Tell him when your older(like in your 20's) and married with a stable home and good jobs, then yes, you'll be ready to have kids.I am 31 and happily married(after my 1st marriage failed).I have 2 kids by my 1st and 2 kids by my hubby now.I was 16 when I got pregnant the 1st time and boy was it hard!!!I had great parents and it still was the hardest thing that I have ever done.WAIT!!!!!!!You have the rest of your life to have children.Don't you want them to have things and have a good life and opportunities/???Well, they won't if you have them when your still a kid yourself.Your bf needs to get a clue and wake up.Tell him if he loves you he'll wait and realize that you have the rest of your life for kids.Enjoy being bf/gf now.Finish school.Go to college.Then and only;y then, decide when you ready to be married.then, enjoy each other before you have kids.Do not be in a hurry.Men come and go but kids are forever.You do NOT want to get put in the situation where you have to take care of a child by yourself while he is off having fun with a new girl who is kid free and available to up and go whenever.PLEASE talk to your mom or a trusted adult.Do NOT let this boy ruin your life.If he loves you,he'll understand and respect your decision to wait!!!!!You can still be there for him as friends or bf/gf WITHOUT having a baby!!!!!!!!
2006-07-11 17:42:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Listen, I know at your age that you want to feel a love for you other than your parents. It will come, it may just take some time. I know grownups who are still searching for that love. You're not a kid anymore but you're not grown yet either. It's a weird age. Right now you need to concentrate on being the best you can, learn all you can, enjoy you're friends and family. You can rush into doing things that will have a permanent consequence. Hang out and sponge off mom and/or dad until you're at least a sophomore in college. You have a lot of decisions to make your life,. Good luck.
2006-07-12 00:45:44
answer #2
answered by lifeisgood 4
The fact that you are posting a question such as this, says to me that you know deep inside that this is not the right thing for you to do now. I never write back on these types of things, but I am so compelled to write you because you are so young and you have your whole life ahead of you to have babies and move out. Enjoy this time in your life and if your boyfriend truly loves and respects you he will wait until you are ready. He won't guilt trip you or manipulate you by saying that you don't care anymore because clearly you do or you wouldn't be asking for other people's opinion on this. What is his motivation for wanting to rush into acting so grown up? He should want to enjoy his highschool years then maybe go onto college and etc. Does he even have a good job to pay for you, the baby, healthcare, electricity, rent, the $70 a month cable bill? If he doesn't have the means to care for himself, let alone a family, then he has not business making a family. When you're 15 year old friends are going out to the mall, hanging out at other people's houses, you will be stuck home with a fussy baby, changing diapers, wishing you had the freedom to come and go as you please. This is your time in life to discover who you are and please don't let a boy take that away from you. I would bet that you have a lot to offer and that you are a very intelligent young lady. Use your talents, your skills, and knowledge to do well in school because honestly, it is the key to success later in life. I know it sounds so cliche, but it truly is. This boyfriend of yours sounds like he is controlling and please don't let him steal your self-esteem or your good judgement from you. Ask your friends, talk to your parents and see what they think about this situtation your in. I think the chances are very good that if you did have a baby with your boyfriend and move out, that you'd be very unhappy. You'd probably have to return back home with your parents with your baby and no boyfriend. Except to be a single mother if you choose to do this, because honestly, that will probably be the reality to this situation. Having children is a very huge responsibility that far too many people take lightly. I think your boyfriend sounds immature and doesn't fully understand what it takes to make your relationship work now, let alone a relationship complicated by a screaming baby at 2 A.M. in the morning. You have so much potential and promise, don't waste it on this guy. I wish you the best. I hope you choose what is right for you, and like I mentioned in the beginning of my message, I believe you know what the right choice is. You deserve nothing less than the best and someone who will listen to you when you say you're not ready. There are plenty of guys out there who want the same things that you do. Good luck.
2006-07-12 00:48:16
answer #3
answered by Kylie K 1
You and him are both babies yourselves, you guys don't need to have a baby. Unless you, yourself, could go out tomorrow and and support yourself without any struggle then u clearly don't need a child.
