We used to get visited like every other month. I did this about 4 years ago and never heard from them again.
I asked them to leave. They kept on. I told them I was Baptist and happy with it. They kept on. I told them I wasn't interested. They kept on. Finally, I said, 'Stop. OK, you know in the bible when it mentions the wolf in sheep's clothing that is sent to lead people astray?" They said yes. "That's you guys. Now leave my property." I have never seen them since.
I think also saying, "It says in the bible if you go to someones house and they will not accept your testimony, knock the dust off your feet and go on. Well...knock the dust off and go on." may work also.
2006-07-08 03:57:48
answer #1
answered by scrapiron.geo 6
We aren't trying to force our religion down your throat. We don't come to your door like "You must be a Jehovah's Witness, you must be a Jehovah's Witness". No, we simply are trying to share and encouraging Bible thought with you, something you may not have ever known or understood. If you don't want to listen they politely say you aren't interested or keep doing what you do, don't answer the door. But I guarantee if you open the door you will learn something new either from the Bible or from our publications as you read them with your Bible. But it's all a choice, if you want to hear some encouraging news answer the door, if not then don't :)
2006-07-09 11:35:16
answer #2
answered by P-nut 2
If you already attend a Church then you should be more confident of your beliefs. If you are not confident enough to have a conversation with them because they are trained door to door 'salespeople' then you have to explain to them that you do not wish to have a conversation with them right from the beginning.
So many times in the past I have opened the door to witnesses and after asking me if I believe in God and I have said yes I am a Catholic then they are on the attack.
I now establish that I wish to remain polite but in the interests of both parties it is best that they move on so as not to upset either of us. I can have a conversation with anyone about religion - in agreement or not, but those that attack whether they are the exception or not need to become more tolerant. If you politely tell them to leave you alone I am sure they would. Afterall, you have control of the door handle.
2006-07-09 07:26:02
answer #3
answered by happy_hammer 5
If you post a note on your door saying "No religious solicitors", they must leave you alone. Of course, I'm not sure I would be that drastic. That seems like it is just too anti-God. Besides, it can be interesting to talk to them once in awhile. You may find you have something in common even if it isn't the details of your faith.
If you don't want to talk, why not just answer the door and tell them you have a church and are not interested in talking with them? If you do, they should stop coming around and you will not have to hide anymore.
Personally, the only reason I would hide in my own home is if a burgler was coming in!
2006-07-08 10:53:43
answer #4
answered by curiouschick18 4
Just answer the door! If you do not answer the door, you virtually assure that they will be back at your home at least twice more since the address seems to be a "not at home".
A few persons persist in pretending that Jehovah's Witnesses are pushy, but that simply isn't true. They do not try to force their religion on anyone; that would neither fulfill their commission nor be practical. In many countries, that would be illegal!
Instead, Jehovah's Witnesses hope to share with their neighbors an encouraging thought from the bible. Since they try to visit each home in their territories at least twice each year, it would not make sense for them to waste time with a householder who communicates a clear disinterest in conversing. There is no need to be rude or threatening. Simply thank the Witness for his good intentions, tell him you are not interested in speaking with Jehovah's Witnesses, and close the door gently.
Jehovah's Witnesses are used to it, and actually appreciate the opportunity to move on in the manner Jesus described:
(Matthew 10:14) [Jesus said] Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet
Learn more:
2006-07-09 01:45:12
answer #5
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Just because someone's knocking at your door, religious evangelists or not, doesn't mean that you're automatically obligated to answer it. Same with a ringing phone. If you don't want to talk to 'em, don't answer. If you're feeling especially spiteful, you can wander around the house in plain sight and make it perfectly clear to them that you're *not* going to answer. That should get the point across.
And if it gets to really be a bother, you can put a little sign around your front door that says something to the effect of, "If you're carrying a bible, don't bother knocking because I'm not going to answer. And if you do knock, all you'll do is piss me off." That may or may not work. It should fend some of them off, at least.
2006-07-08 10:52:21
answer #6
answered by salihe66 3
You should answer the door and invite them in. Everytime they talk about there viewpoint, answer them that you ARE a Christian and that you are satisfied with your church and beliefs. My husband and I did this, and they stopped coming by after that. If you keep hiding, they will keep coming. They will want to leave some Watch Tower magazines. Accept them and thank them for stopping by. Be sure to tell them that you are very happy at your church.
2006-07-08 10:56:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You don't have to open the door if you don't want to talk to the person or persons who knock - especially if they are trying to "force" their beliefs on you. If you have a screen door through which you can talk without opening it, after making sure that it's latched from your side, simply tell them your already belong to a church and worship regularly there and are not interested in talking with them. If you don't have a screen door through which you can easily talk without opening it, simply follow your present course.
2006-07-08 10:55:24
answer #8
answered by dmspartan2000 5
If you really do not feel comfortable talking with them, I would say that it is fine to just not answer the door. However if you feel secure enough in your own faith to listen to what they say without being affected, it might be interesting and educational to allow them to explain their religion to you on the condition that you can explain yours to them. The Jehovah's Wittnesses could probably learn something from you to. Have fun.
2006-07-08 10:53:30
answer #9
answered by zwergel88 2
My uncle opens the door with nothing on but a Bible covering his naughty bits and a welcoming smile. It takes years before a new group drops by.
2006-07-08 10:54:05
answer #10
answered by JAT 6