on bended knee in a secluded space.
2006-07-08 04:06:56
answer #1
answered by wind mage 3
First things first, ask her parents for her hand in marriage. I know it sounds so cliche but it gives you extra brownie points with the soon to be in-laws. Plus her mom will probably give you some pointers. Make sure you bring over a nice bottle of wine for the parents (not your $10 wine from the grocerie store).
Pinpoint what she likes, put the ring in a cupcake and give it to her.
Take her to a beach and propose during sunset or make her breakfast in bed and propose to her then (say something like...I wouldn't mind doing this with you for the rest of my life...)
If you live in Washington, DC, I can give you really awesome locations to propose.
DOn't try to be too creative or go over the top, most of the time ssimplicity is the most remembered.
2006-07-08 04:12:49
answer #2
answered by prestigepilates 1
I'd have to agree with 360. If somebody proposed to me I would love it if he played a romantic song and then at the right time in the song get on one knee and ask.
2006-07-08 04:08:22
answer #3
answered by michellenikolasdavis 2
Something elaborate that's obvious that u spent time on- like a big scavenger hunt that leads her to a romantic spot where u r waiting in a tux w/ the ring! Have flowers delivered in Am w/note, tell her what 2 wear and where 2 go 1st, like beauty salon. Have already set up day of beauty- nails, etc. (paid) then salon gives her note#2- go to next locale, they give her next note, etc. until last note (see above) she will flip- I guarantee it!
2006-07-08 04:15:13
answer #4
answered by Kimmie 3
This is how i did it. I asked to if she wanted to go fishing so we rented out a paddle boat and went out into the lake. i had a friend hide behind a bush(so that she couldn't see him) and throw a plastic pop bottle into the water. Inside the pop bottle i wrote a poem on some frilly paper and rolled it up so that the engagement ring would fit around it. I paddled in the direction of the bottle and asked her to grab it to see whats inside. the look on her face when she read it and saw me get down on one knee will be a memory i will always cherish.
2006-07-08 04:15:05
answer #5
answered by commander_fernandez 2
Be spontaneous. Do something that she will never expect. And tie in something that is important to the two of you. Like if you are a sports fan, arrange for them to put it on the screen at a big game. If you are into hiking, hike to a favorite spot. There are multitudes of ideas, but this is really your decision. And no one else can really put much of a say into it.
2006-07-08 04:22:21
answer #6
answered by fired up 2
The best way to propose some one is just go to him/her when he is alone ,be serious & just tell him clearly that u love her
when she is suffering from hardships just put forward ur hand of help she will realise that u love her.
2006-07-08 04:11:04
answer #7
answered by pranx 1
Is she into romance, or adventure, just having fun, or intellectual pursuits. What is something really meaningful to her. What ever she really is turned on by, find a way to use that for a memorable proposal.
Personally, if he took me to a lake's edge, kissed me, and told me how much I mean to him and why he wants to be with me and how I complete his life, then got down on one knee with a ring, and then asked if I would share my life with him, that would be incredibly romantic.
2006-07-08 04:12:43
answer #8
answered by Searcher 7
Take her to a subject park, once you bypass on a roller coaster, on the way up kiss her and say some words about loving her, then element to the floor the position 3 acquaintances are with enormous a banner putting forward will you marry me Myishia? Or any incorrect way round starting up with the banner ending with the kiss. ultimately take her to a romantic eating position.
2016-11-30 20:59:10
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Get in a situation with as many people as possible around you like a restaurant or a stadium or a mall and find a good spot to kneel down
2006-07-08 04:13:29
answer #10
answered by vacoast7 2
Stop asking other people! Think up your own creative way of doing things. Take into consideration what she loves into your idea. Make it absolutely memoriable, because it's always something she is going to look back on her whole life.
2006-07-08 04:09:37
answer #11
answered by Anonymous