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2006-07-08 18:08:44 · 16 answers · asked by msncright 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I am single mom who works too much i should have asked where not how and i am not into clubs

2006-07-08 18:18:17 · update #1

16 answers


It all depends on your definition of being good. In this case I'll take it as being - good 'good'.

You see, you have first to develop the ability of seeing past the facade, past the macho pretensions and egoistical reproaches.

When you have mastered that ability, you will be surprised that what's left is you're basic naked male with all his inherent vulnerability. Nature has given the female this talent. Its in the genes. It's only in recent times that this talent has been sidelined in the name on equality.

Now with glee and sleeves rolled up, the start of molding the relationship begins. its an adventure, for remember the more you work at it, more of the good man emerges. All males are good. Circumstances differentiates the degree of goodness shown.

It's the way one brings out the goodness, that counts for a successful relationship.

Pragmatically, if his better qualities are buried too far beneath concealing layers anger, falsehood and self centered egoism, look for another before you hurt yourself.

Remember we achieve immortality through our children. Through them we are remembered.

Choose wisely. Deo volunte.

God Bless.

2006-07-08 18:46:25 · answer #1 · answered by Bukit Tengah 1 · 0 0

Girl, I wish I knew the answer to that one! It sometimes seems that every guy you meet's just a player, but they're out there. I think that one clue is that the good ones aren't in to showing off so much, so you have to dig a little deeper. Another thing is it's really important to be natural and totally be yourself, or else it's doomed from the start. Be fair, and let him know the real you, or you can't expect it to work. I've had to learn this the hard way, by trying to force things to work, not letting him know the real me, because there's a natural fear that he'll reject you if he sees all of your flaws, but give him that chance, it's part of how you can tell if he really loves you or not. After all you won't find the right one if you spend all of your time chasing down the wrong one. Good luck!:)

2006-07-08 18:18:01 · answer #2 · answered by Blue_eyed_Angel 2 · 0 0

Well, you said you work a lot, so that does cut down on your time but you might try becoming involved in a charity that is close to your heart. Give to the charity and life will give to you, and that includes an appropriate partner. And if for some reason he doesn't appear you still feel good and worthwhile. Good Luck.

2006-07-08 18:23:55 · answer #3 · answered by -Tequila17 6 · 0 0

Get out your own way. Women tend to make bad decision early in life then use that as a crutch to put up unnecessary barriers. Future relationships should not have to deal with or pay for your previous bad decisions. Own up to your decisions and move on. Be open to meeting guys you normally wouldn't date, smile, most women do not smile, it's a powerful tool. More alluring than any outfit or hairdo you could get. Push your personality and the right guy will respond.

2006-07-08 18:16:05 · answer #4 · answered by cub6ib9 4 · 0 0

If you're asking this question on yahoo, you can't be too good of a woman. You are very insecure. Obviously none of the people on here are going to give you a life changing answer. Just beg a man to get with you. It could happen, babe.

2006-07-08 18:10:45 · answer #5 · answered by Mike42884 2 · 0 0

By lowering her standards. Women complain about not being able to find a "good" man, but what they usually mean is someone who will worship them at every given opportunity and tell them that they're as perfect as they think that they are. If you're having trouble finding someone it might be because your standards are too high.

2006-07-08 18:20:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A good woman will have no problem finding a good man. You see it's all in whether one has a good heart or not as to whether you'll attract another person with a good heart

2006-07-08 18:13:10 · answer #7 · answered by henry a 1 · 0 0

by not looking. when your looking for a good man your common sense isnt there because your just focused on how badly you want a man and how maybe it could work and thats how you meet alot of jerks. when you just mingle and go out to have a good time. feel good about yourself men pick up on that and thats when youll find a good man.

2006-07-08 18:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by Mariah 1 · 0 0

If you notice a guy looking at you, show him some confidence and walk up and be nice to him. Start converstion, be confident and don't give up until you meet the good man your looking for.

2006-07-08 18:13:28 · answer #9 · answered by Rick 7 · 0 0

I would say at church. All men in church aren't good men, but they've made a step in that direction.The reason I say church is because it actually teaches values and gives great leadership in the roles of a relationship.

2006-07-08 18:14:54 · answer #10 · answered by Jonah 2 · 0 0

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