been there, done that. he is one of three things
1) he doesn't like you, he is just a terrible flirt
2) he's a jerk that's too cocky to admit anything.
3) he;s shy, so you should ask him out.
2006-07-08 04:00:19
answer #1
answered by KB 4
The first thing a girl would do is to blurt it out to the guy that she liked him. This is a no-no b/c then they guy is instantly turned off and not interested. To get his attention, first of all do subtle things to make him know that you like him, action not talk. But these things should not be overt. Find out what he likes and non-chalantly mention that you are for example: going to a DAve Matthew's concert and have an extra ticket, does he want to go? Or if you are going to lunch, ask him to come along, but don't plan it in advance, men hate making plans. Some guys are a little scared of admitting they like a girl.
IF after a while he still isn't responding, then introduce competition. Casually mention that you are going out on a date with someone else, and actually go on the date, he will begin to see what he is missing and probably ask you out in no time.
If those don't work then he is just not into you...he is just a big flirt.
2006-07-08 11:03:58
answer #2
answered by prestigepilates 1
I'm in that situation now and the best solution is to be his friend and show him the great person you are. If anything he's probably imtimidated by you and feels unequivalent to your intelligence and personality.
2006-07-08 11:11:14
answer #3
answered by Peache264 2
Then in such time u should let him as he is but on the other hand u should propose him & assure him that u also love him a lot.
Do it & u will surely succeed.
2006-07-08 11:04:53
answer #4
answered by pranx 1
Break the ice and ask him out. Just make the 1st move, get it out of the way and do it. Just do it and all will rest easy =-)
2006-07-08 11:02:13
answer #5
answered by 6
I've had a similar situation with this but just be yourself, he'll come around. Also, remember that it's his loss if he misses this opportunity!
2006-07-08 11:02:07
answer #6
answered by Sweety 1
u should ask urself
he might admit it or might not
thats his loss
or u could ask him out
he seems like the shy type of guy
2006-07-08 11:14:13
answer #7
answered by YO! 2