Don't just rush into being boyfriend and girlfriend before you even go out together. Start by being friends. Give it time to see if your friendship can evolve into more.
Also, may I suggest that while you should listen and respect the opinions of family and friends, you should make your own decision on whether or not you would make a good couple. If your friends don't respect your decisions then you are with the wrong group of "friends."
2006-07-07 15:52:16
answer #1
answered by Plasmapuppy 7
Tell him that you made a big mistake by turning him down before because you didn't know him well enough, and now you realize what a truly amazing guy he is, and ask for a second chance.
Don't pay any attention to what your friends say. It is probably just from jealousy and wanting to have some kind of control over you. Keep your relationship with your friends and your guy separate if that's what it takes.
2006-07-07 15:49:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like you're more concerned about what your friends would think than how your relationship with this person would go. Your friends are totally incapable of putting a "strain" on your relationship. Only you can do that, by acting differently in your relationships due to peer pressure. If you want a relationship with this person than go ahead and do it and don't let your peers influence you.
2006-07-07 15:47:23
answer #3
answered by Jon R 2
I'm guy and i had the same problem but the other way around
don't worry about your friends if your meant for each other then it wont matter it will be like you guys are in your own little world wait for him to ask again if he doesn't ask him before someone else gets him
2006-07-07 15:51:31
answer #4
answered by dustinr91 2
Maybe you should just chill. You seem to be too worried about what the group has to say, which leads me to believe your too young to be getting serious over him. Why don't you work on a friendship with him first, bide your time, and see where it leads. This is you and him - not you him and the group
2006-07-07 15:48:26
answer #5
answered by workingclasshero 5
You sound like me. I told my husband no the first time he asked me out. Let him know how you feel. Who cares what your friends do. My friends hated my husband. But he truly makes me happy. By the way he was my first too. Take the leap it might just work out for you. Good luck girl.
2006-07-07 15:47:00
answer #6
answered by nay 5
dont worry about what ur friends are doin if u really like this guy and he likes u them go out with him! dont count on him treatin you like a princess cause most of the time it never works like that! and since u never had a b/f before dont do anythin stupid to make it go bad!
2006-07-07 15:48:46
answer #7
answered by Shelley 2
Flirt with him and see if you can hint that you have had a change of heart. See if he'll ask you out again. Asking him out would be a mistake in my opinion, because you may be opening yourself up for a retaliation.
2006-07-07 15:47:28
answer #8
answered by martin h 6
if ur "friends" r a hendrance... they r worthless ants that dont contribute 2 society.... thus need 2 b put in there place... not friends..... if the guy cares tell him why u said no and that u want 2 go wit em eh?
2006-07-07 15:48:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No worries need to give him a shot. He sounds like he indeed would treat you like a princess..don't worry about what your friends say or if they do bet...prove them wrong.
2006-07-07 15:47:24
answer #10
answered by lanceh13 3