Yes, everyone seems to be on the right track here!
It IS "okay" for you to miss the first love.
I'm 43 now and have a man that I'm truly in love with. However, from back in the mid-90's, I had my frist true-love. I'll never forget him. He was actually the first guy to treat me with any respect.
He taught me a lot about "love" and I'll never forget him. He will always be in my heart. And yes, I've shared this story with my current love, who is very understanding!
2006-07-08 04:00:42
answer #1
answered by penwrite5 5
It is perfectly normal to miss your first true love. Afterall, it was an experience that you'll never forget. But chances are that he has probably moved on, and so should you. You can't spend your whole life missing one guy, because in a way, you'd be wasting it. I suggest you move on and who knows? Maybe one day you'll find another guy who will love you equally if not more than the other guy did. Use this experience in a positive way, but don't get too attached. Just be brave enough to let go and move on!
2006-07-08 03:59:12
answer #2
answered by snowgirl47 3
hi im 14 now when i first fell in love it was when i was liek 12 or 13 he dumped me its been liek 2 years i still havent gotten over him i miss him to and yes i think its very nomarl to miss you 1st love b.c the first time you do somthing its very special i know people say move on but its not that easy the kid i fell inlove wiht is a jerk but i mean w.e if i love him no one is going to chance that but i hope you find someone new eventually and be as happy as you were wiht him
2006-07-08 04:19:27
answer #3
answered by natty 1
It's not only okay, it's almost a typical thing for most people. A lot of us miss our first love, because back then things were more innocent and pure than they are today. I would just savor it as a beautiful memory.
2006-07-08 03:53:10
answer #4
answered by merlin_steele 6
of course it's normal too miss your first love-- they're you're first love after all right?? >:) over time, the missing will go away little by little, but he'll always have a huge piece of your heart-- like i said above, they were the first person you ever loved, and that's a big thing.
2006-07-08 04:01:19
answer #5
answered by jetters007 2
I don't know anyone who has truly forgotten their first love. If your relationship is over, you might need to put the happy memories away for a little while, and try to get over him. Time really does heal all wounds, though, and one day you'll wake up and be just fine. It took me about a year to really "get over" the first guy that I was head-over-heels for, so give yourself a little time!
2006-07-08 03:57:08
answer #6
answered by Grumblecakes 2
It is very okay. Your first love is always special and will always leave a mark on your heart. Chances are you will always compare your boyfriend to him. The good news is that there is probably someone even better than him out there.
2006-07-08 03:55:02
answer #7
answered by Tamborine 5
it's normal-that person will always be alive in your heart-you'll remember them back "when" all seemed simpler and joyful-miss and be grateful she/he was part of your life-then
turn around-face forward-and move on
2016-01-12 09:30:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Its ok and normal you will get over it with time.Its very hard to forget your first love.Just move on with your life and dont look back.
2006-07-08 03:52:03
answer #9
answered by ? 5
The first one will always be special, remember him fondly. And move on, he won't be the only one.
2006-07-08 03:54:41
answer #10
answered by mightymite1957 7