Get to know a guy for abt 2 mths- thgs go too fast till we r neither a couple nor a fren. I like him and he does too but lately he's unsure and needed time. I decided to give him time but in return I want his decision (as ere's another girl tt he likes but she didn't reciprocate). Finally he made a decision abt a wk ago tt we shld be clean frens n he's not waiting for e other girl as well. He said he's still undecided abt us and he didn't wanna hurt me in future if we continue to be like what we are now, so it's best this way. He didn't msg nor call me but I initiated the sms once every 3 days, had a chat with him 3 days ago; exchanging regards and all. At first I thought it won't have any impact on me but I realized I do like him and I felt like I have lost somthing gd. Mail him a card and wrote if we cld start all over again but till today, no response frm him. What should I do...? And is he still interested?
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