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19 answers

you need to be more confident. and dont try to hard to impress her just relax. remeber the person cares the least about the commitment is the one that has the upper hand

2006-07-11 17:51:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, don't ever listen to the be-patient stuff. It can be very shallow. This is mostly good girls saying that they are so special that they should have someone wait for them. So girls think the good guys are suppose to wait until they are done having fun with bad guys? I wouldn't wait for a good girl or any girl if someone paid me a $1,000,000 dollars. This just shows how unconfident the girl is. This also j shows that you are not confident if you wait for a good girl to stop dating a bad guy. Don't ever wait for a good girl to get done dating the bad guys!! Go out with a girl that has confidence maybe even a little on the bad type. This will bring your party side out. I don't mean like a trashy criminal jail bird girl, just a little more outgoing. I don't think good guys were originally intended to go out with the good girls. Not to put good girls down. I have a lot of confidence. I'm not what you really call bad though. But I've always enjoyed the bad girls more than the good ones. When I mean good, I mean unconfident. this is how the term-ology is put today.

2006-07-11 17:58:25 · answer #2 · answered by thunderbomb90 3 · 0 0

It's all about attraction. Most "nice" guys are wussies who suck up to the girl and buy their way into a relationship. There is nothing attractive about that. You don't have to be a jerk to get the girl, just don't be a wussy man and treat her like a perfect angel. Imagine if someone did that to you? How annoying would that be!?

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2006-07-11 17:53:59 · answer #3 · answered by Jon J 2 · 0 0

me too brother, but I saw it coming. So often it seems the nice guy gets what the bad guys left us, damaged girls. You can still be a nice guy and take a little charge, be assertive, be a little arogant and macho. Show off. Play the game untile the game is no longer played

2006-07-11 17:49:35 · answer #4 · answered by NIGHTSHADE 4 · 0 0

well girls like the rough n tough guy 4 a bf and a nice homely guy for a hubby...so any girls with intentions of marriage would be the right choice for u... dont worry..u will soon find one. Best of Luck

2006-07-11 17:54:30 · answer #5 · answered by cools_joey 1 · 0 0

Be grateful that u were kicked to the curb by them. Obviously, they are not worth your time or in your league. Sometimes God has a funny way of trying to get our attention. Take your time, and instead of trying to find women let them come to you. A lot of women tend to have super low self esteem and instead of someone like yourself, they will settle because they truly don't believe that they deserve someone like you, or feel that someone like you would probably get to know them and not like who they are as a person; since a lot of these types of women tend to be very shallow also. Don't give up, when you least expect it, she'll come along.................

2006-07-11 17:50:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep on looking. Not all girls like jerks! If you're wasting your time with a loser, you won't be available when the right one actually comes along. Hang in there!

2006-07-11 17:49:11 · answer #7 · answered by Jane S 2 · 0 0

Stay a nice guy and the right girl for you will come along.

2006-07-11 17:47:15 · answer #8 · answered by nicole 3 · 0 0

Whatever you do don't convert to the jerk side. Some of us women love good guys, just be patient and you'll meet one of the good ones.

2006-07-11 17:48:35 · answer #9 · answered by loveorlust06 5 · 0 0

go to doclove.com I started listening to this guy a few years ago and my love life changed for the better

2006-07-11 17:50:11 · answer #10 · answered by slick55 2 · 0 0

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