It is hard to remember that once you ask for forgiveness, it is forgotten by the Lord but you can. It's when other people constantly remind you of your past mistakes, while conveniently forgetting that they have sinned, too, that can make it almost impossible to forget about your past mistakes. People never remember the good you do until you are in a casket and then you were the best person they knew. What's really hard is when you have done so much to change things about yourself, worked really hard but some people won't ever let you get beyond the past. They still expect you to behave in a certain way even though you haven't displayed that behavior for years. It's sad that we have to attack others to justify or make ourselves feel better about our own behavior.
2006-07-07 09:56:16
answer #1
answered by kimmar83 2
I'd have to say yes on that one. I have a hard time forgiving myself for the mistakes and wrong doings in my past, but in a way that is a good thing, because it helps me to concentrate on not doing those things again. Experience is the best teacher, but to learn from someone else's experience is much better for you. As for salvation - I have a problem with this attitude worrying whether you are going to have eternal life or not. I live my life as best I can and if at the end of it I get a reward of eternal life - great... If not well, maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway?
2006-07-07 16:57:18
answer #2
answered by Jill 3
Matthew 6:25-33
2006-07-07 16:57:44
answer #3
answered by robinhoodcb 4
His gift can be abused, so as long as we're careful with it and don't bring to remembrance the things He forgave us of, then our works shall be perfected in His sight. Our past (if nothing else) should serve as a badge of courage to those who struggle naturally and spiritually, letting them know that God's love, our embrace of His salvation plan, and the courage he gives us to face life are enough to pull us through and that Satan has no power over us. Though he still stands as our principal accuser to the Throne of God, we in our salvation are covered by His Blood allowing Him to drive Satan off on our behalf. Job was the prime example of these facts. It serves us well to be mindful of Job's example.
2006-07-07 17:07:34
answer #4
answered by bigvol662004 6
NO- All things are washed away. I was born again. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That is why Jesus died on the cross to forgive me for my past sins. Alot of characters in the bible sinned and were forgiven so I know it is forgotten by the Lord. Once in awhile the devil tries to depress me with past sins but I have to remind him and myself that I have been forgiven.
2006-07-07 17:02:59
answer #5
answered by Suesan W 4
There is no salvation except mercy of GOD
Firstly, Thank you for allowing me to respond to this Question.
secondly, with reguard to your Question. you may be asking because you are in doubt. which is completely normal.
because if you go to anyone and ask them to explain to you the trinity, they will not be able to give you an adequete answer.
Never once did Jesus (peace be upon him) claim to be God. If you look into the bible, if you have a red lettered one that highlights supposedly what Jesus has said, than never once will you find that he told his people to worship him. On the contrary, he said "Worship Thy Father Alone" i.e. worship God Alone.
Third of All, In Islam we believe in Jesus as a highly respected Prophet of Allah (God). just like Moses, Adam, Abraham, Noah, etc.
They All came with the same message : To worship the creator Alone.
Indeed, it is very blasphemous to say that Jesus Is God.
#1. Jesus was A human, and everyone will agree upon that. meaning he ate, slept, used the bathroom, etc. Things that Muslims Believe are not attributes fit for the Lord of the Universe, because he is free of all needs.
#2. The Christians believed that Jesus died on the Cross. How can God Die? if that were the case, than how can it be that he would be on the cross saying "Why have you forsaken me" to the one who is in heaven, if they were one in the same. and how is it that He knew he would die, but didnt know at the same time?
and if he died for 3 days, who was God during those 3 days?
nothing makes sense.
but everything in Islam Makes sense. wouldnt it be more logical that he were a Righteous Prophet of God, rather than God himself?
If you believe
1. that there is no object worthy of worship but Allah (God)
2. you believe in the angles
3. Heaven and hell
4. The Books that came before (the Old testament, Gospels, Quran)
5. you believe in the all the Prophets of God starting from Adam, including Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, and Muhammad peace be upon all of them)
and finally
6. Divine decree.
than welcome to Islam.
Finally, if you do not wish to listen to anything i've said, at least do one thing which you have nothing to lose.
Seek guidance from God himself to guide you on the strait path, and see where it leads you.
I Swear by Allah, that if you Sincerely and whole-heartedly ask Him for Guidance to the truth. He will lead you to it.
you have nothing you lose.
I ask God to guide you all to the truth. ameen.
2006-07-07 16:56:20
answer #6
answered by Deepest-Blue 2
I heard something really good once, let me tell you about it.
When satan starts throwing your past in your face (and of course, he is the "accuser of the bretheran" and loves to do this to us!) what you say is "oh, thank you so much for bringing that reminds me to thank God, because He gave His son, that if I believe in Him, the blood of Jesus Christ washes my sins white as snow. So I appreciate the reminder that I am forgiven, and by the grace of God, I will spend eternity with Jesus in heaven.
But...wait....where is it that YOU are going to spend eternity? *pause for effect*.........Oh the lake of fire!"
2006-07-07 16:55:26
answer #7
answered by christian_lady_2001 5
Not at all ,past is forgotten by God, I don't want to remind Him.
2006-07-07 16:50:46
answer #8
answered by kritikos43 5
not any more letting go and letting God have all is hard I thank HIM daily for HIS grace and mercy.
2006-07-07 23:25:58
answer #9
answered by sshhorty2 4
no it shouldnt if you have already asked god to be in your life you are a new person spiritually so no it shouldnt
2006-07-07 16:57:56
answer #10
answered by Christopher C 1