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y do most guys go for the popular hotties not other people?just because people r not hott and popular doesnt mean that they cant be loved!this is a serious question and i want honest answers!

2006-07-08 18:10:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

19 answers

Ok.. is attractiveness desirable? Yes. So guys want it. Question answered.

2006-07-08 18:12:26 · answer #1 · answered by Phil 5 · 0 0

Okay here is the best way I can answer this. Popular girls are visible, everyone wants them or wants to be them. Everyone sees them so they are easy to talk to. Now pretty girls, well, think about it like this...Have you ever looked at a guy and said OOOOooooohhhhh I just have to talk to him, he has such a great personality? Never have? Figured that. People are attracted to looks. Now once people open their mouths you can see some of the pretty and popular people aren't about ****. Usually that makes a real cute person ugly. This is something people find out along the way. I wouldn't let it bug you. The guys you like are probably the "popular guys" anyway. I was one of the pretty, popular people in high school, I hurt a lot of guys feelings and I have a temper from hell, I would guarantee many people regret they ever dated me, so believe me it's not that serious.

2006-07-09 01:32:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When guys go for the hot girls they usually only are trying to get into their pants. I understand from the hot girls that it means every guy they meet they can't trust because the hot girls rightly believe the guys just want to get into their pants. If a guy is looking for more than just sex and wants a relationship he then has to look a little deeper to find someone he can really get along with. Hot girls are nice to look at but there is only so much talk about purses and shoes that a guy can stand, even if they are hot. So look for a guy looking for more of a relationship because I'm sure there is a guy out there somewhere looking for a girl like you.

2006-07-09 01:19:56 · answer #3 · answered by Some guy 2 · 0 0

Actually my last two girl friends, the first turned into my ex-wife who ended up being a lesbian and my current girlfriend were never considered hot by current standards. I prefer a full figured woman like the old pin up models. I usually look for the diamond in the rough since they are less likely to care about the latest fashion, having the hair just right, etc. My first girlfriend used a lot of hair spray and it took her hours to get ready to go out. I like them simple and honest.

2006-07-09 01:16:55 · answer #4 · answered by andy 7 · 0 0

Because those guys are shallow and most likely lacking in intelligence. While physical beauty is required for a base attraction, personality is what keeps someone interested. I'll take a dog ugly girl that can make me laugh so hard I cry over a perfect 10 that makes me feel dumber for having listened to what she said.

2006-07-09 01:13:33 · answer #5 · answered by guyfromcroswell 2 · 0 0

People nowadays are more concerned with looks than with personality. Reality wise, people are turning more vain every minute. With the sales of beauty and cosmetic products and services on the rise, you can only imagine how people fanatically give importance to physical beauty.

Despite this fact, we share the same opinion that some people are just dumb witted to give cold shoulders to deserving but not so fashionably competent people. However, this is reality. The advice that i can give you is this: discover you're own beauty and enhance it. Show them what you got.

2006-07-09 01:18:39 · answer #6 · answered by iam_gino19 1 · 0 0

It's a ego thing, for most guys!


Guys, need a sense of achievement in all aspects of life, most guys good for the hotties, because that would fulfill there life objective of bagging a hot girl...

2006-07-09 01:17:53 · answer #7 · answered by missionman1914 4 · 0 0

It sounds like YOU are attracted to the wrong kind of guys. The guys you describe sound superficial, so why would you want to date them. Let your personality do the talking and eventually you'll meet the right guy. But you have to be patient and stop pursuing the wrong kind of guys. You need to start with yourself and all else will fall into place.

2006-07-09 01:41:53 · answer #8 · answered by cub6ib9 4 · 0 0

I don't im also not hot but not ugly either,so not all of us do that,you can see my photo,my girlfriends i have been with were honest and faithful,mabey not the best looking but that is not on the top of my list for searching for a companion.

2006-07-09 01:16:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i just go for the person who i can identify with the most

my girlfriend was actually an outcast and not concidered the prettiest, but i ignored all that, and look at her now!

very popular and even a hot model (i gave her confidence)

2006-07-09 01:13:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cause most guys are shallow. Either that or we can't stand the fact that even if they're not hotties, we'd probably be made fun of it by our loser guy friends who are even shallower.

2006-07-09 01:13:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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