majeurs. Savoir les noms
de concurrents ce que vous excite de la compagnie et l'industrie. Quel NOUVEAU produit a ils a introduits juste. Quel est le marché de cible pour le nouveau produit ? Quel besoin fait le nouveau produit remplit. Quels sont les points de vente du nouveau produit. Comment le produit compare-t-il aux produits de concurrents ce que vous excite de la vente de ce nouveau produit ? Quelles compétences vous font a cela vous fait la meilleure personne pour vendre ce produit. Quels exemples pouvez-vous utiliser de votre expérience passée à démontre que vous avez ces compétences ? Quelles objections vous sont probable pour rencontrer dans la vente du produit et comment vous les surmonteriez ? Quel est leur produit MAJEUR. Quel est le marché de cible pour le produit ? Quel besoin fait le produit remplit. Quels sont les points de vente du produit.
Comment ce produit compare-t-il aux produits de concurrents ce que vous excite de la vente du produit ? Quelles compétences vous font a cela vous fait la meilleure personne pour vendre ce produit. Quels exemples pouvez-vous utiliser de votre expérience passée à démontre que vous avez ces compétences ? Quelles objections vous sont probable pour rencontrer dans la vente du produit et comment vous les surmonteriez ?

2006-07-12 14:32:52 · 5 answers · asked by Raisins 1 in Society & Culture Languages

5 answers

What makes you like companies' products? What will be different in selling their products that selling the products that you have sold before. For ex. (Eux?=them). Would you sell to commercial businesses instead of the public? Would it be selling a service instead of a tangible product? More service clients will there have a need of? How their website helps them he sell their products? What is the long-term perspective for the industry? What changes will take place in the industry that effect how the products are sold? What has been in the industry news recently that change takes place in the company what has been in the company's news recently. Which journals, review and commercial papers is company's people probable to read What are their major competitors. Know the names of competitors that excite you in this company and industry. What NEW product have they introduced just. What is the prospective market for the new product? What need is the new product made to fill. Which are the selling points of the new product. How the product compares to competitors' products and what excites you about selling this product? What skills do you need for that makes you the best person to sell this product. What examples could you use from your past experience to demonstrate that you have these skills? What objections will you probably encounter in selling this product and how would you overcome them?

2006-07-12 22:23:47 · answer #1 · answered by claude 5 · 0 0

Who makes the products you like in companies. What are the different products you want to buy. For example - Do you want commerical products available to the public? Do you want it to be a tangible porduct? What is your perspect long term for the industry? What chages in the industry affect...?? What new something or other in the industry that you would change in the company? What journals, papers are are in the company . Something to that effect..too long..sorry. The last paragraph asks what competencys the best people would have to sell the prodcut. What examples would you use from your past experience that demonstrate these compentincies.

2006-07-12 21:42:17 · answer #2 · answered by wondering in michigan 4 · 0 0

"That you makes likes products of companies. Which will be different from the sale of their products that selling the products which you sold front. E.g. will you Sell at the commercial companies instead of general public? Will it sell a service instead of a tangible product? More will customer service be needed? How their Web site their assistance it sell them their products? Which is the long-term prospect for industry? Which changes take place in the industry which carries out the way that the products are sold? Which in the news lately of industry was what exchange have place in the company which was in the news lately of the company. Which newspapers, which papers of reviews and trade are people with the probable company lira Which is their major competitors. To know the names competitors what excites you of the company and industry. Which NEW product has they introduced just. Which is the market of target for the new product? Which need makes the new product fills. Which are the points of sale of the new product. How the product compare does with the products competitors what excites you of the sale of this new product? Which competences make you has that makes you the best person to sell this product. Which examples can you use your experiment passed to shows that you are these competent? Which objections are probable for you to meet in the sale of the product and how would surmount them to you? Which is their MAJOR product. Which is the market of target for the product? Which need makes the product fills. Which are the points of sale of the product. How this product compare does with the products competitors what excites you of the sale of the product? Which competences make you has that makes you the best person to sell this product. Which examples can you use your experiment passed to shows that you are these competent? Which objections are probable for you to meet in the sale of the product and how would surmount them to you? "

This doesn't make sense, but this is what I got from Google Language Tools.

2006-07-12 22:02:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wee Wee

2006-07-12 21:36:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well it is a bit too long for me but there are a lot of mistakeds in this french text!!!!

2006-07-16 19:23:04 · answer #5 · answered by MayaB 5 · 0 0

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