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I'm going to be going on a date with a girl that may be shy about physical affection or just may not be interested in me. I'm not sure. We met at a friend's party earlier and got along pretty well. That night I initiated most of the physical contact-holding hands, holding her waist and hips, hugging... She did initiate the grinding though.... While we were dancing throughout the night she never raised her hands to dance and never put her hands on me whenever I put my hands on her waist, hips, in her hands, etc... She just let her hands dangle the entire time she danced, even when she was grinding.

Can her degree of interest be determined by her level of physical affection on the dance floor?
If she is in fact interested, how should I proced with physical affection on our first date? Should I hold her hand to rekindle something or do so only if things are going well?

2006-07-11 09:11:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

11 answers

Don't be too physical on the first date. And yes, hold hands only if things are going well. But nothing more. See if there's going to be a second date first!

2006-07-11 09:16:51 · answer #1 · answered by plkadtz 2 · 0 0

She may just not know how to initiate physical contact. I would take it slow just to be on the safe side. You can initiate holding hands but if she finds any way to break that contact wait for her to initiate it next. If by the end of the date you are unsure of her feelings, go ahead and give her a nice hug and try for a kiss, but don't overwhelm her with lots of tongue and groping. Keep it simple.

2006-07-11 09:16:16 · answer #2 · answered by Phaylynn 5 · 0 0

The best thing for you to do is play it cool and casual.Let her know that you are interested in her as a whole, ABSOLTELY NO physical contact on the first date unless she advances all the way to you.Keep the dancing relatively formal until she changes the tempo "PAY ATTENTION" as her signals may be subtle or hard to understand.Some women are turned off by physically aggresive men.

2006-07-11 09:19:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If she's grinding against you on the dance floor, it sounds she's not uninterested. Maybe she just doesn't use her hands much when she dances?

I think you just need to go with it, and try to figure out what she's enjoying and what's unwelcome.

2006-07-11 09:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im 15 and me and virtually each and every individual i understand are purely fantastic with public dispays of love. Being comfortable-feely is totally widespread, so only someone very shy may be adverse.

2016-12-01 02:05:43 · answer #5 · answered by hashrat 3 · 0 0

Sounds like she loves to dance but may not really be interested in ya, but not totally sure

2006-07-11 09:15:34 · answer #6 · answered by cisco_cantu 6 · 0 0

You should started by holding her hand. If you started more touching, ask her if it's ok to touch her in that way.

2006-07-11 09:15:44 · answer #7 · answered by tiff 2 · 0 0

go ahead a bag her, **** the **** out her she just has no use of her hands but realy she wants it as bad as you do.

2006-07-11 09:16:56 · answer #8 · answered by citisat 3 · 0 0

go for it, she may just not know how to react or be scared to iniate

2006-07-11 09:15:41 · answer #9 · answered by russell97yzf 2 · 0 0

no be nice. u may scare her if she is shy. so mind ur manners

2006-07-11 09:15:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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