I have been cheated on.He said that he wouldn't cheat cause if he did I would be the one he would be cheating with.I understand he didn't mean anything.To look In my face and tell me that he loved me.But he also loved a girl every night I've got work.Yeah work all right.He told me he would never cheat never.That's a lie.Why he lied straight to me face.With the sad face.And told me he loved me and would NEVER cheat on me.He said what he did was not cheating.Yah MAKEING OUT ISN'T cheating.What a dumb a*s.Why did I ever like him or ever believe a word he said.I told him that what he said was complete lies.He said they weren't none.But it was.I can't believe it.I would never think of cheating why do guys do it.I never see girl doing it.
Thanks I need to figure thing out please help I need alot of answers!
22 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I been cheated He told me he loved me but really he loved another girl to.Man how stuiped I was to believe that pile of sh*t.I remember every night he said he wouldn't ever cheat on me.And never will and never had.Man total lie.Once a cheater always a cheater I guess.3 damn girl 3 and never did I know till my friend told me him and a girl were making out.He said he wasnt cheated yeah making out anit cheating yeah right it is.I need to get over him and move on.I anit never going back to that sucker.He needs help I would never ever think of cheating.NEVER
Please Help I need to feel better
17:58:26 ·
update #1
Oh yes, women cheat too and this is coming from a woman. However, the reason that he cheated has nothing at all to do with you but everything to do with him. No matter what you'll never get truthful answers so don't ask as far as why it happened and etc. And no answer would be the right answer that would make it any better. Just simply leave the relationship no matter how difficult it may be. I once had a guy cheat on me and I didn't care why and I knew it wasnt because of me, but because it was all about what he wanted and he did it. Move on and don't look back.
2006-07-11 17:45:48
answer #1
answered by rodaerc06 3
First of all he told you that he loved a girl every night which means he plays around, why would you believe that he would not cheat on you. Once a cheater always a cheater, not with every guy but basically he told you he was a cheater. He probably loves making love to you that's why he said he love you but he loves a lot of different kinds of sex with different females. You believe him because you wanted to because you liked him a WHOLE lot. But you should leave him alone because next time he might go all the way, which he probably did because he's a liar, I am sorry if the truth hurts, but you will hurt even more in the long run. You deserve someone better, because you are special and you will find that special someone I did but I had to wait. Love yourself and eventually you will have someone else to love you also. Take care and Good Luck. Leave him alone. DO NOT CALL HIM ANYMORE HE'S NOT WORTH IT. YOU ARE WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THAT. I been their before trust me he doesn't love you, but you should love yourself enough not to put yourself through that pain of loving or liking him. Girls cheat to just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it don't happen I have seen it happen. Don't ask why because you will never know, Guy cheat for many different reasons but not all guys or girls cheat. Find out what guy you really want and what you want and don't rush and you will find the right one. Be Patient and have some Tolerance. Take care of yourself first. Find out what you want for yourself and then you will know what type of guy and relationship you want.
2006-07-11 17:56:18
answer #2
answered by Reesa 3
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this. From listening to friends (yes women) and from past experience, I think some people do it out of pure ignorance and fright. I say ignorance because some do it thinking they will NEVER get caught and fright because some people are afraid of hurting the other person in the relationship (not thinking of the hurt they are causing by cheating) or fright of being alone and they feel the more options they have the less chance of them being alone. I say none of these as a valid excuse but maybe a small light in a dark part of a lot of relationships. Cheating is NEVER OK! Hopefully this will help you cope with what has happened and one day feel sorry for your ex because he missed out on a relationship with you.
2006-07-11 17:48:49
answer #3
answered by Completly in love... 2
Well at least you know the truth and you're positive that he is doing these things than working up over a rumour. I've been through this once, and he told his guy friend and he will never tell me the truth or else it would hurt me, so he got others to hint it to me. Maybe he doesn't want to hurt you, so he doesn't want to admit it to your face. Cause it takes a lot to do that.
2006-07-11 17:47:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes he cheated. And you have every right to be mad. Obviously you should leave him and take some time to get things straight.
To avoid the same situation in the future, take a hard look at yourself and ask if you had anything to do with him being unfaithful. Too trusting, not enough time together, ....
2006-07-11 17:45:45
answer #5
answered by BigDaddy 4
Girls do it to, Are you married? Vows before everyone in a wedding I think are harder to break than just telling your girl friend you won't mess around. Myself I won't do what I wouldn't want my spouse to do ,If one gets to so can the other. Sorry things didn't work out , better to know now than after children. Be more choosy next time.
2006-07-11 17:49:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
why people cheat is the million dollar questions. but it seem to me
the question is why are you still with this man after he lied and
cheat on you. once a cheater always a cheater. need to find
someone that going to give you the respect and love that you
2006-07-11 17:51:57
answer #7
answered by quietstorm 1
Well we well never now his stupied thats for sure but i can only give you one advice dont go back with him i know you love him but guys that cheat well always cheat my boyfriend did that once and twice but guess what no more than 3 time i left him trust me its not worth it you well find that perfect guy just dont give up.
2006-07-11 17:49:12
answer #8
answered by ELIZABETH L 1
All I can say is once a cheater, always a cheater. And usually if he is tryin to accuse you of cheating, it is actually him that is cheating and feeling guilty and trying to take it out on you. PIGS!!
2006-07-11 17:43:55
answer #9
answered by EMILY S 1
guys are just more physical then girls and they look for that, so maybe he didnt get everything he wanted from you!!! i know that they cheat and lie and in the end you end up trusting another one because like a little puppy he is young and cute. girl, you gonna pull through it! try talking to him....ask him why!
2006-07-11 17:44:16
answer #10
answered by russian_honey007 2