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36 answers

Maybe for him is not over

2006-07-07 02:36:55 · answer #1 · answered by ice cream with chocolate 6 · 0 0

well i personally have alot of my exs as friends and I do notice that some of them also still care for me (regardless of who dumped who) in a romantic fashion. So its hard to say why exactly. But when you spent alot of time with someone you become really good friends and so when the hard feelings and the romantic feelings are put aside sometimes you realize that a person you were dating was one of your best friends. So it is because they are still attached to you but its something only time will tell if it is because they want you back or because you are a good friend.

2006-07-07 02:41:29 · answer #2 · answered by wendy 2 · 0 0

many reasons:
1. maybe he things are it is not over and you just playing 'hard' and want him run after you.. maybe you giving double messages
2. I don't know who 'broke up' however it would be that you broke up with him, so there could a this pride thing.. he wants to get back with you that he can break up and tell everyone (possibility that his buddies laugh at him)
3. If you can sex, many men feel that the relationship is not over as they already had you and can still have you at any time(it is known as well that the girlfriend go back just to have plain sex as they have done with this guy already)
4. depends what he is saying to you.. maybe he loves you or maybe he just want to be your friend?? and he cares for you what happens to you..

There can be so many reason, like jealousy, he misses just hearing you voice.

Now this is up to you what you want to do.

If you want the relationship (in any form) you must be honest with him, don't worry about his feeling as in a long run it is not good to string him alone

2006-07-07 02:39:21 · answer #3 · answered by Desert 4 · 1 0

He wants a rebound-sex with you and only you. Now it is your turn. As a lady you may say yeah or neah. But if you are so sure that you want to say neah, but don't know how. Then you have to learn something that there are 50ty ways to leave your lover. One way is to go out for America. Another way is ma ma mie ya with your now boyfriend.

2006-07-07 02:42:32 · answer #4 · answered by devid 3 · 0 0

Obviously, he calls you because he still wants to talk to you. Maybe he is rethinking his decision of breaking up with you in the first place, and is trying to get in your good graces again. Why not ask him? Maybe he could give you a better explanation as to why he's still calling!

2006-07-07 02:39:28 · answer #5 · answered by trueblond195 5 · 0 0

Just because he is an ex doesnt mean he dont still care. or maybe he wants to annoy you and if thats the case tell him to stop calling or your file harrasement charges against him,

2006-07-07 02:39:10 · answer #6 · answered by sweeetkisses2 3 · 0 0

Hun, i know how you feel.... well i think he's doing it because he wants to either get back together with you or make you feel what you felt back then...either way... A smart move would be to keep him out of your life. Let the past stay as the past and the future be better than the past!!!!

2006-07-07 02:39:54 · answer #7 · answered by youngtearscry 1 · 0 0

Do you want him to still call you? See with men when a relationship ends it isn't always that they do not love you anymore, sometimes it is their insecurities about themselves and they get too comfortable with someone, then need to feel good by other women wanting them. Many believe that is is a humans perpetual desire to desire something, then once we obtain it, we desire something else. Not that we don't still want what we first had.

2006-07-07 02:39:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you're ex- still calls you it's foe 2 reasons:1,he really loves you and regretts breaking up with you or :2, he is trying to get something out of you.

2006-07-07 02:40:14 · answer #9 · answered by ARTHUR M 1 · 0 0

Mine does the same thing...I think it is because he wants to make sure I am still around and still on friendly terms with him, just in case.

He probably wants to keep his options open and needs the security of knowing that you still care about him.

2006-07-07 02:45:43 · answer #10 · answered by Shannon C 1 · 0 0

He might still love you, he might have difficulty letting go, he might really want to be friends, or... (sorry) he might just want to keep you as an option (there are several meanings to the word "option," and all of these are possibilities).

2006-07-07 02:40:20 · answer #11 · answered by Bunny*Run 4 · 0 0

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