I'm going to be going on a date with a girl that may be shy about physical affection or just may not be interested in me. I'm not sure. We met at a friend's party earlier and got along pretty well. That night I initiated most of the physical contact-holding hands, holding her waist and hips, hugging... She did initiate the grinding though.... While we were dancing throughout the night she never raised her hands to dance and never put her hands on me whenever I put my hands on her waist, hips, in her hands, etc... She just let her hands dangle the entire time she danced, even when she was grinding.
Can her degree of interest be determined by her level of physical affection on the dance floor?
If she is in fact interested, how should I proced with physical affection on our first date? Should I hold her hand to rekindle something or do so only if things are going well?
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