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10 points for gud reason

2006-07-07 09:33:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

I prefer not to be affiliated with any religion. I study them, incorporating the functional aspects, store the interesting parts for later use, and leave the rest. I prefer to think of myself as a spiritual independent. This helps avoid being trapped into any one particular dogma. Once you claim to be an adherent of any particular religion then lo and behold, along with good, comes the bad. Go figure that one out. At one point in my life I became a Christian because I felt my heart was with Jesus, then came a host of other associative ideas, like inerrancy of the bible, giving credence to dysfunctional concepts like genocide, slavery, forced marriages, execution of rape victims, burning of witches, absolute gender roles, God as a masculine oriented entity, original sin, eternal everlasting hell, etc. I think Jesus can be an exclusive concept outside of the associative texts, but at the time most churches don't make you feel that way. If I had adopted a spiritually independent mindset then I would have avoided years of tremendous psychological pain which sprung from trying to drown my conscious. My view before was dower at best, like the weeping prophet crying in the desert in sack cloth and ashes for the lost nation of Israel. Now, I have my hope back. My concept of a higher power is at peace in my heart as I do believe God is good God no matter how some try to portray him/her to be. I know they think their version is the virtuous one, but instead it has been scripted to them. They think their version portrays a good God but instead it betrays God besmirching his/her very name. We know in our hearts what is good because a God has placed a moral compass in our hearts with a piece of the divine being the needle, which always points in the right direction.

2006-07-07 09:59:26 · answer #1 · answered by Love of Truth 5 · 1 0

I'm a christian. But I don't believe in organized religion. I don't get into all the rules and stuff that churches get into. I don't feel that baptist is better than catholic ect. Sometimes people loose site of the point when you get too into the rules and stuff. In chrisitanity the main point it to be a good person and help others. Not to be judgmental and negative. So many churches (not all of course) shun people for their actions, I just don't want to be a part of that. God is an accepting god, he does the judging not us. Does this count as an answer?

2006-07-07 09:38:54 · answer #2 · answered by Kristen 4 · 0 0

1.A living Savior that died for the sins of the world and was resurrected to live forever at the right hand of the Father.
2. The ability to be delivered from sin and live in peace.
3. The focus on loving God with you mind, soul, body, and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself.
4. Not having to play "religious" (God accepts me for who I am).
5. Not having to "work my way" or "be good" to go to heaven.
6. An eternity with God in heaven.
7. The Bible where I can find the answers to life.
8. A Christian community (my church) that supports and loves me unconditionally.

I could go on but you get the idea. I don't believe in dead gods. I don't believe in working my way to heaven, etc. I don't believe in cults or "new" religions- - because they are false

2006-07-07 10:07:45 · answer #3 · answered by snddupree 5 · 0 0

I don't like any religions. They're all set up by manmade institutions as an excuse to strip gullible people of their individuality and their money, and to start wars and generally powertrip.

If you want to know what SPIRITUAL PATH I prefer, I prefer Paganism....Norse Paganism to be specific. Why? I don't know. I was just drawn to it. It was like I found my calling. I find the lore and the culture fascinating and I feel very drawn to the Gods and the magics of the path. Since practicing it I've grown more as an individual, become more confident and at peace with myself, and just generally feel at home.

And please spare me the "you're gonna go to hell" spam. I've heard it all before. Besides which I should hope that I'm going to Hel...She IS the Goddess of Death after all :)

2006-07-07 09:43:26 · answer #4 · answered by Abriel 5 · 0 0

Most religions are based on different interpretations of what people think God is saying. Or doing. Or not saying..whatever. In order to really understand God and our spiritual nature, one must abandon all secular belief systems. And go within themselves. Our sincerity is our protection from false religions..or false prophets. From what I can see, most religions don't have anything at all to do with the Truth, with God.

2006-07-07 09:41:36 · answer #5 · answered by nara c 3 · 0 0

I like Judaism. I never fit in in the religion I was born into, and later in life found Judaism and just felt it made sense for me, I also like that it does not believe in converting people (at least in the Orthodox one). Well, what works for me, may not for others, I don't believe any religion is 100% the only true religion in the world.

2006-07-07 09:39:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm closest to judaisim- except i believe in Messiah. i do NOT believe in the 'new testament'- i don't accept it as scripture! it was added on, and was NEVER meant to be so! the only thing that it's valid as, is history- we can accept the facts, in say, 'the book of acts'. we know this happened, but if they make the followers of the Moshiach-or even the Moshiach himself doing ANYTHING contary to God's Law, then throw it away! the Moshiach DID come, and he kept the Torah, and NEVER did ANYTHING contary, and he did NOT teach his followers to disobey it either! so- I'm not really listed under a certain category, but i am a Jew, and i believe in God- the Elohim of Avraham, Yitsak, and Ya'acov, and ALL his laws, and i try through the guidelines that i see set before me in Torah(you all usually call it, the 'old testament' or 'the law' or something like that- Yuck- that's not how you should think of it.) I am a Torah Observer, and i believe in the Messiah, the Son of Elohim. (you all call him, uh, JC, but that's not his name, or his personality. he was a jew- a strict Torah observing jew at that! he would NEVER Think of violating the laws of God, and neither should we.) I choose to follow Adonai-My God- The God of YISRAEL! So, in conclusion, i'm a Torah-Observant Jew, who knows that his messiah has come once in the flesh, and will one day come again, as a king! I earnestly wait for his comming, and will continue in the faith of our forefathers- the ONLY true 'religion' in the world! Shema Yisrael- Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad!

2006-07-07 10:31:35 · answer #7 · answered by Uzi 2 · 0 0

Jehovah's Witnesses. Everything we believe is found in the Bible (not just ours, but yours and almost any other). We are doing th work Jesus told us to do. We are free from ALL pagan practices and beliefs and we all love each other and have unity. And for anyone who thinks differently about us it's because they believe lies people have told them without taking the time to actually learn what we teach or learn the Bible. But hey, for many people we may seem strange or weird, but no matter what you say I know I'm making Jehovah happy and that's all that matter to me :)

2006-07-07 10:47:19 · answer #8 · answered by P-nut 2 · 0 0

islam of course which came by the final prophet mohammed(s.a.h).islam is a religion of tolerance and peace and who thinks that muslms ara terrorist are ignorant and fool.
and by the way if truly jesus son of god
answer me why does't god has another sons?
and if you as human saw your son suffered
would you leave him without any kind of protection?then what about god
is he weak so that he can't protect his son?
no thats your saying with your toungs you lie about him
and you will see the result in the end.
islam calls for one god no others with him
and if there were many gods then they may
fight each other and every thing go down.

2006-07-07 09:47:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Faith I like and have is

1. There is only one God, even though he has many names.

2. God's son, Jesus Christ, came to Earth; was brutalized and murdered for what he taught. He was cruficied, died, buried, but rose again from the dead on the third day.

3. That Jesus' resurrection gave us victory over Satan and his demons, and that his resurrection gave us victory over our sinful natures if we accept Christ as our Savior and Lord.

4. That the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, if only we will accept that gift and accept the Holy Spirit as our guide, instructor, comforter, and teacher.

5. That the gift of salvation is for all people, not just for the Chosen Ones of God---the tribes of Israel.

6. That when those who are brothers and sisters in Christ die, they will spend eternity in heaven; but those who deny Christ and the Holy Spirit at their death will spend eternity in hell.

7. That the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written by Godly men, to instruct us and give us direction in our lives so that we will not sin against God.

8. That my life is NOT mine, but God's; that all I have is God's, and I am just a steward that was blessed with the opportunity to care for whatever is in my possession.

9. That I am still a sinner and not a perfect human being; that without the Great Physician , Jesus Christ, I would be dying in sin, and not living with the illness of a sinful nature that must be forgiven daily in order that I might fulfill the purpose God has for my life.

10. I believe in the power of prayer in all things; With his blood, Jesus saved me; with His power, Jesus raised me; To God, be the glory---great things He has done!

2006-07-07 09:43:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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