I can relate, and understand....
I cut my hair due to lice, ( yeah, yuk). O yes, I miss it, very close to the same length as your's was.
I can't wait for it to grow back, but till then I kinda like it, I have to admitt it's easier to manage, but still, I too have had very Long hair most of my life.
I suggest you check your nutrition, are you eating a balanced diet ? No fad diets, low carb, high carb. or other gimics ? Balanced nutrition is Always best....
A good muti vitamine too, Paba and Innositol included, these are B- vitamines most multi vits Don't have, why I will never understand.
I use a good, hair, skin, and nail formula that has all the B-vitamines and minerals to keep your hair strong from the inside out..
I take both, one at night, ( like at dinner time night), and one in the morning, this way you're not zapping your body with too many vitamine sups at one time.
It works for me..
Ask a Real nutritionist, Not just a diatician for better details on this..
Trust me, there Is a difference..
Lean meats, whole grains, ( stay away from white flower products, or if you must, a blend of whole grain, wheat, and white flowers, such as in breads).
Whole grain rice, again you can mix them a bit, vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, ( if you can drink it that is). Soy, and other milk subs are good too.
Lot's of water, at least your 8, 8 oz..
Hair/ bodies needs protein, healthy fats, such as, soy, saflower, corn, or a mixture, ( cold pressed is best), and other very healthy varieties, olive is great too.
Check out your local health food stores, or natural food sections at your grocerie stores.
No, trance fats, ( solid "veg" fats). Read the labels careful.
If it is hydrdogented it's tranc fats.
I know, I got into a long answer here.
My point is, good nutrician is the key to healthy hair, skin, the body, inside and out.
Again, patience too. It took my hair, 6 + years to get to the length it was, "boo hoo", ( cry).
I'm kidding, I just miss it..
I was like a big baby too about it I admit. I'm 45, but I went back to 5 that day.
As I said, I had lice, I had no choice, believe me, it was my Last resort....
I know it'll grow back..
But, life ain't fair.
I love, Fruitopi,( I think that's the correct spelling).
But, one of their formulas is designed for long hair and All it's needs..
It might help give your hair the extra stength it needs to grow, you know like the split ends and all, Nexis is another great one, Paul Michael is my favorit, they are expensive, but well worth it.
What I love is the ingrediance and that a little goes a long way. A quarter size amount, to wash, and not much more for their conditioners.
Patience, my dear, patience..
Forgive me if some of the words are mispelled, it's late here and spell check is not working right now..
2006-07-10 22:57:06
answer #2
answered by paula b 2