theyre just going to talk out of their @ss and say its god he can do what he wants
2006-07-07 09:42:34
answer #1
answered by pope 2
If a day equals 1000 years and 1000 years equals a day, then since Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, does this have significance for His Second Coming?
Let's see some things that really do seem to have significance, first of all from Ha'aretz "Small Quake Hits Dead Sea; Experts: Big One On The Way." And from "Israeli President asks Vatican to Reveal List of Temple Treasures, Vessels and Judacia they Hold."
I guess they had some things right there in the Vatican that they would like to know about and they would like to have. First of all,
the Rabbis said that there would only be seven days in world history because a day was like 1,000 years, Psalm 90:4, and it was patterned after creation. He created the world in six days, Genesis 1:31 and rested on the 7th day, Genesis 2:2. And since each day represents 1,000 years, and we Christians also set that according to II Peter 3:8, we then have four days of Old Testament time and three days of New Testament time for the total of 7000 years, So let's just deal with the three days of New Testament time.
Here is proof that this is correct, Hosea 6, verse 2. The Jews didn't have their own land for a couple thousand years and they say after two days, 2,000 years, He'll revive us - that happened in 1948, almost after 2,000 years, then on the third day which just started in the last number of months, He will raise us up that we may live in his sight, the Jews are raised in Daniel 12, when the Messiah comes and sets his foot upon the earth. Now here are two exciting signs that , They're expecting the greatest earthquake ever and it's right there at the Dead Sea fault and when Jesus Christ returns His Feet hit the Mount of Olives and it splits down the center and they say, we are waiting for that big one and that could be the return of Christ. But the most exciting thing, beyond that, is that the Jews are asking for all of the things the Vatican has from the old temples. Why? Because they have built the replica of the exact temple 269,000 square feet by the dead sea! And they are putting everything in it and getting all the Cohen's. For they are the Levites, they're prepared to do sacrifice so that when the real one is built, the one in which antichrist sits, 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and says he's god, Daniel 11:36, it will be ready. It's that close. Then Christ comes and sits in it permanently. Ezekiel 40 to 44.
2006-07-07 16:44:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God did not rest because He was tired. People take that too literally. It simply means He was finished. He stopped, it was done.
Two days to God in our time truly is nothing to God as forever and eternal are unfathomable to the human mind, it cannot comprehend that; however, that does not mean the Genesis refers to this time as 700 years in mans time or anything like that. Read closely. It plainly states that He called the light day, and the dark night, and the first light and darkness completed the first day. This truly was on a human timeline. This creation DID occur in six days with God stopping (not resting because He was tired) on the seventh day.
Some people use the one day equals 700 years (or however many) to combat carbon dating that science shows the earth to be much older than the 6000 years people mistakenly date the Bible to.
Science versus the Bible, a debate that lasts forever, to those that believe the Bible only dates about 6000 or so years. This is the one thing that people use to try and disprove the Bible and the existence of God. If you read the Bible a bit more closely in Genesis, you find that the Bible does NOT date itself. If you believe there was only one flood, yes, 6000 years is about right; however, there were two floods. Read in the Old Testament and know that ever before God created Adam and Eve, Lucifer had ruled a kingdom (Earth). This was a thriving kingdom with cities and such that had grown over time. Lucifer was appointed to reign over this kingdom, then he challenged God. He ascended to Heaven with 1/3 of the angels and was defeated. The Bible never tells us how long a period of time this was.
The Bible tells us Genesis 1:2 tells us that the earth was without form and void. It also tells us God does not create something imperfect, so how could the earth be without form and void? Because, after the fall of Satan, God flooded the earth. The second part of Genesis 1:2 tells us God moved across the face of the waters, this was the beginning of the 7 days of creation we refer to; however, the first day was not the creation of the heavens and the earth as many believe, but rather in Genesis 1:5 which says, "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." I won't get too in depth on that part anymore, but I also have geological proof of this as well.
I tell you this to marry together science and the Bible to take exactly what people are trying to use against the Bible, and use it against them! Yes, carbon dating and space exploration shows that the earth is billions of years old. Yes, science says they found signs of the big bang theory. But the Bible is truly not dated to 6000 years, and who says that God did not use a "big-bang" to create the heavens and earth? No-one knows HOW he did it, just that he did. He may very well have done the big-bang and let things roll out in his plan taking time (which time to him is nothing as we see it, a million years is but a second). I can't argue the big-bang, but I can argue it happening without God's intervention.
Chance cannot have it that the exact two planets/stars/masses could have met up at just the right time, hit just the right way, with all the necessary chemical make-up to do the following:
Create a solar system in which could support life as we know it;
create one planet out of them all that rotated perfectly in a 24 hour interval, on the right axis, forming areas of drinkable water and inhabitable land, and proper climate.
The most complex molecular structure and physical make-up (man) that can speak, use his brain in a way other than just survival and self gratification, etc, etc.
Plants that take in carbon dioxide, and extract oxygen so that we do not suffocate.
Boy, the list just keeps going and going. It is just impossible for God NOT to exist, but if he made it to where it was as easy to comprehend as 1+1=2, then there would be no "faith " involved. Everything in life can't be explained away or proven by our now too smart for their own good scientists. It was not meant to be, no matter how brilliant we decide to pump ourselves up to be.
2006-07-07 16:54:31
answer #3
answered by green93lx 4
Actually, Adam was about 100 years old when he was kicked out of Eden. You should read the bible more carefully or go on youtube and watch the Evangelical Sessions by Kent Hovind, it'll give you a better understanding of the bible.
2006-07-07 16:44:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think you are confused. The Bible is a book about FAITH....not a book about math. The story of Adam and Eve tell us about God's love for us, how we are created in his image and really isn't about how many days or hours or years....
2006-07-07 16:46:02
answer #5
answered by Michelle A 4
Adam didn't actually start aging until he and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden.
2006-07-07 16:43:11
answer #6
answered by topher 4
the bible math is wrong completely. Bible writers werent educated enough to work out the math right.
2006-07-07 16:43:44
answer #7
answered by kevin k 2
Evening and morning and the first day is a 24 hour day any way you stack it. You don't count day zero dude. Its starts on day one.
2006-07-07 16:47:04
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Genesis 1.3-5
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
In this text, "light" is actually the sun (which is what it actually is - light).
"and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. "
To "divide" means to distinguish, differentiate, name, identify. Thus, "and God distinguished the light from the darkness."
To distinguish the light from the darkness (or to differentiate the side of the earth that faces the sun from the side of the earth that faces away from the sun), God named the side of the earth that faces the sun "Day", and the side of the earth that faces away from the sun "Night".
"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
This is a description of the planet's first 24-hour rotation.
PicassoInActions, individuals confuse God's time with terrestial time. God's time is relative to the speed of light (because God consists as light). The text in the Book of Genesis is literal terrestrial time; not an analogy to God's time. So Adam did live to be over 900 years old (after the fall).
It is proven that time slows down when you approach the speed of light, If you were to move AT the speed of light, time would cease. Because God IS Light, God exists outside of time. To give man a comprehension of how God measures time from His perspective, 24-hours in God's time is the equivalent of 1,000 years in man's time.
Psalm 90.1-4
[[A Prayer of Moses the man of God.]] Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.
2 Peter 3.8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
If you were capable of becoming light, and moved today at the speed of light for 24-hours, when you stopped, it would be the year 3006. More literally, If you were capable of becoming light, and moved today at the speed of light for 100 SECONDS, when you stopped, it would be approximately 100 hours from now.
You asked a question with erroneous data, and then you mock those who answer your questions.
I am a son of God (whom you call a Christian).
What you call science, is nothing but the study of the expression of God's thinking.
But obviously, you don't believe that God exists; instead, you believe that the universe was created from a singularity - a primeval atom the size of a marble that fits in your hand.
If God does not exist, and nothing existed before the Big Bang, what caused it?
Nothing, because the Big Bang never happened, God does exist and God created the universe.