If he loves u so much then he canf u wait. Your fifteen what are u doing with a boyfriend and why are u having sex or thinking about it.
You should be single out having fun wit h your firends. Sex only complicates things. What if you had a baby and he left u who would take care of the baby and you. Your personal life would be over. What if he gives u some STD that casues u to never have kids. Or what if u get both a baby and an STD.
I think now is to early for u to worry aobut things like that.
If he can't wait then drop him. Don't let him stress u out. You'll be fine by yourself if that's what it comes down to.
Pleas really think out whatever decision you make don't let him manipulate you or make the decision for you. Think for yourself it's your body and your life.
2006-07-12 00:42:47
answer #4
answered by Sunflower 2
do not have kid with his boy. He may say he wants a kid but its not worth throwing your life away. I have a friend who lost her baby last year...she was 16. The baby only lasted 1 1/2 days. you dont want to live with something like that...wait till your at least 20 to even start to consider having a child.
2006-07-12 00:36:10
answer #5
answered by unknown 2
At 16 a guy doesn't know what he wants. He may be testing you to see if you care about him. What does he mean about not caring anymore--about you or himself? If you think he's having suicidal thoughts get help for him immediately.
Think of the consequences for everyone if you sleep with him, get pregnant and then he leaves you. You'll have done serious damage to everyone's life, especially the baby.
2006-07-12 00:36:07
answer #6
answered by goldie 6
i shall say: don't do it.
both of you are young, there so much things which both of you can achieve in this life, rather than having a family in the 15 or 16 years age.
being a family means that both of you can support your life and your children's life, and it takes responsibility.
both of you have years ahead, why must living together so soon? if you both love each other, i'm sure waiting until both of you getting older and ready for having a family cost nothing.
2006-07-12 00:54:18
answer #7
answered by sorcerer 2
Umm 15 and 16 is way too young to be having children. You're still children yourselves. Just tell him you're not old enough or ready to have a baby and/or living with someone.
2006-07-12 00:35:07
answer #8
answered by Brandy 4
DO NOT DO IT!!!!!! having a baby isn't a game! its everyday, all day and all night for the rest of your life, and it makes you responsible for raising a future member of society, you are just a kid yourself how would you possibly manage to do a good job at something as important as that? i know you think you are all grown up but PLEASE PLEASE trust me you have no idea what you are getting yourself in to.
girls who have kids this young tend to never be able to reclaim their lives, i mean the kid has to eat and needs clothes and dr's and medicine and a warm safe place to live, and can never be left alone, not for a minute and not for years, so how are you going to provide all that, you can't even provide it for yourself let alone anyone else. when will you have time to get educated enough to get to a point where you can afford it if you have to be with a baby all the time? and you certainly can't count on any boy to stick around and take care of it, ever heard the term single mother? yes, why do you think that is? cause guys leave so often thats why, you aren't fun anymore you always have to take care of the dang kid and dont have the time to play with him anymore, so he knocks you up and then goes to have fun with a new girl that doesn't have a kid, happens every single day!
next time you are sooooooo sleepy, and just as you lay down, imagine that a baby starts crying and you can't sleep you have to take care of them. next time you want to take a shower, imagine that you can't cause the baby won't sleep and there is nobody to watch him. next time you are hungry imagine you couldn't afford food cause you needed diapers. next time you want to hang out with your friends (or even your boyfriend) imagine you can't because there is nobody to watch the baby. you watch all of them hang out at the mall and graduate and party and dance and go off to school to make a life and you are stuck at home with a kid, and they don't bother with you anymore cause you can never do anything with them and babies are cute for a few minutes but no fun to hang out with. close your eyes and imagine all that cause thats what having a baby is.
2006-07-12 00:42:17
answer #9
answered by dappersmom 6
Do not have a baby at your age. I was 15 when I had my first child and it wasn't easy. Get an education and then think about marriage and babies. If he's telling you he doesn't care now then what the heck would he do if you did become pregnant? Abandon you and his child?
2006-07-12 00:34:51
answer #10
answered by Diana C 4