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my ex and i broke up a year ago, he said he wasnt ready for commitment. He still texts me. He text me last saturday saying he was at a stag and part of the message read "the place is full of ladies but tell me why am i thinking of you" he said in another that "commitment scares him BIG BIG BIG time" thinks hes afraid of being let down or something. Why is he still doing this to me? Its not like hes using me in the sex department as we hadnt got to that stage...

2006-07-07 03:51:18 · 9 answers · asked by sunny01 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

Yep. Fool it is. Some kids think that they're entitled to all the toys. You're being played.

2006-07-07 03:55:22 · answer #1 · answered by Iggy 7 · 0 0

Your ex obviously still has strong feelings for you. He texted you and told you about all the other ladies, but that he was still only thinking of you. He was trying to let you know that no matter who's around, you're the one on his mind. If you still care about him, stay friends with him. I really think that in time, he may change his mind about commitment....especially once he realizes that you are the only one that really matters.

2006-07-07 10:57:05 · answer #2 · answered by trueblond195 5 · 0 0

He may have realized what a big mistake he has made. Of course, if he is as immature as you say, he may just want the attention you give him. Next time he calls or texts,find out who he's with. Don't let him use you to get away from someone or just because he's alone and bored.

2006-07-07 11:01:41 · answer #3 · answered by duckface 2 · 0 0

Really you are making a fool of yourself. This has to do about you and your inability to set boundaries. One it seems that you may be attracted to unavailable men, and second you broke up with this guy and you are still communicating with him...you need to cut him off and move on. Yeah I know its hard but its easier than quitting smoking and people do that everyday.

2006-07-07 10:58:11 · answer #4 · answered by frank_d22 3 · 0 0

I think that he loves you. But at the same time he is terrified of total commitment. I think that he wants choices still, with out giving up on you two completely....

Good luck girl...

2006-07-07 12:02:58 · answer #5 · answered by peaches 2 · 0 0

No i think he is trying to get back to you and at the same time trying to explain that he would not want to make a committment....maybe he is after good time sex with a friend since he wouldnt wanna make a committment.

2006-07-07 10:55:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He loves you... he does. But he is immature and needs to figure things out.

Unless he is afraid of letting you move on and he is trying to keep you available while he dates around. Either way he does care for you.

2006-07-07 10:55:53 · answer #7 · answered by Meow 3 · 0 0

well...its hard to tell.
its maybe hes thinking of you in a place filled with girls because
none of them wants to talk to him or you are in his mind
boys try to keep girls available for him as many as possible
you know im saying...so dont fall for it now
remember why you two had to break up and
if hes sincere and wants you back, he would make it clear
so if you want to give him another chance its okay..but
dont let him make a fool of you

2006-07-07 10:58:47 · answer #8 · answered by happy-angel 3 · 0 0

as his friends get married he will think of himself settling down. then he thinks over all his past relationships and thinks about which one is the one he let slip away. then he will call her (you) and get all mushy. 3am if he's drunk.

in the morning he will be over it. usually.

maybe you need a new phone number?????

2006-07-07 10:56:13 · answer #9 · answered by oldsoftee2001 6 · 0 0

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