Girls don't only like the popular boys. Some girls like guys who are hard to get and usually the popular ones are the hardest. It makes it fun and a challenge. Not that shy boys aren't fun. The shy boys and the popular boys have a lot more in common then we care to realize. A lot of girls like shy guys, but a lot of the time it's the shy girls that like the shy guys. Which makes things a little difficult. Maybe people are scared of rejection because they're taught it's scary. There's nothing wrong with you only asking one girl out. If she's te only one you've felt comfortable enough to ask then so be it. You're not to young to have sex. You can have it whenever you feel comfortable doing so or want to do it. If you want to wait 'till your twenty then good for you. It's more reassurance to girls that that's not all you're after. Girls like all diffrent kinds of guys. I know I can't find much at all in common with the guys i've liked. I've like guys that are always the center of attention and guys you wouldn't know existed half the time. Which is fine. The shy guys are deffinitly better in relationships in my opinion, but it's jsut that.. my opinion. some girls like them and some girls don't. You'll find girls that like you and ones you like back, and hopefully they'll be brave enough to make the first move.
2006-07-07 21:27:37
answer #1
answered by Amber L 1
Girls like shy guys, but are you just looking at the "hot" girls? What about the shy ones?
Wait on losing your virginity until you are ready to be responsible about it. Don't get someone pregnant because you couldn't wait.
It's not sad or weird if you are a virgin when you get married. It's kind of sweet, actually, and the girl you wind up with is going to be happy you waited for her. As far as commitment, you probably don't want to hear this, but you are too young to worry about a commitment, that sounds like "lifelong" and you have a ways to go before you discover what you'll really want in life and in a partner. Good luck, and don't give up on girls.
2006-07-07 20:39:02
answer #2
answered by Maitri* 2
You sure wonder about a lot of things. Girls like bad boys. But not all girls. I dont' like guys who treat me bad, use me, then leave me. The last guy I was in a relationship w/was a shy guy. I asked him out. I was so afraid of being rejected but I knew that he was a good guy and that he was worth it. No one likes to get turned down. As for losing your virginity, thats an iffy answer. It should be at least in your 20s. I see too many of my friends sleeping with guys and i don't understand it either. I'm not afraid of admitting that I haven't slept with anyone and I plan to wait. Not forever of course and probably not until I'm married. But I'm still in high school. I still have a lot of growing up to do. Don't worry. One day some girl is going to realize how great you are for being a nice, shy guy. Keep your hopes up and keep smiling.
2006-07-07 20:38:42
answer #3
answered by mlove1307 6
Phew...first of all- girls like guys for many reasons, and sometimes they choose the popular guy to earn a reputation, but it isn't a good one, usually, and it usually doesn't last. I'm pretty shy myself, but when it's time to step up to the plate, I shine, and you'll get rejected and you may succeed, but time is all it really takes. About you're age, I'm a little older, and I've only had about 2 serious relationships (turned out bad, but lasted a while)...there is definitely nothing wrong with you taking it slow or being shy, girls will like you if you be yourself. Most older guys will take advantage of girls your age, due to being naive...and there's nothing wrong about losing your virginity before you get married, but some people do wait until that point. I hope I could be of some help, but good luck!
2006-07-07 20:40:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Girls who like popular rich guys are the ones who themselves want to be popular, and use those guys to get popular and in return they become their gfs for a you put it., there are girls who like shy guys, yes there are, but you cannot generalize what every girl wants in a depends from person to person..and there are girls the way you like them..only they aren't out on an exhibition that you'll go and find one so easy..It's not bad that you're 15 and asked only one girl out and she said no..and you weren't afraid of rejection..i admire your maturity in understanding..but most people your age are sessabmud(read it backwards) don't blame them..and you are right about girls from 17-25 cause most of them get jerks as partners and they fret about it on yahoo answers all the time..And there is no right age to lose your virginity..but there is a right time..and that time is unique for you..and depends on that moment when you decide that you want to do it..and it's not sad or weird if the first time you lose your virginity is when you get married..opinions may differ on it..mainly based on peer attitudes..or what the in-crowd thinks is cool..but i always believe in following my own trend rather than someone don't believe anyone but yourself.. you don't need anyone elses opinion on anything..
Hope this helped..cheers to you..
2006-07-07 20:46:02
answer #5
answered by NO $ # * !t !!! 2
First of all you are only 15. Please believe me you have many years to ask girls out and to lose your virginity. Honestly, many guys your age and slightly older lie about their conquests. They always need to make themselves look good. And often the guys that seem to always get the girls-are truly being used. You are fine.
2006-07-07 20:38:24
answer #6
answered by questionMD 2
Girls do not really like those very up themselves guys with money and expensive cars and suits.Its the magnetic quality of money that draws women like flies.
What girls really like is a real macho man that knows how to say"Yes dear!Whatever you think is best!"
What they get is dudes like you,me and the rest of the world.
2006-07-07 21:13:00
answer #7
answered by mystic_master3 4
We like...ALL KINDS OF GUYS!!!
Believe it or not, you have got a lot of dating and relationship years ahead of you, and you are going to have the opportunity to date tons of girls.
And let me tell you a little secret--girls like guys who find them interesting. Talk to them. Ask them questions about themselves. That's what women really want--they want to be listened to!!!
And don't worry if you're shy. Start practicing on everyone you meet. Just ask them about themselves. Believe me. It works for everyone!
2006-07-07 20:38:35
answer #8
answered by clynnc0 1
hey i like a shy guy I'm not like one of those gold diggers i think its cute when guys r shy it gives them more personality whats so bad about that?
2006-07-07 20:38:33
answer #9
answered by halogrl007 1
by the time i completed reading your question, i forgot what u are asking. had to re-start.. guess i am tired of this ! Bye
2006-07-07 20:36:35
answer #10
answered by deebeein 4