There is something emotionally wrong with a person who can sleep with strangers easily than a person they profess to love. Being committed should strengthen and deepen your feelings, and the sex should be unlimited in the safety of that relationship. Something is very wrong with your relationship, and it has nothing to do with techniques. It's in her head. Stop thinking you can "fix" her or the problem. A relationship requires two people, both committed, both willing to communicate openly and honestly. She is giving you excuses. Don't marry this girl.
2006-07-08 04:38:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your not wrong to feel that way, I'd get this problem resolved before you two get married because you could just be setting yourself up for a divorce. As for her answer, being commited has nothing to do with her low sex drive. There something else going on. I think you need to sit down and have a very serious conversation with her to find out what is exactly the problem. Because the problem just isn't what your doing, it's about what she's doing too. And a relationship is a two part deal, you can't pull it on your own.
2006-07-08 03:59:36
answer #2
answered by reynacatherinelopez 2
If she is not willing to have more fun now with sex, it will only get worse after you are married. If I were you, I'd wait another year or 2 before getting married. You are both too young and have more to learn about yourselves. A lot can happen between now and then. Living together before marriage is great in one learn some pretty interesting habits, etc. but the bad side is that you leave nothing for the wedding night and days to come. Maybe sh'es bored. Fire up some candles around the jet tub and be waiting for her to get home. Think of some other way-out ways to get her pumped. Try a nudist camp (family oriented only).;
2006-07-08 04:07:50
answer #3
answered by kurt 2
dont take it personally. u are wrong for feeling that way. what she means is that she didnt care what happened when she wasnt commited but now that she is she just wants the best for u. and the way to get her in the mood is for something good to happen to her for instance a promotion or a raise so u have to get her in taht kinda mood
2006-07-08 03:59:54
answer #4
answered by Pointe Your Toes! 3
I had the same problem with my ex. We weren't engaged or anything, but we were together two and a half years and had a decent sex life that died (worse than yours). It was a huge problem with me, and if it's one for you, you may want to reconsider the engagement. No you're not wrong for feeling like you do. It's a big issue. Who knows, if you break off the engagement but stay together, it may bring something back. (Yeah, that's prolly not true, but it'd be funny if it was.)
2006-07-08 03:59:24
answer #5
answered by Phil 5
You hace a right to feel that way and maybe try eating her out play with clit lick it suck it rub it my guy does that before we have sex and I am all wet for him before that and now he just kisses me and I can get chills try whip cream try making for fun So GOOD LUCK sucking the clit is the best feeling for a girl
2006-07-08 04:12:07
answer #6
answered by nena24 4
Something is wrong. Her response to you doesn't seem right. Sounds like she may not be that "tight" with you. Once a week isn't "bad", except that it sounds like she used to be much more "involved" with sex. Has anything happened in your relationship to make her mistrust you or you mistrust her?
2006-07-08 04:03:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
she is full of crap. my hubby and i have been married for almost 9 years, and we do it all the time! 3-4 times a week. Just tell her to get her act together and put out.
2006-07-08 03:58:16
answer #8
answered by stickan8 3
Women aren't visually stimulated like men. You have to do things that arouse her and only she has the answer to that need to open up your communication lines.
2006-07-08 04:00:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well i hate to say it...but i would have serious concerns about your girlfriend even thinking its ok to sleep with other people...and the "we're committed so we dont have a sex life"-total crap
2006-07-08 03:58:00
answer #10
answered by darkest queen 3