Start by not bashing your head off.
2006-07-08 18:11:20
answer #1
answered by toweroftusks 2
Change what you think about females and they will be attracted to you. If you treat them as if they have no feelings, guess what, they will have no feelings for you. next time you look at a hot gurl remember, she has a heart and a brain just like you do (yes you do have them even if you don't know how to operate them) and she has seen just about every game out there, The first mistake worms make is to soften their voice in an attempt to appear non threatening. that says weasel loud and clear. talk to a hot gurl like you would a guy. everyone has a different perception of people and she may only be hot to you. if she doesn't respond, move on and don't beat yourself up over it, she may be having a bad day, hot gurls have those too.
2006-07-09 01:26:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Make sure she's worth it first. You don't want a chick who been round the block son. See where her mind is at. If she's real and looking for something real get at her. Holla at her. Don't be scared the worst thing that can happen is she'll say no, but just by trying you'll feel better.
2006-07-09 01:10:29
answer #3
answered by Jonah 2
dont go crazy over her looks just treat her like shes just a normal girl that you see all the time. dont compiment her to much because then shell think that she has the advantage and that you have to please her. just have a normal conversation with her show some interest but play it off smoothly like yea maybe i like you maybe i dont and just be confident even if as soon as she walks away your dying and blushing jumping up and down dont let her know that until years from now.
2006-07-09 01:10:26
answer #4
answered by Mariah 1
Youy dont get anyone to become your girl the either like you or they don't.
2006-07-09 01:08:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Get the money Bill Gates has and you get the wife Bill Gates has.
2006-07-09 01:08:19
answer #6
answered by hack_ace 4
You don't, SHE has to pick you...and if you are not up to the standards she has, (since she obviously knows that she's hot and can have any guy she wants) haven't a hope..
2006-07-09 01:10:15
answer #7
answered by Pete 5
Screw hot girls, get the right girl by being nothing more than yourself. Yes, yourself!
2006-07-09 01:07:56
answer #8
answered by will 4
be yourself, ask and don't sit there and ack like a jerk for hours before asking, know what you want and go for it the least she can do is say yes.
2006-07-09 01:11:21
answer #9
answered by citisat 3
just bcuhz she is pretty doesnt mean she won't give u a chance... just tell her how u feel and see how she reacts and if she rejects u then just move on and bounce back =D
2006-07-09 01:09:51
answer #10
answered by shochina2 1