Weird, I know. He says kissing is too "involved"!? We are both mature adults and doing a whole lot more than hugging so what's going on?? We've been at this for 2 weeks but no kissing? Everything else is great but I'm puzzled...
14 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
FYI: one of the last explanations was " who wants to go to first base when you can hit a home run?" What? Maybe because getting to "home base" is much more satisfying when you run all the bases! Agree?
04:22:05 ·
update #1
K, EVERYTHING else with this guy is great... it's not as if he's not doing other things that bring me pleasure so I don't think that he's trying to avoid an emotional connection or that he doesn't care anything about me... we've known each other for three years but only recently started spending time together... should I just stop everything or wait and see? Starting to feel kinda stupid!!
04:28:09 ·
update #2
I can see how it could be more intimate...he can't just shut off his brain and concentrate on the physical...with a kiss, there's more emotion involved, it's not just a physical response...he's aware of you as YOU instead of you as "benefits"...which sounds harsh, but that's how I see it...
2006-07-08 04:26:58
answer #1
answered by Kat 3
Well, in my opinion i definately don't think it's right. Especiallly if they're meeting secretly. Even if the wife and husband have been going through struggles, that doesn't give him permission to go hanging around with someone else. Maybe your friend knows it's wrong, and that if she were in the wife's position she'd feel horrible, but she just can't let it go. I mean, if she's really liking this man, I'm sure a part of her inside is saying "this is wrong, this is wrong!" but she's probably thinking that he'll end up leaving his wife, and going to her. . . which might not even happen! He could just be giving your friend attention because him and his wife aren't getting along or whatever. If i were you, I'd ask your friend how serious she is about the guy. And let her know you're worried. But don't make it sound like your telling her what to do. I'm not sure if what i said is absolutely great advice, but .....i tried. =) Good luck.
2016-03-15 21:33:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think it means that he doesn't want to be too exclusive---yet. If it's friends with benefits it means there's no commitment, he does not want to get too tied down by a relationship. Maybe he feels that once he kisses you, you'd get possessive and he wouldn't be allowed to go around and "hug" other women.
2006-07-08 04:21:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I consider kissing intimate. I mean you dont just kiss a friend do you? Friends with benefits? Welling kissing would mean its beyond friends, benefits are just that, a wam bam thank you ma'am see you later for a game of pool or something. Plus i dont know you or him but he could be concerned with STDs. /shrug its possible
2006-07-08 04:21:41
answer #4
answered by goku_trained_by_king_ki 2
you two just got involved, he wants it to be strictly no strings attached sex. i do know a few guys that got into a no strings attached deal but later fell for the girl. i also know men that don't want anything to do w the girl at all, they just want to ****. be careful. I've been dating a guy on and off for a year now, but it started off as dating escalating into a relationship, then broke up and now it's just friends w benefits. but that's all i want from him, I'm trying to get my life together, so i don't want emotional attachments, friends w benefits is by my choice. P.S. women are worth more than gold, a man should want to kiss the ground you walk on. carry yourself like the queen you are. you can get more out of men when you dint give so much of yourself. playing hard to get is a fun game, and they respect you more. TRUTH BE TOLD, MEN WILL DO WHAT YOU WILL ALLOW THEM TO DO. demand more, expect more. men have to earn your attention. you are worth the price you ask. advice given from father and male friends. believe me it works. I'm very attractive, always had men waiting in line, but they never stuck around. now i have them catering to my needs. also, dint put all your eggs in one basket.
2006-07-08 04:41:18
answer #5
answered by crazy 1
Maybe he really likes you.For some reason he thinks if he kisses you he may become more involved than he wants to right now.If you are satisfied with the way things are going don't worry about.
2006-07-08 04:22:48
answer #6
answered by Katherine B 3
A lot of guy friends I have equate the act of kissing something they reserve for their wives/girlfriends only. Why - I can't say. Others just have this freaky germ thing going on. I say if they can't kiss you they are not worth it.
2006-07-08 04:41:49
answer #7
answered by panagirl69 3
Friends don't kiss...when you go hang out with the girls do you kiss them as soon as you see them? Also, he might not want to kiss in public because he dosen't want anyone to think you're togeather...He might not kiss in private because he thinks you're dirty. Now if he dosen't wear a condom and wont kiss you in private, then I'm baffeled...
2006-07-08 08:49:18
answer #8
answered by Armi 1
well friends with benefits is just nicer way of saying I don't like you lets just **** til I find someone I really do like but if you are ok but when you agree to be friends with benifits that is all you do **** so maybe you should let him go if you want more Please honey have more respect for yourself value yourself if you don't who will I know this cause I used to be like that then I found out that if I don't respect my self then noone will So GOOD LUCK
2006-07-08 04:34:45
answer #9
answered by nena24 4
cause he has issues. lolol get rid of him and find a real friend with benifits. you deserve that. you dont have to take morsels from someone - ever. drop him. maybe one day he will grow up. you will have moved wayyyyy on and had wonderful experiences elsewhere with people who totally want to kiss!!!!
2006-07-08 05:33:09
answer #10
answered by oregonsquatch69 2