It is usually harder for guys to get a girlfriend than it is for girls get a boyfriend. For all those who are unlucky in the love (or lust) department, follow these steps to become Mister Smooth.
Do not pick a target girl.
Pick a location frequented by a significant number of girls, where
you feel fairly comfortable, perhaps a place that is conducive to a skill of yours: music, public speaking, private intimate conversation.
Scope out the pickings. Pick one or two or three. Keep these in your mind as "potentials".
If you feel you have gotten to know any "Potentials" well to ask them out, go ahead and do it, worst thing that could happen is that she says no, then she's at a loss. But not you, you've still got the others.
Appearance is key. Clean up for a high class city girl. Dress down for the fun loving motorbike chick.
Be funny. If your not naturally funny, don't try to be around her, pitch jokes to other people, see how the jokes do with them. If you get no laughs there, just pray, because its gonna be hard
winning a girl without humor.
Keep up a good posture, walk steadily and smile. Women do not like slouchers. Bad posture gives an air of unconfidence. Smiling makes a guy more welcoming. A good walking style, (straight back, a hand in the pocket and taking well distanced strides) gives the impression of intelligence.
Talk. Silent guys are as annoying as peas. (On the other hand, men who do NOTHING but talk and NEVER listen are annoying too.)
Look and touch. Looking into a girl's eyes shows respect and interest. A firm handshake, a gentle pat on the back, a light touch of the hand and other subtle gestures allow the girl to feel connected with the guy.
Feel great. The feeling will radiate and affect the lady too.
Don't pretend to be someone you aren't, you may think you will win her round with it but in the end it will backfire, find a common interest, something you both like. if she likes a band and you don't, lie about it, and listen to them till you change your mind.
Put on great smelling aftershave or cologne. Research the best selling ones at department stores. A good scent really turns a woman on.
Guys do not need to look like Brad Pitt to find a girlfriend. Just keep hair, teeth and nails clean and neat. Ladies are quick to notice little details especially in the hands and faces.
Be a good conversationalist. Read up on the latest in politics, entertainment, arts and even sports news. Women love a well informed man. It makes him look well-educated and, therefore, richer in every aspect. Or just actually be well educated.
Do listen to the lady before responding. Women do not like to be cut off. They like to be considered and feel important.
Do pay on the first drink, first date, first taxi cab ride, etc. It makes a gentleman out of a man.
Most importantly, offer to walk or drive the lady home (or anywhere she wants to go). This makes the man seem sincerely concerned for her well-being.
Don't annoy you girl by texting her every night. If she texts you, reply but unless you have something to say then don't text. It gets annoying when someone keeps texting you saying "i <3 u".
Don't be unsubtle. Yet it is important not to be so obtuse as to be unreadable.
Do not stalk the lady!
Grinning like the Cheshire cat is creepy.
Taking over the entire conversation is over-bearing and rude.
Do not insist relentlessly on an offer when the lady has turned it down. It may be that she has no use for or does not feel good about the suggestion. Pushing her to accept will only increase the possibility of rejection.
Avoid being a close talker. Nobody likes that.
2006-07-09 19:51:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First off, being single is totally ok. Anyway from a girls point-of-view I can tell you a few things. First off, be yourself. We know when your faking and trying to be someone your not, girls tend to ignore guys like that. And I hate it when a guy is talking non-stop about every great thing he has ever done the minute I meet him, he's clearly trying to impress me but actions speak volumes over words. Also show confidence, thats a biggie...I don't mean "watch me go beat up that random guy over there" confidence, I mean don't be afraid to state who you are, what you like and don't like, what you believe in. Next, a little chivalry goes a loooong way, if I am walking into a building and a guy stops to hold the door open for me and tells me to have a nice day-I remember that guy. I sat in a restruant one night and a guy came up to my table and said to me "I just want to tell you, you look absolutely stunning tonight." and then he sat down at his table. I will absolutely NEVER forget that. And it always helps to have an interest or hobby, it does not matter what it is, just something you show a lot of passion for. Girls don't want to know every intricate detail of your interest, just that you have a passion about something outside of yourself.
Thats the basics I can think of, the rest is up to you. You don't have to be all suave and debonair. Just be yourself. And aweful pickup lines, they don't work...they never have.
Hope that helps!
2006-07-09 20:05:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
be yourself of course! just be yourself and when the right girl comes along, she'll like you and realize that she wants to be yours forever!
2006-07-09 19:49:14
answer #3
answered by baby bear 3