My girl friend and I both did this My son was 3 1/2 I thought he would never stop pooping in his pull-up I took away the pull-ups except at night and put him in an over sized t shirt nothing on under it, I got a sticker chart on the bath room wall and everytime he went he put the sticker on it I told him after a week we would go to the store and he could get something special but if he had accidents I would take something special out of his room. With nothing on under the shirt he didn't have to fight the undies or anything you have to commit to it and not yell at him if he has an accident clean have him help you clean it up and go on about your day praise him for everything he does in the potty. My son was trained in 3 days I basically had to force him to do it cause has was just being lazy.
2006-07-10 09:48:34
answer #1
answered by life as we know it 4
I started out by buying a simple white potty that looked the closest to a regular toilet. No bells n' whistles. Then I got her the "Feel N Learn" pull-ups which are great because when they are wet, they feel wet to the child. Then we had a "sticker" program. I would put her potty in front of the toilet and we would both go potty together. Every time she was successful, she got a sticker that she placed on the bathroom cupboard beside her potty chair. That way she was able to see the rewards of her efforts. And I also made a big effort to praise her really dramatically! Then we'd both empty her potty into the toilet and wave and say "bye-bye peepees/poopoos, thanks for coming out!" She'd sometimes just sit on the chair and "pretend" to potty just so she'd get a sticker! But she quickly figured out that she needed to produce visible results... It took about 2 months. Then I took her shopping and let her pick out her own underwear (Dora). She was so happy to wear them and very, very proud. She had a few accidents but I never made a big deal out of them to her. It got tricky when we went out because it's important that as soon as said she had to potty, we had to pull over right away. I was sure NOT to fall back on the pullups just because we were out. It just prolongs the process. She was able to wear underwear during the day and a pullup at night. Then, eventually she lost the nightime pullup and I woke her at 2am and took her to the potty - every night for about a week. And then that was that.
Every child is different tho - the key is to make a big fuss when they go and not make a fuss if they don't. Good luck with it.
2006-07-11 04:21:06
answer #2
answered by turtlewoman2005 4
Potty training can be inculcated from as early as 3-6 months. Whether the baby wants to pee or not you just take him to the loo, once every hour, run the tap in the sink or bath tub and stand by him with gentle talk to pee. It will take you a few days to succeed but it will happen surely. You can also tell him - its time for peepee or some such thing, before taking him to the bathroom. As for his resistence to underwear, his father could show him that all men wear underwear and use the psychological effect to make him change his mind. If he believes that it is macho to be like his dad or any other man he looks up to, he may want to immitate. May just solve your problem.
2006-07-10 15:12:30
answer #3
answered by someone 3
Try a reward system. My 3yo son did the same thing: he didn't want to wear underwear, he peed in the potty but would not poop in the potty.
I made a chart for every day of the week. When he went peepee in the potty he got a red star. Poopoo: blue star. The stars were reward enough for him, but if you want, you can tell him he gets a treat every time he gets 5 stars, or something like that. Hang the chart in the bathroom so he can see it.
Then have him come with you to the store to pick out his own big boy underpants. You can make a big deal out of it, go out for ice cream afterwards, or whatever you want to do. My son LOVES his SpongeBob underpants and doesn't want to wear anything else. As soon as we bought those, he never wanted a diaper again. He still wears diapers for bed but lately he has been begging to wear "spongebob" instead; he's starting to get out of bed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night instead of going in his diaper, because he knows he'll get to wear his special underwear to bed if he can go three night accident-free.
Whatever you do DO NOT FORCE HIM to use the potty. If you say he can't watch a certain show, or have candy, or get ice cream, until he's gone poopoo, he might push so hard he could hurt himself. A little girl in our neighborhood had to be hospitalized when she pushed organs out when trying to have a BM, she didn't really have to go but she wanted her prize.
2006-07-10 15:12:29
answer #4
answered by Call me AL 3
well first of all get rid of the pull ups and diapers all together , take son to the store and let him pick out someunderwear , with all the shows out now days they have underwear to go with the carqacters , they even have boxer briefs that look like boxers , but are more form fitting and somewhat resemble shorts , , let him pick the underwear , and when he does tell him something like pooh bear dont like you to go potty on him so when u have to go potty u need to go to the restroom , another thing u can do is a potty chart , each day that your son dont go potty in his pants at the end of the day u give him a sticker to place on the chart after he has filled up a week worth of stickers on the chart tell him that you will take him to the donut shop or the 99 cent store where he can pick one item out but u need to get rid of the pull ups and diapers all togetrher
2006-07-10 15:15:21
answer #5
answered by dale621 5
don't pressure him. be patient and don't make a big deal out of his accidents. someone once told me, when i was stressing about the SAME thing, "have you ever seen a child in kindergarten with a diaper?" of course the answer is no. pretty soon he will think it's gross and use the potty on his own. when i quit acting disappointed when he peed his pants and just let him do his own thing, he just woke up one morning and said he wanted to wear "undies"... AND HE DIDN'T HAVE ONE single accident after that. another thing my boys ALL liked to do when potty training was to play a game. (who doesn't like a game?) anyhow, i would put ONE SQUARE of toilet paper in the toilet and they would use it as a target and try to sink it! some people suggested using cheerios but that was to little and my boys had a hard time with that. GOOD LUCK!
2006-07-10 15:12:25
answer #6
answered by JayneDoe 5
He is male and will potty train when he is ready and not before. Don't push. Praise him when he does well and ignore when he doesn't. One of my son's (now 5) was nearing his 4th birthday when he was finally trained. When he turned three we started working with him. He had no interest. I stopped for a couple of months and started again. He knew how to do it, just wouldn't and didn't care if he ran around in wet diapers or underwear. I was ready to pull my hair out! I had my fourth son due within weeks and I gave in to the fact that I would have two in diapers, went out and purchased two huge boxes of diapers for them both and gave up on potty training. Within two weeks, he trained himself. Good luck and enjoy him being a baby while it lasts, it won't be long before he decides he is ready.
2006-07-10 15:58:15
answer #7
answered by Brooke 4
Well the best way is to have someone else try for u......i know is sounds silly but my mom potty trained my son in a week and he is 2.I was in the hosptial for 6 days and she did it. I was so easy for me too!My husband was trained by his aunt in 2 days.I works and they r so proud of them self that they love to go for u now.
2006-07-10 15:55:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
there are these new pull-ups that have a "cooling" sensation when they pee. maybe if he gets cold right afterward it will make him stop peeing in his pants. also, does he have a favorite cartoon character? underwear these days comes in all different themes. try getting him some that he loves, but can only wear when he uses the toilet.
2006-07-10 15:09:10
answer #9
answered by redpeach_mi 7
make a game out of it. buy some cherrios and sprinkle a few into the toilet. Have him try to hit them when he is going pea. I made a game out of it and it helped my son to want to go to the bathroom. Also look for signs that he has to go and make him go when you see that he needs to go. also every hour or so make him go in there and go potty, until he understands that he has to go to the bathroom when he has to go.
2006-07-10 15:09:30
answer #10
answered by afvet3471 4