First of all your husband has no respect for you. If he did, you would not have to be begging him for spending money. Secondly, you have done too much for him. Why should this man get a 30 minute back rub at night from you? Why don't you ask him for a back rub? After all the work you do all day, you are entitled to one also. If he refuses to give you one, stop giving a back rub to him.
Why on earth are you running his shower for him? Is he two years old? Why do you have to put his brief case at the front door, along with keys, work badges and cell on top? My husband gets up, without breakfast, gets his work badges, cell phone and keys himself and gets himself to work. I do not dust his shoes.Your husband is not even behaving like an adult, but more like a child, and you are his mother, except for the sex you have with him. I bet anything this guy was spoiled rotten by his mother.
If it is possible for you to go someplace with-out your husband, when he has time off from work, do so and leave him home with the kids and all the chores to do. I am not talking, making a run at the grocery store, I am talking a couple of nights and days away from home. If you have a sister , mother or relative you can go visit over night, do so. This man needs to feel what its like without your slavish devotion to him. Also, as to your rights financially from him, get yourself some divorce books from the library and see what you are entitled. Also, look through the yellow pages in the phone book to see if there are any women advocate groups around that you can call and get advice from. If you have a good library in your area, the research librarian will help you find this information, free.
You deserve to be treated much better from this man, than you are. I am surprised you have stayed with him. Also, why do you feel you have to knock yourself out like you do? If your children are old enough, you might also consider getting yourself a part-time job in order to earn some spending cash for yourself. You could even work a night shift, say in a hospital, or grocery store that stays open all night,or Wal-Mart store, so that your husband will be home with the children after work and you could go to work and not have to pay a baby sitter. Or, consider babysitting some working mothers children, if you feel your children are too young to leave. That way you can stay home with your children, yet make some money watching some other children. Find out what the going rate is, in your area for child care at the day care centers, and charge accordingly. If your husband objects, tell him "Tough", that your going to do what ever you need to do, to earn some money of your own. Put a scare into him and tell him your goal is to save up enough to hire a lawyer and leave him!
I have a lot of married girlfriends and I don't know any of them that go over board doing what you do for your husband. And they are not treated the way you are treated by their husbands.
And by the way, what is your husband doing with all the cash that he makes, after he pays the bills and grocery money? What is he doing with the extra money, that he doesn't feel your entitled too? This boy needs an attitude change and a big one, at that.
And shame on you, for not standing up and saying " I am going to stop all of this extra work that I do for you, and your not even appreciative of it."
2006-07-12 20:11:04
answer #1
answered by pinegreen7 2
You deserve a new husband. I do everything at my house and now im adding working part-time to that. The father of my kids goes to work and when he comes home sits on his ****. Does not lift a finger to cook, clean or even play with the kids unless I make him feel guilty. I work 7 days a week and often till around 8:30pm. True I do get breaks during the day but I f****n deserve them. Don't let anyone tell you you don't deserve to be paid. He could never earn what you are worth!!!!! Here's an idea for all those unappreciated mothers out there.....Talk your husband into taking two weeks off work. On the first morning of the two weeks....Go to a friends and let him take care of everything including the kids for that time.....Then ask him if it was easy. Don't give in and help him and don't let anyone else help him. Show him how it is for you every day!
2006-07-12 12:21:47
answer #2
answered by vmmc_64 3
Girl you are good! I am too a stay at home mom..I'm ashamed to say I don't do as much as you do. To go as far as putting the brief case near the door, the cell phone on top, run the shower, make sure his night clothes are on the bed, etc. Heck, I don't even cook breakfast at least once a week. LOL.
Your husband is very selfish! Perhaps we need to do a house swap and let him know how good he has it over there with you. Regardless, if you are at home all day..You are still working. He could at least give you a week allowance or extra money a week providing all the bills are paid. You are not asking for a lot, considering what all you do! I could learn a lot from you. stay in touch
If I did all husband wouldn't know what to do..LOL
My advice to you..If you go to work and let him stay home and do all that you do.
2006-07-12 12:09:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think that if you do all this for him, and take care of his kids, and he thinks that $150 per month is too much, then perhaps you should sit down with him and explain the concept of child support and alimony. He obviously doesn't appreciate you and your efforts, but he clearly understands cash. Make him realize that in the grand scheme of things, you can stay and get $150 a month for yourself, or you can go and get a hell of a lot more. It's what we New Yorkers call " Run your pockets *****". Better yet, tell him to give me a call and I will explain alimony, child support, and so much more to him, like how to treat his wife, cause the dumb *** doesn't seem to get it. And oh by the way, let him get his own socks, clothes, shoes, briefcase, dinner, and massages his damn self for a few days and see how much more you will be worth then. Remember you are his WIFE not his SLAVE. BIG DIFFERENCE, and he needs to know this..
2006-07-12 17:27:34
answer #4
answered by jensarquist 3
Being a full time stay at home mother/housewife is more than a full time job, because it is a never ending job (granted some household jobs are more rewarding than others). I don't think that $150.00 is too much to ask, because you are a childcare provider, cook, maid, chauffer, dry cleaners, gardener, plus many other jobs... for which if he had all of these services through other individuals, he would be paying quite a bit more. He should be giving you backrubs and telling you that he appreciates the fact that you are able to do all of these things... plus you shouldn't have to ask for money, it should be a joint account.
2006-07-12 12:23:30
answer #5
answered by jtj 5
well for one it shouldnt be his money and your money it should be OUR money. You should have access to the checking account because you are his wife. It's not who makes the money or anything like that. You two are partners in life and should share everything. It does sound like you are his little slave. I mean come on he can get his own coffee and cereal. He can pick his own night clothes. A 30 minute massage...hopefully you are getting one too. Answer to your question is $150 a month too much no. It's too little. Think about how much it would cost to actually pay someone to do all this. It would be easily over $400 a month.
2006-07-12 12:12:28
answer #6
answered by evie_cooper 4
Well, I think you are worth more than that and I am willing to pay you more. But the problem is: Did he wanted you to stay home and do all these nice things? If he didn't, why don't you find yourself a job and split the choirs around the house with him. And if he want you to stay home, then 150 bucks a month is too low. I don't have kids, but if you clean and cook, I'll pay you 150 a week.
2006-07-12 12:13:11
answer #7
answered by Kent N 2
I have heard housewifes deserve 35,000 a year for their duties. However, who's going to pick up the tab? I hope he appreciates all your hard work, men don't realize what it does take to maintain a household. On top, sounds like you even try to be the best wife possible. I don't think 150.00 a month is too much to ask. Men should have our jobs for one month. They'll hand it back on a golden platter.
2006-07-12 12:23:45
answer #8
answered by flower 6
I have no problem with a woman that wants to stay home and take care of her man, but she should be treated accordingly, flowers every week, jewelry once a month, shopping allowance. If that man had to pay a cook, maid, massage therapist it would cost him way more than $150 a week. And I don't understand why you have to even ask.
2006-07-12 12:17:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
In my humble opinion, money earned by one part of the couple is actually a possession of the two, not the one.
if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have what he has in the way of a home life, and vise-versa, if it weren't for his income SHE wouldn't have the house, the car, the food, etc.
Extra money overa nd above the bills should be shared. My opinion.
2006-07-12 12:09:43
answer #10
answered by Marvinator 7