The only proof I can give that you might accept is the laws of cleanliness,given to a people in a time when anything unseen was not there.No other comparative exists in documentation from that time.
2006-07-08 02:12:46
answer #1
answered by Tommy G. 5
People in general need to believe in something, even if that belief is that there is no God.
People call God the truth, because they don't know what else to call the truth.
In the end the TRUTH will be known and you can call it anything you like, Buddha, God, Satan, Universal consciousness, - you may even discover that the word GOD stands for something other than one entity that is all Divine - maybe it stands for Galactic Observatory Department. TRUTH however is what humans seek, and rightly so, because although "reality" can change with knowledge and time, "truth" is constant, and that's what people seek, something they can depend on and will always be there.
Were is the "truth" that history is what it is? Just because someone wrote it in a book, does that make it the truth? Just because someone tells you that you are alive on a planet called earth, does that make it true? How do you know any "proof" that you have been given all your life is valid? Maybe you are the only "living" entity and this whole thing called "life" is just made up to keep you occupied. Sure you can see it, touch it, smell it, feel it, that's part of the elaborate texture of the thing.
To put it in simplier terms, someone tells me something, I hear the words, they "show" me what they are trying to get across, I can "see" it, so in my human mind that is my "proof" and I believe them - a week later I find out it was all a lie, and all a set up. Just because your 5 senses tell you it's real, doesn't make it so.
Seek the "truth", the whole truth.
2006-07-08 09:21:34
answer #2
answered by arvecar 4
I am a Muslem and the mericl of eslam is th Holy Qur'an.
we latly fownd out lotes of evedance in the howly coran indecating that there is a God ..... look for this example , and also this site my help.
Praise and glory to Allah (he who said) in his exalted book : ( Say: If the whole of mankind and jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Quran , they could not produce the like thereof , even if they backed up each other with help and support ) al-isra 88
And it was God willing which made the miracle of numbers as a secret until the discovery of the computers , and that is explain the Holy verse which say : ( Soon will We show them Our signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth) , and in their own souls , until it becomes manifest of them that this is the truth . Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things ) fosilat 53
And news came from the western world that the numerical miracle of the Holy Quran was placed under studying and examination also conferences began to be held in the Arabic and Islamic world looking for the scientific and numerical miracles in the Holy Quran, and here you are some of the discovered numerical miracles of some words that mentioned in the Holy Quran ( copied from the book of professor Abdul Rzak Nofl) :
- The word Life was repeated 145 times / Death repeated 145 times
- The word Righteousness 167 / Evil 167
- Life of this world 115 / Hereafter(life to come) 115
- Angles 88 / Devil 88
- Guidance 79 / Mercy 79
- Tribulation 102 / Patience 102
- Peace 50 / Good and pure 50
- Manifest (open in speech ) 16 / Publicness 16
- Iblis 11 / Refuge with God 11
- Merciful 114 twice the word Gracious 57
- Forgiveness 234 twice the word Reward 117
- Righteous 6 twice the word Wicked 3
- Relief 36 , 3 times Difficulty 12
- They said 332 / Say 332
- Man (singular) 24 / Woman (singular ) 24
- Misfortune 75 / Gratitude (grateful) 75
2006-07-08 09:52:49
answer #3
answered by saif6020 2
Of course. Only those who don't believe, won't believe. If even shown the truth in front of them, the non-believers, they still wouldn't believe. For me, I am a believer. I've experienced God's presence when I'm praying. He's there for me when i need Him. The theory of evolution for example... is nonsense. It can't answer certain questions in life. That's why it got rejected. God has shown us the truth. It's up to us humans to decide the plan of action. Human has free will in the first place. We are never forced into doing anything.
2006-07-09 08:51:09
answer #4
answered by Kurniawan A 2
Thank you so much for asking this question! you have a great point of view,and the question that you have asked is not only questionable ,but there is a very real answer to it. the answer is---- first of all there is a great and very intelligent master creator his name is (Jehovah) of the hebrew constanants (YHWH) which makes up the the devine name. And there is absolutely much proof that is very much available to you but are you ready to aquire the proof because I wil be very honest w/you, the you must be able & willing to see w/more than your natural eye. it not only has prophesies but so many of them that I my self has seen com to pass such as 9-11, tusumi,mudslids,earthquakes,children raising their hand up-against thier parents, human error, hard times trials and great tribulations & war shall I continue? surely that has passed human nature.
2006-07-08 09:49:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Obviously you are searching for something and maybe deep down you want us to come up with something to convince you. But the truth of the matter is that Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the life. There were never anyone in th Qur"an that did the things that Jesus did. On the cross he said "IT is finished". The only way to believe is to want to believe, a choice to believe.
2006-07-08 09:14:13
answer #6
answered by Godb4me 5
It's amazing that these people argue that atheists are irrational, but atheists are not the ones believing in an invisible being with no evidence of it's existence except their belief.
Still waiting correlation. Is your proof in god or godot
Oh a surprise, he's answered with the same old trite cr@p
2006-07-08 09:12:05
answer #7
answered by Nemesis 7
Everything God said in His word, He has and is still fulfilling it, doesn't that proof anything to you? He is the living Word because is God of His word, heaven and earth and you alternatives will pass but God's Word will never pass? Search everything He has said has happened, things that are coming He has already mentioned them, even your question before you asked it He knew it. God is not science He is a living being, a force behind every right thing and true. Question of prophecy is no question to Him and also to me.
2006-07-08 09:09:48
answer #8
answered by CLEAN M 1
I don't believe in any 1 god nor any 1 religion. They just cause to much room for discrimination. But they will always be around as people need to feel they have someone or something to follow. But don't get me wrong I do believe there is some kind of god, but somehow I don't think he/she/it would want everyone to discriminate each other and not live their lives free of restriction.
2006-07-08 09:07:21
answer #9
answered by jade s 1
When people say "God is the truth," in a way its a response that they have been "programmed" to offer. Its the best answer that their limited intelligence and breadth of knowledge will allow them to make. They often aren't willing to do the research and learning that will allow for a better answer.
2006-07-08 09:08:23
answer #10
answered by DalDrWill 1