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If I was going out with a girl who I really liked and we went out to a club why would I want to dance with another girl. If she didnt want to dance I would just sit there with her and take a break and talk. SO why would a guy want to see the girl he likes go out and dance with another guy? If she wanted to dance with other guys, she should have went out with her friends so that he wouldnt have to see it or just simply be a single girl.The only exception would be if the guy was a mutual freind cause then he should respect you and it would be nothing but a dance. But guys can be idiots and think just cause a girls having a good time with him, he thinks he's in there and looks at you (the guy)like a fool. like"look at you you idiot , your girls dancing with me". Knowing this (or girls, at least now you know), how can you not find it disrespectful to feed that into the other guy head whom you would be dancing with?Opinions Please.

2006-07-08 18:13:40 · 2 answers · asked by rock_roll_musicman 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2 answers

listen man i agree with you. if nothing else gets thru her head about what she exactly did that was messed up. tell her "i didnt come for some guy to stare at me and know hes dancing with my girl" seriously... its disrespectful... although girls do see "just a dance" as just a dance... and if not then she might not even be that serious about you. either way theres no point arguing with her about what "just a dance" is exactly. just tell her you dont want to sit thee and feel out of place and jealous. and if thats how she wants to make you feel... then theres something seriously wrong. if she says "go dance with some other girl i dont care"... then i really dont know what to say... she probably isnt understanding jacked crap of what ure saying.

2006-07-08 18:21:08 · answer #1 · answered by XitachiX 3 · 0 1

Well it would be disrespectful for her to dance with other guys while you were there and she should at least ask to make sure you're ok with it.

2006-07-08 18:17:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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