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1. How could Noah's ark have happened if the same amount of water always stays on the earth (except what astronauts pee out)?
2. Explain how a human can come from a rib.
3. Why was Jesus a man? If God is God why didn't he send a ball of talking glowing light or something?
4. How did Jesus' allowance of the Romans to kill him be called dying for our sins?
5. Did you know that baby's can't be made without sperm?
6. If God made earth for us to worship him, what's the point of the other planets?
7. A Christian friend of mine once told me that he's believes that God can come to control anything on earth when he pleases (that's how he explained the water level of Noah's ark), so I asked, why not stop natural disasters and such?
8. The first testament accidentally forgot to say dinosaurs happened when speaking of the creation.
9. What is the point of life if Heaven is perfect anyway? Wouldn't God want us to all go have a good time with Him up there?
10. What happens to pre-Jesus soals?

2006-07-07 14:17:01 · 28 answers · asked by Amphibious Nature 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Oh great i just can't wait to jump through hoops you throw out.
So that in the end, you'll say that I'm stupid.

2006-07-07 14:23:32 · answer #1 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 1 0

How NOT to "disproove" Christianity.

*Anti-miracle bias will be labelled with a MIR*

1. How could Noah's ark have happened if the same amount of water always stays on the earth (except what astronauts pee out)?

Answer: Clearly the author doesn't understand the phrases "the gates of heaven were opened" and "the fountains of the deep...". Apparently, God used the hydrological cycle (rain, snow, etc.) and underwater fountains/geysers to cover the Earth. When the Flood was over, the water went into what we now know as the oceans.

2. Explain how a human can come from a rib.

Answer: MIR. Would this skeptic like to demonstrate how (extremely-complex) life came from lifeless chemicals (abiogenesis).

3. Why was Jesus a man? If God is God why didn't he send a ball of talking glowing light or something?

Answer: Because a lifeless, talking ball of light wouldn't be able to be a sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

4. How did Jesus' allowance of the Romans to kill him be called dying for our sins?

Answer: Because he talked about his self-sacrifice beforehand (at the last supper), and allowed himself to be flogged, ripped apart, and nailed to a cross to be shamed for our sins.

5. Did you know that baby's can't be made without sperm?

Answer: Yep, yep. What's the point?

6. If God made earth for us to worship him, what's the point of the other planets?

Answer: "The Heavens declare the glory of God" explains it pretty well. Also, the stars and planets were made to "show signs and seasons".

7. A Christian friend of mine once told me that he's believes that God can come to control anything on earth when he pleases (that's how he explained the water level of Noah's ark), so I asked, why not stop natural disasters and such?

Answer: Becuse God gave us reason and logic NOT to build homes in disaster-prone areas. But it's our fault that we live like we do. Read Genesis 1-3.

8. The first testament accidentally forgot to say dinosaurs happened when speaking of the creation.

Answer: Perhaps so, but if you read the description of "vehemoth" in Job 40, you'd be surprised to see a relatively decent description of a dinosaur.

9. What is the point of life if Heaven is perfect anyway? Wouldn't God want us to all go have a good time with Him up there?

Answer: Who said Heaven was perfect? All I can tell is that it's where believers and those who don't reject the Gospel go, it is a place of honor and rest, and that it's a fun place to be. "Heaven" isn't God's version of "fun"; it's a result of his justice.

10. What happens to pre-Jesus soals?

Answer: Although not specifically discussed, it can be reasoned that everyone went to Heaven. However, God simply hasn't told us. And, personally, I don't really care.

Thanks for the fun. I'll talk later. It's been fun. Have a nice day!

2006-07-07 17:50:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.Think, If all the polar ice caps melted.
2. Perhaps the rib is a metaphor for something spiritual
3.If Jesus was a ball of glowing light, the people of that time would have been terrified.
4.Jesus' death and Resurrection was prophesied to happen many times in the old testament, when the Romans killed Him, they were fulfilling biblical prophecies without knowing it.
5. Yes, I did know that sperm is required for babies, but with God, all things are possible(this requires faith)
6.Who knows, perhaps in the afterlife, God will allow humans or angels to populate other planets.
7.Perhaps these natural disasters are allowed to happen to get people to search after God or love and help each other out more, we learn the most when times are hardest.

2006-07-07 14:36:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Proof of a major flood in the entire region that would have been the known world has been found for decades now. Flood layers have been discovered. So a flood coving all of the known world at that time is fairly well proven.

many of todays deserts were once giant oceans ( also proven)
So in basis where did all of that water go ?? your statement of same water can not even be supported by science where we know oceans used to be, including all of the ice from the ice age that melted

2. let me see, using science not religion, how about from DNA from a rib, and from the religous side, if he used mud to make Adam, why not a rib for Eve

3. Don't know why, but he did send a bush ( not George) to Moses and a pillar of fire for the people of that time. This was just how he wanted to do it. One man brought sin in the world, another would take it out.

