Throwing yourself at him and calling him obsessively is one way to keep him (and many guys) away. He doesn't sound interested in you and you don't sound like you have a lot of respect for yourself.
2006-07-08 19:31:48
answer #1
answered by Jett Girl 3
At one time you were smart, but since your little escapade you were not a smart young lady. Unless you have good connections at Interpol, think twice about dating an elusive man. The man who can't be reached easily is giving you a message. It is: You can't reach me!" If you can't find him lose him. Walk away and forget any man who stiops callinf. Doesn't call when he says he will.Any man who doesn't show up or call when he says he will isn't worth the paper your phone number is printed on. This guy sounds like he was really interested in you, but you felt as if there was no sex at the beginning, then the "relationship" couldn't move to a new plateau. You should had waited to get to that new plateau until you were sure that's where you wanted to be. He wouldn't mind waiting; in fact, often he prefers it. What was his words to you? "He's on a sex diet."
2006-07-08 19:41:50
answer #2
answered by Ivy C 2
You came on to strong when all he wanted was his hair washed. I don't get that, seems he'd want a hair cut and wash , but he didn't so he made up an excuse to get away. Yeah, I'd be a little embarrassed but best thing to do is blow it off and don't come on so strong the next time. Play hard to get instead. When you see him at school just smile and say hi and keep walking. Or just smile and keep walking.Chalk it up to a stupid moment that won't happen again.
2006-07-08 19:38:10
answer #3
answered by Countrygirl 5
you have a phobia. Phobia means: "an irrational concern" --meaning that it isn't the conventional combat or flight variety of concern that we innately all own as human beings. I advise which you talk to a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist. He/she would be able that may additionally assist you to get to the inspiration of why you have this irrational concern. you will additionally be taught so plenty greater approximately your self interior the approach ---- assisting you with different insecurities which you in all probability have, on an identical time as attending to the inspiration reason for the situation. you will empower your self by way of searching for help to beat your fears. you will sense bright, on top of issues, alive, and have an entire new outlook on existence often. basically the act of soliciting for help is extremely empowering. you would be so chuffed and pleased with your self for dealing with fact by way of exhibiting some self-discipline and duty on your own wellbeing. on an identical time as counseling may additionally assist you ----- you are the only which will placed your found out qualifications into action -----lower back ------you will particularly empower your self in greater procedures than you are able to ever have imagined. i'm hoping you will help your self by way of soliciting for help. ---- do no longer enable this drag on. you will grow to be tense and depressed in case you do. Nip this one interior the bud --- you're able to do it. interior the intervening time ......basically breathe and loosen up. no you may harm you on the different end of the telephone. you often have the capability to easily dangle up! basically an identical ----if all you're able to do is dangle-up the telephone and not shop on a extremely established communication --- please get help my buddy. i've got faith in you. i'm hoping you will have faith in your self too!
2016-12-14 05:48:20
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Basically, he's telling you he's a big fat liar. Really, if he finds you witty, smart, and cute he'd find a way to return your calls and let you know how much he'd like to be with you. As it is, he's letting you off easier than you would let yourself off. Find someone who appreciates you and returns your calls. It's tough, but it's real.
2006-07-08 19:32:21
answer #5
answered by David 3
I'm telling you he Has a girlfriend or something cause no single man will refuse to sleep with a cute girl as you said you are
2006-07-08 19:32:32
answer #6
answered by alirezamortezai 2
it sounds like he is not interested....might have been to have a bit of fun and end it there but if he has returned any of your calls and has been finding reasons not to talk to you (like uhm..I'm sleeping) he probably is not interested.
So stop calling, hold your head up high and act like you don't care 'cause you got a life and cannot dwell on things like this.
I think it's embarrassing when a girl just keeps trying to hold onto to someone who simply don't give a @#@##.
So girl, be strong and move on.
2006-07-08 19:31:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
dont feel embarassed apparently he can't handle a girl like u. u do seem a lil agressive and there's nothing wrong wit that he just need to stop hidin out and jus let u know his reaction to that day and what he thinks instead of ditchin' your calls. definately dont call anymore. wait for his call.
2006-07-08 19:31:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I won't lie, I'd be embarrassed. Maybe he likes you but not like "that". You may have been TOO aggressive, some men like, it scares the **** out of others.
2006-07-08 19:29:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You scared him with your boldness. Don't be so pushy and let some time go by and then try calling him again to apologize for being so darn pushy.
2006-07-08 19:29:35
answer #10
answered by Diana C 4