an honest and sincere one.
definitely not one from some chessy bar pickup lines
2006-07-11 17:47:11
answer #1
answered by tankee531 4
Alright then... I'm not to sure what this girl is like that your complimenting... but it really depends on what she likes... if she's more of a materialistic girl you can compliment on her clothes or what jewelry she has on. But I think that the best compliment you can give a girl is if she's talking... comment on what she's talking about so she knows your listening... so in a way your telling her that she's interesting with out acutely saying it. Or you could just go with the good old fashion, make her blush and her heart melt... your eyes sparkle like a thousand stares in the beautiful night sky. For all you know you could both laugh it off for the fact of how cheesey it is or she might love it and say "AAHHHH!" any who good luck with what you go with ; )
2006-07-11 17:53:41
answer #2
answered by country_fire_07 1
"crazy about?"
are you already dating and you don't know what you like most about her yet? or are you interested in dating her and you want to know how to open the door with a compliment? i'm gonna guess it's the latter (second one).
find a moment when it's just you and her having a friendly little chat... over a cup of coffee... lunch... sitting in a park on a warm sunny day.... wherever. just make sure you are facing each other. when there's a lull or a brief pause in your conversation, or especially after you make her laugh, look directly into her eyes, smile, and sincerely say..."you are so beautiful".
now, be prepared to answer her potential response question... "why?". many woman want to know what you find so beautiful about them. be honest and pick your favorite things about her. remember, it doesn't actually have to be a physical trait. it might be her laugh or her personality or whatever. but always remember this - know the true color of her eyes. just trust me... that's important. good luck!
2006-07-11 18:01:13
answer #3
answered by yer daddy 3
Have you ever seen the movie "As Good As It Gets", with Jack Nicholson & Helen Hunt? I think one of his lines was priceless, because it put into words something I've felt about women I loved, but never really thought of how to say it before then. He told her "You make me want to be a better man.", & anytime I've been in love, my girlfriend at the time gave me that exact feeling. I truly believe this is an excellent compliment to give a woman, if it comes from the heart.
2006-07-11 17:47:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
its all in the type you're saying. In a controversy its meant as an insult so thats what that's. whilst we play around its greater like a gesture of friendship. i think of theres a distinction between bar table loopy and as we talk jacket loopy.
2016-12-14 07:01:59
answer #5
answered by neff 3
nice just joking.....compliments are a delicate thing with women.......sure they want it but if you keep dishing it out then she just gonna go to another guy because all the loser guys compliment hot girls and stuff and they get bored....thats why they go with these *** hole guys who treat them like keep her wanting it more and dont over do it.............but if you really wanna compliment her then find a genuine quality about her that sounds thoughtfull and really represents her personality and not something like your nice or your cute.........something like your really inquisitive or your not like the other superficial sure you'll find something
2006-07-11 17:58:51
answer #6
answered by anonymous 27 4
Let her know you think she's attractive, but don't stop there. Compliment her on her personality or character.
2006-07-11 17:48:18
answer #7
answered by megan 2
Cute shoes.
2006-07-11 17:45:32
answer #8
answered by Adalina 4
An honest one.
2006-07-11 17:46:00
answer #9
answered by LTD 4
i dont believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now. or, when im with you i feel like i could die and that would be alright.
2006-07-11 17:48:02
answer #10
answered by marcvialli 5