4Since he though God's power took the sin up on him, and he gave hiself up, was not taken ( a sacrifice as required by the law)

5. That would suprise the people who cloned that sheep and the ones who do dogs and cats alot now adays

6. Who said he only made us ?? God may have enjoyed it.

7. God can control everything, but allows free will to happen, but does from time to time use natural disaters as testings or trials for all. ( not what you beleive is just but life on earth was never easy and is not easy

8. Well I actually beleive they are merely a tool of the devil, he can easily take bones and make people beleive they were something. Using mans ego and science to form wrong opinons of what happened.

But also we have no idea how long Adam was in Eden, 1 year 10000 years before he was taken out of the garden. We don't have that history, perhaps it was an animal God decided did not work well on earth

9 perfect will be a great time, since it is all happiness, the idea that one can not be happy ( without some sin, ) is merely our sinful nature showing itself

10. There were previous covenents with man, also it is beleived, but vague, when Jesus died before he was raised, he visted others, ( this was a idea that he went to those that had died before)

2006-07-07 14:26:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. All the ice we currently have was melted? Or it could have been a localized flood. Or, if you don't insist I stick with science, God simply made more water for the event.

2. The same way God is able to make a human from nothing, only this time he already had the rib to begin with. Or else this is figurative language, if evolution is true.

3. Because we are men. Jesus became one of us, in the form we would understand best, not something foreign to us. Also, God in his justice ordained that reparation for man's sins needed to be done by a man, not by a ball of light.

4. Death is the result of our sins. Not just capital punishment, but all death. Jesus never sinned, yet he allowed himself to die, thereby receiving the same punishment. Yet since he is infinitely perfect and good, his sacrifice was infinitely great, thereby capable of finally paying the price for man's sin so that there was no more debt left to be taken. Though we still die, we now may live eternally in heaven after.

5. So God ordained when he created man, and so God may change as He wills, allowing a man to be born of only a woman, maybe by creating a sperm, maybe by some other means.

6. The glory of God's creation is greater than even we can imagine. We may not only look at our own planet but up at the stars, and beyond them; wherever we can reach, there God's glory is. Plus, what if there are aliens on those other planets, beings whom God also loves?

7. God could stop natural disasters. God could stop all evil. However, to do so would be to take away man's free will, and force us only to do good. Instead, he often does not intervene, allowing the events (natural and otherwise) to teach us to love one another and to depend on him, and to realize that eternal life, not life on earth, is the more important.

8. That's okay. It never mentioned most animals by name, or that would be one very very long passage.

9. Free will, free choice. We live on earth that we may freely choose to live with him instead of being forced to; and that we may freely choose not to, if that's what we desire. He wants love, not robots, and true love is can not be forced.

10. The rightous were taken up into heaven with Jesus after he died. The others, who did not try to live good lives, remain in Hell.

2006-07-07 16:32:29 · answer #5 · answered by Myth 2 · 0 0

All those questions are predicated on the idea that all Christians are Bible- thumping fundies. Many of us are theological and social liberals who don't find an authentic faith to contradict our reason or our conscience.

OK, so:

1. The Hebrew Bible is a huge compendium of the myths, history, and laws of a group of ancient Semites. Noah's Ark falls in the "myth" category.
2. We didn't. We evolved from earlier primates.
3. Jesus was a charismatic first-century Palestinian rabbi and religious genius. He wasn't God, but he sure spoke a lot of truth about God. And about human beings and how they ought to treat one another.
4. The idea of the incarnate God dying for our sins is Hellenistic mystery religion fused with Messianic Judaism. There are other ways to think about Jesus' salvific significance which don't involve that kind of mythology.
5. Yep, I sure did. You know, the ancient world was full of virginally conceived demigods.
6. They're beautiful, and I bet a fair number of them are inhabited by other intelligent creatures, or, for all I know, disembodied intelligences which roam the ether grooving on all the incredibly cool nebulae and stuff.
7. That idea of divine omnipotence makes theodicy (a justification of God's goodness in the face of the world's evil) completely impossible. "Omnipotence" has to be reconsidered. And has been, theologically: go to Amazon and look up "process theology."
8. Guess there weren't any Hebrew paleontologists.
9. I think she's working really hard at it. I wish we would help her more. But I also think that this creation will be heaven when it's finished...
10. All will be saved. IMHO.

And I am a Christian, BTW.

2006-07-07 15:46:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) the earth is diffrent now then when it was created (sin entered the world)
2) ask the right question "how could God create a man from the dust of the ground." He breathed life into Adam and he became a living soul. Since God did this from non living matter is it such a strech to believe He could create a women from a rib. and one futher. Since God spoke the entire universe in to existince from NOTHING is "Anything to hard for God?"
3)Because only a man with out sin could pay the price for the sins of the world And since Adam who was prefect at first failed and sinned it would have to be God Himself who reconciled fallen mankind to himself (but only those who believe on HIS Son and what HE did on the cross.
4) Because the Romans did not kill Jesus. They tortured Him and put him on cross. But it was Jesus who gave up his life. "With a loud voice Jeusu cried out 'It is finished.' and he breathed his last. Jesus surendered His life it was not taken. It is not a gift unless it is freely given.
5) Except iin the case of Jesus that is true read #2
6) God is a creative and wonderous Creator why not.
7) Because sin entered the world and bad things happen as a result.
8) It did not read Job
9)a) We can learn of the love of God and we can learn to love God and the people around us as He first loved us.
b) He does but on His terms not yours.
10) It depends if they had looked foward to Jesus and the salvation he would bring. If they didn't they will join Satan in hell for eternity.
I hope you will read the Bible with and open heart and mind to understand what it say The God the Father says "If you seek me with all your heart you will find Me."

