Cats go into heat frequently throughout the year if they are not spayed or neutered.
Estrus ("heat") is the mating period of female animals. When estrus occurs, animals are said to be "in heat" or "in season." Cats normally have their first estrous cycle between 5 and 10 months of age, with the average age around 6 months.
The female cat has 2-4 estrous periods every year, each lasting 15-22 days. If she is bred, estrus seldom lasts more than 4 days.
If successful mating does not occur, estrus may last for 7-10 days and recur at 15- to 21-day intervals. It is possible for an unmated female to cycle every 3-4 weeks indefinitely.
Cats also have an estrous period 1-6 weeks after giving birth, so a female may be nursing one litter while pregnant with another
2006-07-09 03:06:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Cat Heat Season
2016-12-11 17:32:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Cats are heat triggered breeds, meaning, if the weather is above 60 degrees or so. Cats usually go into their first heat at 6 months, but can do so even earlier. Cats also routinely go into heat and get pregnant while nurising a litter. So, get your cat spayed ASAP. It is vital for her, for you, and for the pet overpopulation crisis.
2006-07-09 18:50:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Cat's pregnancy last 62 days FYI and they can go into heat anytime after they mature around 6 months
2006-07-09 03:36:40
answer #4
answered by momie_2bee 5
My cat went into heat all the time! But the pet store said there are seasons. So, I'm not really sure.....
2006-07-09 03:06:06
answer #5
answered by elec_tro_lux 3
If you don't get them fixed, they may go into heat at random times. Any time would be right. You can never tell when.
2006-07-09 03:21:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
cats can go into heat at any time of the year..
however it is best to spay your female cat before she has a risk of getting pregnant - THOUSANDS of kittens are euthanized or killed every day because of lack of homes for them - even if you find homes for your kittens it means somebody else did not - also spayed cats have fewer health risks
2006-07-09 03:30:01
answer #7
answered by CF_ 7
They usually start in February and cycle every three weeks until October. Individuals vary, and the season is longer in warmer climates.
2006-07-09 20:37:43
answer #8
answered by dukefenton 7
usually in the spring time
2006-07-09 03:04:34
answer #9
answered by Amanda B 1
at random times, and when it happens, it is not fun to be around your cat!!....
2006-07-09 03:30:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous