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i have windows xp.. with SP1 .. my start up list is very less. about three applications only. but still my computer takes more time to start uo windows (30 approx.). i have checked for viruses and spyware thru ewido, lavasoft, spybot, and AVG. In between when i had updated the background intelligence of my windows the start up was immediate. but now its again gone back to taking more time. i have updated my xp to latest available updates from microsoft. including the last batch of 21 updates. still there hasnt been any improvement. This is similar for shutdowns also.

2006-07-10 03:07:33 · 8 answers · asked by raj 1 in Computers & Internet Software

In between my computer crashed a couple of times in two days. when i restarted the computer and upon scan i found that certain enteries were truncated. is there a connection betweem the two. the entries were in windows/software distribution/WuRedir/****** . the ***** are some numbers which are basically folder names. upon opening the folders there are two winzip files named muredir and wuredir along with a *.xml file

2006-07-10 03:12:55 · update #1

In between my computer crashed a couple of times in two days. when i restarted the computer and upon scan i found that certain enteries were truncated. is there a connection betweem the two. the entries were in windows/software distribution/WuRedir/****** . the ***** are some numbers which are basically folder names. upon opening the folders there are two winzip files named muredir and wuredir along with a *.xml file

I HAVE 512 MB ram

2006-07-10 03:14:04 · update #2

8 answers

Go to Control Panel and click on SYSTEMS. Check to see how much memory you have. It should be displayed below the SYSTEMS properties.

If you have only 128-256MB RAM, then you need to add more. If you only have 128 or 256, then you cant load up programs at all and expect to loadup MORE programs without it lagging and being slow. You should upgrade to at least 512MB.

Go to http://www.4allmemroy.com and buy some cheap memories. If you need help with installation, then contact me.

2006-07-10 03:10:52 · answer #1 · answered by Sean I.T ? 7 · 0 0

You might be having lots of non-used files like Temps... or Internet explorer History... clear them...

Click on Start - Run and type


and press Enter...

Then select all the options that are having big sizes .. be sure not to select the Important ones...which are needed...

And clear your history in Internet Explorer and then - tools - Internet Options - Clear History... and Auto Complete in Content Tab... at the bottom...

I hope this helped u...

Best of luck....


2006-07-10 03:13:51 · answer #2 · answered by Web-designer © 5 · 0 0

Most of the time (well for me) it turns out to be some spyware trojan stuff. Yes scans may take them out once but nowadays they come with hidden agendas.. they secretly auto-download another copy the next time you boot up..

Im not a comp wiz kid.. and im really sick and tired of going tru the registries cleaning out the trash.. so the quickest and less brain cell consuming way is format for me..

2006-07-10 03:12:05 · answer #3 · answered by acnemycin 3 · 0 0

Actually you need to get SP2 to have the latest updates. It is a big package to download though. See if that helps any.

2006-07-10 03:13:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey friend, are there many items stored on desktop, if yes, move most of the data & files from desktop & shift them to any other sutaible folder.
check defragmentataion of hard disk.
let me know does it works, if not, i will suggest you some more steps.
thanks :)

2006-07-10 03:15:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you either need more RAM or a faster processor. Shouldnt you have SP2 too?

2006-07-10 03:11:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

can't help you with the technical stuff, use the hibernate function instead of shut-down, this might make it close down quicker also.

2006-07-10 03:11:39 · answer #7 · answered by amtghota 3 · 0 0

Downlaod WinASO ( http://www.winaso.com/ ) ant optimize start up.

2006-07-10 03:11:44 · answer #8 · answered by inhelldarkness 2 · 0 0

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