You need to evolve. There is nothing to be gained in the ability to heal others, or communicate with the Spirit World, until you are evolved enough and educated enough to use these abilities.
Always remember, what is freely gained, is freely given away.
The last thing you should be asking is about "powers". The first thing is about your own spiritual evolution.
2006-07-08 03:33:08
answer #2
answered by Joe Carioca 3
Hi! Possess a healthy attitude and keep your chakras spinning.The following is from my 360 blog.
Hello! Everything is energy. GOD is the very essence of unconditional LOVE; which is energy. Color is energy and every color vibrates to a differnt frequency. Chakras are spinning disks of consentrated energy that are interdimensional in location, existing both in a person's astral body and in the spine.
Every chakra vibrates to a different frequency and thus vibrates to a color. A person can be healed with color emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Since each person is an individual and their chakras vibrate to their own frequencies, color ranges are used and locations can be approximate. Listed below are the more familiar spinal chakras.
chakra name color range approximate location
1 root brown-red OR red-orange tailbone
2 sacral red-orange OR orange-yellow 2 inches below the navel
3 solar plexus yellow-orange OR yellow-green 2 inches above the navel
4 heart green OR pink OR gold between the breasts
5 thymus green-blue (usually turquoise) 3 inches above chakra 4
6 throat blue base of throat in the fleshy hallow
7 3rd eye blue-purple between the eyebrows
8 crown purple-white the crown and top of head
A person's favorite color usually denotes their prominant chakra. Likewise, a person's least favorite color denotes their least active chakra. It's important to provide energy to underactive chakras so they don't borrow energy from the neighboring chakras. You can energize them while you sleep by wearing those colors which you dislike. You most likely display the characteristics represented by each dominant chakra and dislike the characteristics represented by each color you dislike.
If red is your favorite color, you're probably a well grounded person who is reliant solely on impulse. Your basic necessities would be of upmost importance and you may be described as courageous, abrupt, over-bearing and driven. You would have a strong sexual drive and robust appetite. If a person disliked the color red, they would most likely dislike those traits or would lack them in their personal makeup.
Balance is the key. All the chakras need energy to ensure good health. To fully accept the human condition without judgement is a mighty cross each one of us must bear. We are often taught to think and behave in certain ways from the get go. To deny a certain part of yourself, is to deny that ruling chakra, energy. Strive for wholeness! By accepting the knowlege that your body is a vessel of GOD'S divine LOVE, you accept the energy that enables you to sustain life.
If you awaken and have a backache, you can see that the primary ruling color for the first chakra is red. Trust your intuition with the shade. If you are more drawn to brown, by all means, use brown. If you are drawn to use an orangy-red, by all means, use it. You ask how? (If a bad back is unrelated to kidney malfunction, I usually recommend a person to wear red underwear. If related to weak kidneys, orangy-red should be used to strengthen them).
Clothing, bed sheets and blankets, color bathes, visualization, in the choice of food and beverage (natual colors, of course. You can purchase a colored cup, fill it with water and leave it on the window sill so it is charged by the sun's rays through the color of the cup), candles, some aroamtherapy oils are naturally colored, lightbulbs, gem stones, those little round stickers that school teachers use on their pupil's papers (they come in red, blue and yellow in one packet and orangy-red, lime green and bright apricot in another but you can color over all of them!) colored sunglasses and even stained glass windows.
chakra provides energy to these organs/functions/parts of body
1 reproductive organs, lower back, legs, feet, colon/elimination bladder, blood
2 reproductive organs, lower back, colon, kidneys, bladder appendix,lymphatics
3 stomach, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas,digestion
4 heart, lungs, breathing, circulation
5 thymus gland, immune system
6 all things throat/voice related, thyroid, parathyroid
7 vision, certain brain functions, pineal gland,nose, sinuses, pituitary gland
8 pineal gland, pituitary gland, brain function, illumination, hormones
I'm always open for advice, questions or concerns!
2006-07-08 03:35:08
answer #10
answered by ******** 5