I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer a little over 8 years ago. It was a total shock. I was having problems with heavy bleeding with my period and went in for a D&C. A polyp was found and removed. I was told it all looked healthy and no worries, but it was sent to the lab.
When I went in for my 2 week check-up I was told it was endometrial cancer. Because of my family history of cancers (not all "female" cancers, but cancer non the less..and all the women died at young ages...38, 54,55,57,59, etc.) my doctor and I decided to do a totaly hysterectomy.
I have no had any reoccurrence of it, that I know of. So far things have been well.
I don't know how old you are, but that might be a suggestion and option for you. I was only 38 at the time I had mine.
Are there consequences to this? yes. I was thrown into menopause immediately! It was hell. Because of the cancer I could not take hormone replacements (HRT). I thought I was loosing my mind at times.
That is until I came across a medication that is over the counter and all natural. It's call Estroven (do not use the generic or the extra strength..neither worked well for me...but then again, everyone is different). I talked with my doctor and my pharmacist about using it. Both said they had never known anyone to take it and actually didn't believe it would do me any good...but I had to try something.
It worked wonders for me. After taking it for 5 days i started to now have as many hot flashes and night sweats and I wasn't as cranky. After a whole month, I hardly had a hot flash at all and I felt much more calm. Now the hot flashes are very far and very few between. I sleep better at nights with hardly any night sweats and my memory has gotten somewhat better (still have problems with peoples names at times).
I let my doctor and pharmacist know how it worked for me and now other women have tried it and had good results too. Both now reccommend it when women ask.
My best advice to you is to talk with your doctor if you are having a reoccurrence of this cancer. Get all the information you can from legit sites online. Call the American Cancer Institute and get info from them if you can. Have someone go with you to the doctor and talk about what would be best. Get a second opinion if that would make you feel better. Go with your gut feeling then with what will be the best for you.
It's a hard decision to make. If you believe in God...pray. I do and I'll say a prayer for you.
Give your doc a call....Good luck!
2006-07-12 03:53:26
answer #1
answered by 317bossyaussie 3