Actually you do need credit cards. They allow you to get a line of credit started, they are reported on your credit report. If you ever want to buy a house or car they look to see how many lines of credit are open. Usually they require at least three lines to purchase a house. When you get a card just be responsible and only buy what you can afford. Pay it when its due and nothing bad will happen to you.
2006-07-09 12:31:10
answer #1
answered by jdlx_2 3
You do not need a credit card. It is not a necessity, such as food, clothes, and shelter. Many people abuse credit, there for leaving them in bad situations. Today you have people pushing you to get credit cards on your college campuses and through the mail and over the phone and now we have this wonderful thing called the internet that even makes it easier for people to solicit. Having a credit card is a luxury and should be treated as such. I mean it is nice to be able to pay your bills over the phone some times and make reservations over the phone but as long as cash is still an option I say use it as much as possible, and if you do decide to get a credit card, get only 1 until you feel comfortable with more/ or, not, that is a personal call. Just remember to be responsible because what you can't laugh at tomorrow, we more than likely forget!
2006-07-09 19:39:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Get one to establish your credit. Then freeze it in a block of ice and keep it in your freezer so you have to wait until the ice melts beore you use it. By the time the ice melts you probably won't be impulse spending. Also any emergency will probably wait long enough for the ice to melt.
Every one needs to establish credit. Preferably good credit, not bad credit.
If you're dead set against having one you can establish credit through bank and car loans and just use a debit card when you need plastic.
I think you are wise to be thinking this way at a young age.
2006-07-09 19:34:26
answer #3
answered by miso1cat 5
You don't need a credit card. A debit card, maybe, because that debits directly from your checking account so you end up with no debt. Credit cards charge HIGH interest rates that take FOREVER to pay back. Save for what you want and pay in cash. That way you can also get a cash discount on everything. Read Dave Ramsey's book, Financial Freedom. You'll love it.
2006-07-09 19:31:50
answer #4
answered by snddupree 5
You are looking at it from a RIGHT healthy standpoint! Stay THERE!!! The only reason you want a credit card is to build up a high credit score. There are ways to do this. Pay back all of what you spend monthly and leave yourself a zero balance. Using near to your spending limit and turning that amount over is a good idea... mortgage brokers, car salespersons and big ticket item outfits don't want you to have "too much available credit" nor do they want you to have "too much going out." It is a delicate balance. ,
and will give you a good financial education and even include step by step plans to give yourself a good financial future. Self control will get you everywhere young man. Here's to much prosperity for you!!!
2006-07-09 20:22:45
answer #5
answered by Sleek 7
Unfortunately, life will probably be easier if you have one. Many things require one, such as on-line purchases, rental car places, rental lots of things, even video stores.
If you don't use it except for that you should be fine.
However, using a cc AND PAYING IF OFF MONTHLY & ON TIME will help build your credit rating which can help you when you want to do something like buy a house or car.
You DON't want to use CC and pay late or run up huge debts. If you do that, you won't even enjoy what you spent the money on!
Live within your means.
2006-07-09 19:38:39
answer #6
answered by desertrat 2
No u dont want one if u can help it but most people at some point come into a situation where they do not make enough and credit cards is the only way to get by. I suggest you get to college and make lots of money so u do not have to have one of those nasty plastic cards!
2006-07-09 19:29:25
answer #7
answered by jibbers4204 6
There is definitely a lot of danger in using credit card recklessly. My suggestion is for you not to use it at all.
However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't get one. I think it's a good idea for you to apply to a few of them and then put them in a box and never use it. Over the years, the credit card will help build you as having a credit history.
2006-07-09 19:30:33
answer #8
answered by Tristan K 2
Treat your money and credit like you treat your privacy in the bathroom.
Have one credit card, thats it!
know how to manage your money and have some saved up before you get one.
Great for your credit rating, renting cars, or reserving a hotel.
Cut it up if you ever get to the point you need it for bread and Milk.
2006-07-09 19:30:23
answer #9
answered by Keanu 4
No you don't really need one. It is convenient to use for payments versus carrying around a lot of cash though. Just get a card with no annual fee and make sure you pay off the balance every month and you'll be fine.
2006-07-09 19:29:03
answer #10
answered by zuzu_2u 2