i know what i'm opening myself up to. that's why i don't give out my personal info to just anyone. if i know that person and i've met them in person or i've been friends with them for a long time, then ill tell them personal info. and yeah, i know, kids should study internet safety. some people dont know what theyre doing...but i do look on sexual predators hunters websites often.
2006-07-07 16:22:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I thought this was going to be one more of those claims to censor the site for children, because of the topics, and the words used, and bla, bla, bla.
But I have to admit I was mistaken. You do have a very strong point there. This is the real danger for minors here. I do agree with you. Something has to be done to protect them, not from reading some question on sex, or some foul language, but from being caught by some perv or some crooked guy looking after their parents' credit card number.
2006-07-07 16:25:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like Brynne needs a spanking.
If I caught my kids on here I'd block the website. No joke.
2006-07-07 16:24:23
answer #3
answered by Ann Chovie 3
Calm yourself Lisa.
I would bet that none of the kids you see here are actually kids.
I would bet you dollars to donughts that they are all cops with no real beat.
Besides - being afraid and instilling that fear in others is not particularly helpful.
2006-07-07 16:27:25
answer #4
answered by ***** 6
shut the hell up. it our business what we do on this website. if you don't like then get off. i'm telling it like it is. stay off our jock go somewhere else and be another person's mom. cause we don't need you. i smart, perfect g.p.a and i don't need you to tell me what lurks around. MY parents protect me from that. if people don't like us on here, then oh well. we have an yahoo account just like everybody else and we have a right to come on here too. you aren't everybodies mother what people do is their business. i agree with you but we can't change everyone's view. you may not give me ten pts but i said what i needed to say. so i'm done.
2006-07-07 16:22:37
answer #5
answered by Tomato 5
I agree with you Lisa N too many kids asking to be contacted.
2006-07-07 16:21:45
answer #6
answered by Ron T 2
I also think that people under 20 should not be allowed in here.
2006-07-07 16:21:40
answer #7
answered by Hibernating Ladybird 4
That's what's wrong with people now. Always in someone's business. Do you know what your kids are doing 24/7? You don't need to know whether their parents know...worry about yourself and yours.
2006-07-07 16:22:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2006-07-07 16:21:30
answer #9
answered by Medicated Harmony 4
wow hostility well hopefully most people are smarter than giving out all their info but it is their own decision about what they do
2006-07-07 16:27:44
answer #10
answered by Ty 1