Internal Medicine is that branch of medicine that is concerned with ongoing medical care of people over 18 years. A doctor who specializes in Internal Medicine is called an "internist", and takes care of conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and all the other afflictions of adults. Internists do not operate on patients, they do not deliver babies, although they may do minor procedures in the office.
An Internist is often the primary care doctor for patients who may need multiple specialists; the internist should be an advocate for the patient and help with communications with all the other specialists.
2006-07-10 15:12:41
answer #1
answered by drwag1 3
A doctor that specializes in Internal Medicine specializes in things like diseases of the gall bladder, liver problems, intestinal problems - like ulcers. This is different than a doctor that is a Pulmonologist - lung specialist, or orthopedist - bone specialist, Oncologist - cancer specialist, or Cardiologist - heart specialist. Sometimes they are called Internists - which is not the same thing as an intern - a new doctors first year before being a resident.
2006-07-10 15:17:34
answer #2
answered by petlover 5
As opposed to external medicine???
Or would you really like to know what the internal medicine department at your hospital does?
2006-07-10 15:08:56
answer #3
answered by JustJake 5
you are reading my words right now
yet you can't see what your heart looks like internally
have you ever visited the inside of your body
no one has
only external medicine has
Havard School of Medicine is external medicine
quantum world medicine is internal Medicine
the only medicine of internal Medicine is Patience
External medicine is rushing the body to heal
Not trusting the body to heal by itself without the
threat of death or an exorbitant doctor bill
Your body is a machine that has in its DNA
the secret codes that can heal any injury to the body
like a self cleaning oven
It has the ability to even heal a heart attack, without external medicine or medications
2006-07-10 15:32:31
answer #4
answered by Lapis Lazuli 2
Internal medicine has to do with everthing concerning the patients before they get forwarded to a specialist.
2006-07-10 15:07:54
answer #5
answered by Rocko 3
Internal medicine, oddly enough, deals with the internal organs.
2006-07-10 15:09:09
answer #6
answered by DakkonA 3
Internal medicine is a specialty of dealing with your digestive system and your heart and kidneys.
2006-07-10 16:33:04
answer #7
answered by Buzz s 6
like a physician, the doc that you go to normally is inside the 'internal medicine' category
2006-07-10 15:07:28
answer #8
answered by JIMMY j 5
2006-07-10 15:07:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ears, nose and throat are "external" medicine
Stomach and the rest of your guts are "internal"
2006-07-10 15:08:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous