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who believes in open relationship, that you can love someone but still wanna enjoy and why not with them.

2006-07-07 03:40:20 · 14 answers · asked by leeshy d 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

14 answers

two people when they get together are more often walking into the "negotiating table" with predrawn plans, ideas and expectations of what a "relationship" is...
imagine if you could be free of all conditioning and religiously tied notions and societal opinions of what "should make you happy" and rather you had an honest and open discussion about what "does make you happy"...however that might come to be..in this modern day, I believe that the integrity and honesty of another person's word is the most sacred trust of all and yet it is the most abused right along with the genitals not far behind...I do not have an open relationship and I feel that because of the things that are attached in society to relationships, people thinking that they can just walk freely into something like that are often "hurt" because of the model of attachment that they were taught or shown by their parents and there is a selfish (and justifiably so) for them to want something out of a union of two people that has that feeling of "exclusively mine"...the real problem is that co-dependency is taught early on to children and as adults, it is the pattern most followed...though no one would rightly fess up to it..they would instead hold out a lie to thing it somehow will hold onto their otherwise romantically intended...

I would have an open relationship and a written agreement that was sat down and drafted by both people or three people, how ever many might be in a group...and take a great deal of time to think it through in terms of "what I need and want" and "what you need and want"...not trying to make the two match, but to see what it is going to take to bring fulfillment equally to both parties in a working agreement...

2006-07-07 03:51:41 · answer #1 · answered by longwalkjohn 2 · 0 0

NO! because someone is going to get hurt in the (open relationship) the other girl r guy might try to take ur lover!

2006-07-07 10:46:23 · answer #2 · answered by Shauntavia 2 · 0 0

i never thought i would say this but i actually started to think about having a similar relationship !! see i have a boyfriend and i do really love him but he's in the other part of the world and we don't really communicate mush and when we do we fight over everything !! i really love him and can't imagine not being with him any more but at the same time i need to live !! you know just having somebody who is their for me all the time .. that support me and everything .. is that wrong ? i don't know !!

2006-07-07 10:47:32 · answer #3 · answered by need to know 3 · 0 0

I dont really mind the idea of an open relationship. But honestly, they wouldnt be able to last. One of the guys is going to get jealous (or girls) and make the other choose.

2006-07-07 10:42:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

open relationships... although ideal to some ppl are actually hard on a relationship unless the right mindset it had.

2006-07-07 10:43:00 · answer #5 · answered by Raggedy Ann 3 · 0 0

Such a relationship may work for other people but not for me! I want one on one only!

2006-07-07 10:49:07 · answer #6 · answered by wancarol 4 · 0 0

well, whoever wants to be in an open relationship is not afraid of losing you after getting what you are willing to give him/her at this moment in time.
it's not the fear of commitment, it's not wanting to commit to YOU.

2006-07-07 10:45:51 · answer #7 · answered by Thierry M 1 · 0 0

no cause were's there's open relationships there's open feelings and ppl get hurt

2006-07-07 10:43:40 · answer #8 · answered by sweetness 3 · 0 0

i like a relationship with a single woman.

2006-07-07 10:51:14 · answer #9 · answered by party_2_hearty 6 · 0 0

Ive had a couple. the secret is knowing that this is temporary and that both of you are being honest with each other.

2006-07-07 10:45:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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