My husband is Bi polar and he has learned how to control it on his own. You have to be supportive and maybe try to get him to go for help. Sometimes they go in thier own little world. Just be there for him and things may improve
2006-07-07 16:10:35
answer #1
answered by Texas_at_its_best 4
Treading lightly around depressed individuals is exhausting.
If he isn't on medication, or receiving counselling, maybe it's something the both of you should look into. Mental illnesses are hard to deal with without the appropriate care.
I think that telling him, while he is unstable, is dangerous. Not necessarily physically, but to his and your health.
Maybe you could consider approaching him about certain issues, only when he is on a level mood. Calmly tell him how you feel, and what makes you feel that way. Avoid saying "I hate it when you...." - it'll only make him feel boxed in, and possibly attacked. Instead, try voicing yourself in an understanding way, while reassuring him how you feel for him, and that despite how things have been, that you love him unconditionally.
I'm sure that I could convince a Jew that Hitler was only an inner damaged child, and not a satanic, psychopathic jackhole. But. I wouldn't want to do that. The point is, that when worded correctly, we are able to say absolutely anything, to anyone, without them getting angry.
Good luck.
2006-07-07 23:19:53
answer #2
answered by Medicated Harmony 4
If your mom and brother are bipolar you probably already know that one of the symptoms is placing blame on others. Most bipolars won't take responsibility for anything. Everything is someone else's fault. Not really but that is how they feel.
2006-07-07 23:12:23
answer #3
answered by bcooper1975 3
Do not under any circumstances marry him or has a baby with him unless things get hugely better.
Also, if you've always lived with people like him, you might need some help yourself. Have you thought of talking to someone about you?
2006-07-07 23:09:51
answer #4
answered by bk's mom 2
Make sure he sees a doctor and gets on the right medication. That should take care of his mood swings.
2006-07-07 23:08:04
answer #5
answered by professionalfemale01 3
well just try to be honest ,yet tactfull.try not to hurt his feelings,just explain to him WHY it is wrong to do whatever eh,and just be your self.have a good day and may GOD bless you and yours with peace happiness and love 3 keys to a good life eh!
2006-07-07 23:10:15
answer #6
answered by joeniceguy2005 3