Find somebody whom she respects, like a priest or somebody, to help you do an "intervention" with her. Call up AA to see what an intervention is. They're in the phone book. You just might save your mom's life!
2006-07-11 15:43:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am an alcoholic and really from my experience there is nothing you can do. I have a son who is now 26 and he tried to stop me from drinking and couldn't. I was mean to him and I would even say abusive. I am dying of a liver disease and that didn't stop me. Now for the past 6 months I have not drank and I pray everyday that the desire to drink does not haunt me and if if does that I can have the strength to refuse it. I do believe that you have to take care of yourself and your sibling too, if you can. I don't believe that moving in with your boy friend would stop what you feel, and the worry that you have. It may even strain your relationship and if it is a positive relationship you might want to hold on to it. There are programs that help. Alla teen is one. You will have peers that understand, been through, going through and coming out of, simaliar if not the same situation that you are experienceing. You will see others that have taken control of there sanity therefore allowing them to live their lives. I know that some say "OH I don't need a group or any one" try looking at it as, hey cool I'm doing something for me". That will be what it is and your attitude and your emotions, and feelings will calm. Then perhaps the example of your strength and the control you will have over yourself will ultimately get your parents attention. Good luck and I am very proud of you that you would seek help, many don't.
2006-07-11 23:03:12
answer #2
answered by shot gun annie 1
here what i suggest, if she buys a 12 pack of beer,go to the fridge take a couple out and pour them down the drain. this way she will think she is drinking more than she has. dont do it right when she gets the case of beer, do it after she has had 3 or 4 beers.if they drink other stuff like hard alcohol then pour in water to dilute it.i know how hard it could be to have a parent drunk all the time, my parents were like that and it sucked, i would hide the beers and empty them later but they always wentto get more so i poured out is hard but keep your head up.
2006-07-11 22:57:41
answer #3
answered by Christina 6
I suggest you talk to lots of family memebers, discuss with them IN DETAIL whats going on in your home. You will need thier help, in the form of a place to stay or other, more serious intervention. The short answer is: there is NOTHING you can do about her drinking. That beinig the case, you are not powerless to do something about your LIVING situation, and that of your siblings. You very well may need to involve children protective services, your extended family, and/or other trusted adults. Church, and AA are great for her, however they will not be of assistance until/unless she is ready to quit.. there is nothing you can do to hasten that time.. YOU ARE NOT SAFE in that home, and every day you and your sibs stay there is another day you are at risk for violence and humiliation. GET OUT, TAKE YOUR SIBS.. its sad but true that you are going to have to handle this with YOUR best interests at heart. Im very sorry that I dont have happier things to say to you.
if you need to chat about it
2006-07-11 23:00:15
answer #4
answered by brandihoo 3
first of all, i feel so bad for you, dont move out and leave your sibling to bear the brunt of her abuse.....where is the rest of your family, how old are you????she wont stop until she hits rock bottom.....or until she wants to, which ever comes first, she needs help, and remeber she is sick, its the booze, and i know it is hard, but you have to reach out and do the hard sounds like she is an alchololic and sometimes you gotta burn the village down to save it, you need to tell somebody, a school couselor, a close friends parent, somebody you feel safe talking too.they will help you, and if you have nobody, you need to call protective services if nobody in your family will best friend went through the same thing, one night her mom passed out drunk, and the house caught on fire and her brother died cause he couldnt reach the door to get out, and mom was out cold.she died too, and now she is alone, wishing she had done something, do anything you gotta do to get between her and her habit.
2006-07-11 22:41:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, nothing you can do will stop someone from drinking if they have a drinking problem... They are the only one in power to do so. You can interveen by getting help for yourself. there are groups for the dependants of alcoholics. That is were I would direct you, they have the resources available to help you the way you may need help.
2006-07-11 22:39:07
answer #6
answered by nashvillecarter 2
What about your dad or an adult you trust who can talk to her/them? Drinking is a disease and you can't make her stop. Try aa for kids.
2006-07-11 22:37:23
answer #7
answered by shellsbells 2
Good luck, "you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave" to quote the eagles
2006-07-11 22:35:48
answer #8
answered by brandon 3
0⤋ dad had a problem simalar to an intervention or something.tell her to check in to an AA meeting and you have to bother them to go(alot).you mite have to have another adult to tell them this since adults dont wanna listen to little kids(cuz they dont kno wat they are talking about or sum crap like that)......but never pick up on drinking u dont want the ones u luv to go thru this.
2006-07-11 23:32:16
answer #9
answered by Ashley 2
it is very hard to you to changing her, but my suggestion is take her to physician or psychologist or church, i see some program in church to help them.
2006-07-11 22:41:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous