I know of a couple that was in the movie theater alone and they had sex. They also had sex in one of the bathrooms at the student center. I have had sex in a rest area bathroom and along side road ways at night. I have also be given head while driving main roads before. The key is to know where you can be in public without many people around. I have also have had sex on a college campus when it was closed. Been to third base in movie theaters countless of times. Never had an empty theater yet though to go further. Keep looking and you might find the perfect place.
2006-07-08 18:35:59
answer #1
answered by andy 7
Ooh.. tough one. Alley's are kinda cliche and not always safe. Public restrooms work, but that might be a little private for you still. There's always the option of the big library behind the dusty stacks too. I'll edit if I think of something else.
2006-07-08 18:32:11
answer #2
answered by Phil 5
Don't know but if your caught you will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Tough getting a job.
2006-07-08 18:32:06
answer #3
answered by trailsman1961 3
In a public library under the table covered with lots of books.
2006-07-08 18:31:47
answer #4
answered by knightroland 1
Sporting venues after hours (Like Turner Field in Atlanta!), also on trains that run all night, public parks after dark, on the back of pickup trucks on dead end, country roads...i could go on.
2006-07-08 18:32:37
answer #5
answered by Big Daddy 3
a swingers club.
OR i did it in the water under just off the beach. No one could see we below the water and it was easy to move her up and down with the waves. Just watch out for jelly fish......
2006-07-08 18:31:54
answer #6
answered by lbfm4me 3
A big park, against a tree or something...
I didn't get caught ;P
2006-07-08 18:31:34
answer #7
answered by Clemence 2
Dressing rooms
2006-07-08 18:33:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
maybe in a forest (if its on top of a blanket) but try a place with a lot of cover to it... maybe a car if you can, but if its in the car, park in a place with not many people or other cars
2006-07-08 18:32:08
answer #9
answered by baby bear 3
graveyards are great, if that's to creepy go to an old movie, even the guy running the show won't be watching.
2006-07-08 18:32:44
answer #10
answered by Rubber Duck 3