It's true, Asian women have attitude & can be evil to most dudes!
But, I have a huge fetish for asian women!
2006-07-08 18:37:00
answer #1
answered by missionman1914 4
To say that Asian women are evil overall is a generalization. But what I can comment on is my own personal experiences. I recently worked with an evil Asian woman who is 45 no children and not aging well. Maybe this is where her bitterness, resentfulness and hatred stemmed from. She operates from a calculating and ill intended stand point. A BIG gossiper and would never tell things that she thought and felt directly but instead maliciously worded indirectly. She rolled with another Asian side kick, a follower who assisted her on her evil journey. Maybe some of their anger stemmed from the lack of having a back side/some *** or maybe they couldn't deal with a Latino intelligent, attractive woman defying all of their OWN stereotypes. It is truly sad when people are so insecure and have such little self love that they change who they are to become what they feel is the RIGHT kind of standard. I come from proud people, I believe no human being walking the face of this earth is better or has any advantage over me. To limit oneself and only date certain people or a specific race is stupid and highly ignorant. And to date, be in a relationship or sleep with someone because you have something to gain, can be equated to prostitution. There is a rich, diverse and amazing world that awaits, we just have to be willing to explore it. I am not a valley girl nor do I have any desire to sound like one. And to do so would be highly fake and phony and it gives the considered standard of our civilization/USA too much power over your very own essence. Speaking standard proper English doesn't mean you have to sound like an American valley girl! Lastly, I praise other women who are smart, strong and convicted rather than trying to break their spirit, I understand that what we put out into the universe somehow comes back at some point in our lives and that is the difference.
2014-07-05 07:29:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Let me tell you why They are Evil
1) They Steal Green Cards and use us Cool Guys for the MONEY
2) They are Brainwashed by The government and think that Westerners and cool guys like us are Stupid with their "Happy Endings!'
3) They Purposely Sexual Assault people who don't listen to them
4) My Cousin was Peer Pressured by a Chinese Woman, My cousin is Asian Born in America and Her Wife the ASIAN DEVIL Abused Alysa. No Offense, I'd rather like Caucasian Women because they are Beautiful, They know how to Love Asian Men and Others as well
5) Why do you Think China have a Dispute Against Asian Women? because They want Asian Guys like us to avoid EVIL ASIAN Women, They are nothing as Beautiful as Caucasians
6) Final Reason I met a Taiwanese Gal She was PURE EVIL... She tried to harass me in Facebook, Stalked on me, and Tried to send me inappropriate Pictures. This is why I like Women who are Caucasians, They at least are more educated than those Stereotypical Asian Women!
I'm not a Racist Either because My Sister is Asian However, She's just like me! We both Like Whites. Me as in White Women and My Sister Caucasian Guys! You see, now tell me, Does that make us an Insect, NO! Whoever Mocked us that makes you a Bigger one!
2013-12-31 17:41:36
answer #3
answered by Zim 1
In history about US ASIANS, Hmong people and Chinese people think alike. If you had a sister who is an orphan and you are married, your wife will try to hurt her at all times. If you are an orphan, good luck with the Asian family is because they are heartless and soulless.
2016-01-10 13:37:23
answer #4
answered by Kevin 1
U're not being racist? Then why are u classifying Asian women as evil?
2006-07-08 18:28:16
answer #5
answered by kaede 1
I'm Asian women... Many of us are not Evil.. duh... Do you compare Asian women to the American women we are not horny like some A. women do.... we love GOD and where believing in GOD.... Don't judge us cause you don't know us very well... if Your not Racist why you are saying this? Please stop this cause this not make any sense..
2006-07-08 18:33:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They are evil because they are Godless creatures bent on serving up delicious Chinese cuisine and pole dancing their tiny rears off!
2006-07-08 18:32:15
answer #7
answered by ajthe41 3
what do u mean not racist? and i'm asian, K. maybe it's u that's evil, rite? I'm known to be the nicest girl, so maybe it just u. wut the heck do u mean by soulless?
2006-07-08 18:30:54
answer #8
answered by Ms. Behave 2
Umm, why do racists always preface they're questions/comments with "I'm not racist"?
Maybe she dumped you cos you're racist?
2006-07-08 18:42:42
answer #9
answered by wisdomtooth 2
There not evil! It depends on the people you've meet!
2006-07-08 18:29:36
answer #10
answered by rayster025 2