As for creation...
According to the Big Bang theory, scientists assume that the universe began as a singularity the size of a marble that fits in your hand.
How is it possible to fit the ENTIRE universe in a marble?
The Big Bang theory suggests that the origin of the universe began as a singularity - a primeval atom. If the universe actually did begin as a primeval atom, where did it come from? And if the primeval atom did exist as a singularity, how is the Big Bang mathematically possible if 1+0=1?
Which means that if the primeval atom exists as a singularity and there is nothing else to add to it, then shouldn't the universe still exist as a primeval atom according to this mathematical principle?
And if such a primeval atom exploded the universe into existence, how could it consist in the first place if it existed as a singular instability? - which means that the singularity was unstable and blew up (if this is the case, how long was it stable and what caused the instability if it existed as a singularity and there was nothing else there to unbalance it)?
PicassoInActions, learn to look at things differently is to see things clearly.
The universe is a non-linear construct from The Infinite. The universe has a beginning but it has no end...
More explicitly...
God caused all existence to altogether consist simultaneously at once...thus, the universe is a non-linear construct from The Infinite.
How is this possible? Simple... E=mc2 (The conversion of light energy into matter).
Where does this energy come from? A primeval atom the size of a marble? Do you REALLY think that is physically possible?
If E=mc2 is the conversion of light energy into matter, and all matter consists of energy...then all matter originally consisted as light.
Where did this energy come from? Light.
If energy came from light...and GOD IS LIGHT...all energy came from God!
If God is Light...and Light is energy...
What does God consist of?
If God says, "I am the beginning" God is saying, "I am the raw material from which all existence consists." Thus, God Himself is the Light from which all matter is formed...
God is E=mc2
Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
"In the beginning" means "From Eternity"
If Eternity has no beginning nor end, and God has no beginning nor end, God is Eternity.
Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
When was the heaven created? In the beginning.
When was the earth created? In the beginning.
So if BOTH the heaven AND the earth were created in the beginning, the heaven and the earth were BOTH created simultaneously!
So the earth IS over 65,000,000 years old!
Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
If "In the beginning" means "from Eternity", and God IS Eternity, AND GOD IS THE BEGINNING, "In the beginning" means "In God". So Genesis 1.1 actually says, "In God, God created the heaven and the earth".
Why didn't Genesis 1.1 say "At the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" as if related to time like "At 1:00"? Because "In the beginning" is "from Eternity" where there is no time. AND "In the beginning" is BOTH a moment AND a location.
How? God is Omnipresent. NOTHING can exist OUTSIDE OF GOD, thus everything exists WITHIN God. SO, "IN the beginning" is actually "WITHIN the beginning"; which is actually "WITHIN God, The Beginning".
Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Within, God The Beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
God is Spirit. Angels are "spirit" beings. God created angels from Himself.
The same way God formed angels from Himself, so formed He existence...
With one thought.
God has no beginning. He has no "first thought" as if He had a beginning. God's infinite knowledge itself is one thought.
Omniscience is infinite knowledge as one thought.
Omnificence is unlimited creative power.
Omnipotence is infinite power.
Omnipresence is infinity itself.
Put them together, what do you get?
Unlimited creative power applied to infinite knowledge that is expressed everywhere at once with a single act of infinite power!
God creating existence from Himself with one thought!
Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Within, God The Beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
Within, God The Beginning, God formed from Himself, Existence, with one thought - causing all existence to altogether consist simultaneously at once.
Thus, the universe is a non-linear construct from The Infinite - God Himself. The universe has a beginning but it has no end.
Which is why the background of the stars is black.
Learn to look at things differently is to see things clearly.
Existence itself is created from God's physical existence. Yes God does physically exist, He is just physically different.
How do I know all this, simple...
I asked God this question...
What are you made of?
His answer...
And that was the beginning of my instruction directly from the Creator...
2006-07-07 16:42:16
answer #9
answered by Q 6
None of the whole god story, "adds," up...
It is completely incongruent.
2006-07-07 16:44:03
answer #10
answered by RED MIST! 5