2006-07-07 14:55:43 · answer #7 · answered by alanpendragon 2 · 0 0

1) every culture has a flood myth. scientists believe there was SOME world wide event that caused a deluge, maybe a second meteor after the one that killed the dinosaurs. at the very least there was SOME flood that stayed in the people's memory. I caught something on the discovery channel abot noahs ark that indicated flood evidence at the time the story was first introduced. the noah story also parallels a babylonion story, I think Gilgamesh. A flood IS an increase of water in the area it hits.

2) the bible was written by human beings who never got together to get their information straight, which is why so much of it is inconsistant and contradictory.

3) the planets are for helping us get laid by taking women out to gaze at them and seducing them while they look.

4) among the essenes the role of messiah was given to one who was literally supposed to be sacraficed to atone for the sins of the community. also literally the lamb.
the gospel writers wrote to make jesus the savior that was talked about in daniel.

5) bullshit is repsonsible for the creation of many. why we have politicians and lawyers

7) christains who dont want to bother with evidence and facts have the convienience of saying everything is God's will. helps them not to have to use their brains and take some personal leaps of faith.

8) bingo! it also doesnt say who cain married when he was banished to Nod if there was only adam, eve and the rugrats. ( why two boys?? why not another daughter??was she supposed to bang her sons too??

9) life is to be lived and enjoyed. in the original hebrew faith heaven was just where yahweh lived with the angels like Zeus and the other gods lived on olympus. ( yawheh on Mt. Sinai.WHY does the Jewish God live in Egypt??)

10) maybe he just went barefoot??????


2006-07-07 14:39:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks For Your Questions

1. Allah says in The Quran : And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." And the water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Nuh (Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi, and it was said: "Away with the people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doing)!"

2. Exactly as a chicken could come from an egg and The one capable of creating you from dust and turning you into dust is also capable of creating a human from a rib

3. Islam says That he is the Messenger of God not God

4. Jesus didn't die in Islam he was raised in the sky and he will come back at the end of time to show the Christians that they were wrong he is not god nor he was crucified for their sins and to show the Jews that they didn't crucify him and he didn't die

5. Yes I know that

6. The point of other planets is to see the mightiness and the power of the creator how he is capable of creating billions and billions of planets and stars

7. God made natural disasters to test human beings to see who will thank him after it happens and who wont ...who will help the people affected by disasters and who wont

8. Well The old testimony has the words of God plus the words of translator plus the words of historians so not everything is mentioned but if you wanna read an unchangeable source read the quraan never changed from 1400 year nor will be

9. Heaven is a price for whom who passed the test here on earth whom who made good deeds more than their bad ones these one will go directly to heaven while the other ones who failed their test will suffer in hell and the reason of making the earth to be a proof for human beings for what they have done ex if you were sent directly to hell you will ask god why did you sent me to hell without making anything wrong he will tell you if you lived on earth you will do bad things and go to hell so you will normally say but i didn't go to earth....so the only reason for earth to be a proof for your good and bad deeds

10. Since Jesus is a Messenger of God and not God so pre-jesus souls would be judged according to the prophet or messenger of their time if they beleived that he was a messenger from God and they followed him they will go to heaven other will go to hell

2006-07-07 14:38:45 · answer #9 · answered by abouterachess 4 · 0 0

First of all there is no way to explain why God does what He does or how He does it....its called faith....I believe that natural disasters happen because God wants us to remember that He is in control. There is so much sin in New Orleans...maybe God was trying to tell them something...Your right...heaven is perfect, but not everyone can get there....only those who accept Jesus Christ can go to heaven. If we were already in heaven there wouldn't be any rewards for those who have chose to believe. Its kind of like a test. The people who were here before Jesus if they sinned they had to offer up a sacrifice such as a lamb. Hence the name we often refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God. God sent Jesus to us as a sacrifice for our sins. Because of that if you believe in Jesus, repent of your sins you are forgiven. It goes back to the sacrifices of those who lived before Jesus. So instead of us sacrificing animals, God sacrificed Jesus for our sins. Christianity is about faith. Not all things can be explained you just have to believe.

2006-07-07 14:31:10 · answer #10 · answered by Luvtonurse 2 · 0 0

In answer to question 6---- God made earth for mankind to reside on. The other planets, stars, sun & moon attest to his power and act of creation. Man is fascinated by the other planets, enough to study them and try to reach them.
In answer to question 10: All the people who died before Jesus opened up the way for heavenly life, are still sleeping in death, including all the faithful ones like Abel, Noah, Moses, etc. They will soon be resurrected back to life and reside forever on earth. All those who have fallen asleep in death since Jesus' resurrection back to heaven will also be brought back to life for the hope of residing forever on earth.

2006-07-07 14:29:22 · answer #11 · answered by Micah 6 · 0 0

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